A Star Reborn: The Queen’s Return

Chapter 708 - Chaotic Horses

Chapter 708: Chaotic Horses

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

She gritted her teeth and restrained herself from being impulsive towards her child’s father.

While they waited for the staff to complete the formalities, she accompanied the child to move the sick pony into the stables. The new stables were spacious, bright and filled with the fragrance of hay. The pony seemed to like it very much and could not believe that such a beautiful stable was prepared for it. After walking around for a while, it chose a comfortable position to rest.

Shaohui stayed by its side and stroked its dry fur.

Xia Ling frowned slightly and could not help feeling that such a weak pony could die at any time. If it really died, her child would be devastated. She said to the staff, “Look for a doctor to check on it.”

Since someone was paying the fees, the staff did not say anything about how the treatment was too expensive and immediately asked the best veterinarian in the club to treat the pony. The veterinarian carefully observed the pony, gave it a shot and said to them, “It needs rest. You can’t ride it in the near future, but you can take it out for walks.”

Shaohui sensibly nodded.

Xia Ling said, “Let’s go. We should eat lunch now.”

Shaohui waved at the pony. “Goodbye. I will come back in the afternoon to see you.” He reluctantly bade it farewell.

The family of three went on their way and slowly walked towards the area where the VIPs stayed. Many fine leaves were scattered on the road. The unique coolness of autumn really made people feel better.

The small child started to sing a song out of tune.

Li Lei was also very happy and sang with the child.

Xia Ling felt thoroughly unwell. They were really father and son, even their singing voices were almost the same. She couldn’t help but imagine how Wei Shaoyin, who had OCD, would react if he heard them. He would definitely lock them in the studio for 10,000 years until their notes were corrected and matched the score.

“Sing with us, mom.” Shaohui was still not satisfied and pulled Xia Ling’s hand.

Xia Ling was a little arrogant. “No. You two sing too badly.”

Li Lei smiled proudly. “The child resembles me.” Although Shaohui’s physical appearance resembled Xia Ling more, his personality and talents were more like Li Lei’s. This made him very proud and treasure his son even more.

However, Xia Ling was speechless. How was singing off-key something to be proud of?

“Shameless.” She chided.

Li Lei was not affected at all. “It’s great that he’s like me. When he grows up, he will be handsome and good-mannered.”

Xia Ling slightly raised the corner of her lips. Yes, he was her warm sunshine and their child would also be a small sun. Her world was bright because of them.

Li Lei snuck a glance at her smile. He slowly approached her and gently held her hand.

Xia Ling’s originally light feelings suddenly stiffened. She was not used to this and struggled a little. However, Li Lei did not let her go and she let him hold her hand, although uncomfortably.

“Xiao Ling.” Li Lei said, “I love you.”

She did not expect him to say this sort of thing in front of her child. Her face was slightly heated and she turned away awkwardly. However, the child looked ignorant and continued to skip and sing an off-pitch song.

Green hills and blue waters.

The staff member who had finalized the paperwork for the pony looked at them from afar in a forest. Seeing them this way, he shook his head and said to himself, “They’re really like a family.”

The three of them strolled back to their accommodation and had a hearty lunch.

After the meal, Xia Ling went back to her room to take a nap while Li Lei sat beside her bed to accompany her.

Shaohui felt very energetic and could not sit still, so he left his parents and went out to play by himself.

He missed the pony, so he ran back to the stables to see it. He realized that its condition was much better, probably because it received a shot. Its initially lifeless eyes had more color. When it saw the child, it bowed its head affectionately and licked the child’s hand.

Horses understood humans. Even the most inferior horse like it understood who to be grateful towards.

When he saw that it was much more lively, Shaohui was very happy and said, “How about I bring you out to play?” As he spoke, he raised his chubby and small hands. He tiptoped to untie the reins and took the pony out.

The afternoon sun was shining, and the child and pony walked on the green grass near the forest.

As the child walked, he spoke to the pony. “Pony, I’m very happy today. After seeing my dad and mom so happy together, I really hope that it can be like this forever…”

He spoke for a long time and the pony tilted its head slightly as if it understood.

The child skipped on the grass.

Suddenly, a herd of horses rushed out from the woods not far away.

Riding them were a few young children. They were very noisy as they approached Shaohui.

“Hey, there’s someone!” A child exclaimed. When he saw Shaohui and his pony, he quickly tried to pull his horse’s reins to make a sudden break.

Their speed was very fast. At that moment, the whole group of horses were frightened and became confused.

A runaway pony charged towards Shaohui and the boy riding it was ashen with fear. He screamed, “Move away!”

Their screams merged into one sound.

At this time, Shaohui finally turned around and saw the chaotic mess of horses.

He saw that the runaway horse was about to charge at him and, although it was not a big horse, he knew that the horse’s momentum should not be taken lightly. If he were hit, he might die!

At the crucial moment, Shaohui’s pony did its best to push him a few steps away. Shaohui stumbled and fell on to the ground. When he looked up, he saw that the other party’s horse had knocked his weak pony to the ground with a powerful impact!

“Pony!” Shaohui panicked and shouted. He stood up from the ground, ignored the dirt on himself and ran towards his pony.

Suddenly, there was a strong pull on the back collar of his clothes.

Shaohui struggled a little and turned back to glare at the person who stopped him. “I want to see my pony!”

The person who was grabbing his clothes was a large child. He sneered. “Do you want to die?! Can’t you see that it’s a mess there?” As they talked, another frightened horse charged towards them.

The older child reacted quickly and pulled Shaohui a few steps away to evade that horse.

The child on the horse was screaming, and many other children fell down from their horses. The scene was really chaotic.

The older child took Shaohui to a safe zone under a tree and went to save the children.

Shaohui was not willing to stay in the safe zone. Without thinking, he rushed back into the chaotic scene to save his pony. His pony was hit by a crazy horse because it wanted to protect him. How could he leave him behind with the out-of-control horses to die?! In such a chaotic situation, it would be helpless after any horse collided with it!

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