A Blessed Daughter

Chapter 616: Finale (1): Confrontation before the Soul

Chapter 616: Finale (1): Confrontation before the Soul

My father gave it to me before I left Beijing three years ago. Wei Jin also stated.

Before Wei Jin left Beijing three years ago, he had confessed to Emperor Daxing the truth about his feigning illness, as well as his plan and purpose.

Emperor Daxing did not blame him when he found out, and gave him this edict before he left.

At that time, Wei Jin had no idea of inheriting the throne, but Emperor Daxing still gave him the edict.

Emperor Daxing said that if he didnt want to use this thing, no one would know about it unless he took it out.

If there is a need to use it in the future, this edict can ensure that his name is justified.

Wei Jin also didnt feel much when he took this edict away. Looking back now, he understands Emperor Daxings good intentions.

Perhaps Emperor Daxing had already thought that he might not die well, and that there would be a prince who would be unfavorable to Prince Rui after usurping the throne.

Hearing this, King Yu's eyes showed a look of shock.

He obviously didnt understand why Emperor Daxing gave the edict to Prince Rui so early. Did his father know that Chu Yi could recover three years ago?

Or maybe he feels that even if Chu Yi is short-lived, he is still the best successor in his mind?

King Qin's face was very calm, as if he had known that something like this would happen, even though he had been the most valued prince by the emperor in the past two years.

After hearing Wei Jinyi's answer, Chu Lan was silent for a moment, then raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and then raised his hand. The **** brought a chair, and he sat on it, looking at it leisurely and leisurely. Wei Jin also and his ministers.

Chu Lan looked leisurely: "Edicts can be forged. Who knows if King Rui forged the edict to usurp the throne?"

Mr. Lu replied: "Fang Caichen has already checked it with Mr. Chief Assistant, Mr. Zhang, the Censor, and Mr. Zhang. The handwriting on the edict is indeed the late emperor's own handwriting, and there is no problem with the seal."

Chu Lan said: "You guys can't even say what you can do. Who knows if you guys have been bribed by my ninth brother to help him seize the throne?"

Old Mrs. Lu said: "If His Royal Highness King Jing does not trust the three of us, you can ask others to authenticate and see if this is written by Emperor Daxing himself!"

Chu Lan said: "What's so difficult about this? It's just that the forgery skills are more sophisticated, it's not trustworthy."

Chu Lan didn't care about anything else. He just insisted that the edict in Wei Jinyi's hand was fake, and no one could do anything to him.

Then Chu Lan asked the ministers behind Wei Jinyi: "This edict was brought back by King Rui from outside. Since the founding of our country, has there been any precedent of an emperor handing over the edict of succession to the prince to take away? How can such an edict be carried away? Seriously? Even if its true, its so unruly and useless.

Chu Lan's words shook everyone. It is indeed difficult to tell the authenticity of the succession edict brought back from outside the palace, and it is indeed not easy to believe it.

But there are still some ministers who have expressed their position and are willing to support Wei Jinyi, who has the Daxing Emperor's edict in hand.

This includes Xu Fengyuan and Zhao Xun, who are familiar with Wei Ruo.

Although their official positions in the court are not high, they have the firmest stance in the face of the unpredictable scenes in front of them.

Just when everyone was shaken by Chu Lan's words, Wei Jin also spoke again: "Then is the edict placed behind the plaque of Qianqing Palace credible?"

As Wei Jinyi spoke, everyone raised their heads and looked at the "Upright and Bright" plaque above.

Chu Lan's expression stiffened, and his eyes became colder to the naked eye.

Wei Jin also said: "There are two copies of Emperor Daxing's posthumous edict. The other one is placed behind this plaque. You can send someone to take it down now. The content is consistent with the one I have."

As long as the edict is taken down and read out in public, Chu Lan will have nothing to say. Mr. Lu immediately said: "Your Highness King Jing, can you please allow me to take down the plaque now?"

Chu Lan didn't answer and a low laugh came from his mouth, "It's still forgotten after all."

Old Mrs. Lu looked at Chu Lan and frowned: "His Royal Highness King Jing?"

Chu Lan stopped laughing and looked at Wei Jinyi with cold eyes full of sarcasm: "Ninth brother, I have to admit that I underestimated you and my father's love for you."

Then he looked at the ministers in the palace: "Even if the edict is true, I have only been on the throne for half a month. I really think that for this edict that came out of nowhere, I would hand over the palace to the hands of Prince Rui, who has never participated in government affairs." superior?"

The ministers were silent for a while, and their expressions were not consistent. Some seemed to support Chu Lan and some supported Wei Jinyi.

But at the moment, most of them still choose to wait and see what happens, and dare not speak out to express their position at will.

Their silence showed that even with the imperial edict in hand, Wei Jin could not win the support of most courtiers.

Only people like General Lu, Xu Fengyuan, and Zhao Xun firmly stated that they regard King Hurui as the legitimate heir to the throne.

Wei Jin also said at this time: "What if Chu Lan is still the murderer who hurt my father?"

These words shocked the officials and stunned them.

What? Did Emperor Daxing die at the hands of King Jing?

Everyone was so shocked that they were speechless, and there was silence in Qianqing Palace.

King Yu was the first to react. He rushed forward, pointed at Chu Lan and scolded: "You actually dare to plot to kill your father, how can you do such a thing that is worse than a pig or a dog?"

Chu Lan looked calm: "Ninth brother has really worked hard for this position, and actually fabricated such a terrible crime. Do you have any evidence that I plotted to kill my father? My father is lying in the Zi Palace behind me. You said he died of murder, but was there any injury on his body?"

If Emperor Daxing had any doubtful injuries on his body, they would have been discovered long ago, and he would never have been buried quietly like this.

Everyone immediately looked at Wei Jinyi. Mr. Lu asked Wei Jinyi: "Does His Highness Prince Rui have any evidence to prove what you just said?"

Wei Jin did not speak immediately.

When he didn't say anything, Chu Lan smiled and said: "It seems that these are just the speculations of the ninth brother. For such a big crime, the ninth brother dared to raise it in front of the courtiers based on his own speculation. The ninth brother is really too impatient. .

Under Chu Lans questioning, the officials suddenly became silent.

I have evidence.

Suddenly a clear female voice broke the silence in the hall.

Everyone turned around and saw Wei Ruo, dressed in filial piety, walking in from the back hall.

Seeing Wei Ruo appear, Chu Lan's eyes flashed with something strange.

Wei Ruo walked up to the crowd, stood in front of the altar, pointed at the Daxing Emperor Zi Gong behind him and said: "The emperor's body is the best evidence. He died of poisoning. Although his face is not visible, his internal organs are all intact." Damage can be seen at a glance.

Chu Lan looked at Wei Ruo, and his expression changed from the surprise when she first appeared to sneer: "Princess Rui is really bold and dares to damage Emperor Daxing's dragon body? Besides, what if Emperor Daxing's internal organs are damaged as you said? ? His body is ailing and he has been taking decoction for a long time, so it is normal for his organs to have abnormalities."

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