Adopted Soldier

Chapter 166

Chapter 166

When Emily said that they should have a sleepover, the group had different reactions . Alex was as usual showing no change in his stoic expression, but in his mind he was wondering what Emily was planning by doing this .

Rachel on the other hand, had a lot of experience with people like Emily . So she simply sighed already accepting whatever will happen, it was no use no matter how much she complains . Her mother would most probably allow this as well .

Evangeline on the other hand was thanking Emily in her mind for this opportunity . Though she was really worried about Rachel, she still wanted to somehow use this chance to get close to Alex .

Oliver was getting excited as well . This was going to be his first time having a sleepover with his friends . He always wanted to do this, but one needed friends first . So now that he has some friends this experience was making him feel happy .

Kei was confused by all of this, he thought that everyone already decided to have a sleepover . He wasn't expecting that Emily was the only one who decided everything . In his mind Emily was dangerous, among all the members of the Mercenary Club Emily was the most dangerous .

It was at this moment that Kei decided to study Emily and gain a bunch of information about her . He wasn't sure what other plans Emily had in store for them, but it was better if one of them was prepared for her shenanigans .

"What are you guys staring at, let's all go inside . " Emily who was walking ahead looked at the dumbfounded group . Looking at the cheerful Emily walking ahead, the group could only follow behind her . Once they were inside the dojo, Emily faced Rachel and asked .

"So where do we stay Rachel?" Rachel could only sigh at the upbeat Emily . As usual she just did whatever she wanted, and it's not like what she wanted to do was bad or anything .

"Hmm, we don't have that much extra rooms . . . I guess, since this is a sleepover we should be sleeping together . We can all sleep here in the dojo . I'll get some futons and place them here . "

Rachel went inside her house, alongside Alex and Oliver who helped her bring the futons and pillows .

. . .

When they were done setting up the futons . The six of them picked their spot . The three girls were placed together at the other side of the dojo, while the three boys were also placed together in the other end of the dojo .

Once they were done fixing the futons, the six of them sat in the middle of the dojo forming a circle .

"Okay now that we are done picking where to sleep . Let's start the real sleepover!" Emily happily spoke to the group .

"What else do you need to do in a sleepover? Doesn't being in a sleepover, just mean going to sleep?" Alex didn't know what a sleepover entailed, but based on the name it just sounded like some people would go to another persons house and sleep there .

"No, no, no Alex, sleepovers aren't about going to sleep . Quite the opposite it's about not going to sleep . " Alex hearing this got even more confused .

'It isn't about going to sleep, but instead about not going to sleep . . . Then why call it a sleepover?'

While Alex was trying to figure out, why someone would name this kind of event a sleepover, even though it wasn't about sleeping; Oliver spoke to the overly excited Emily, as he himself was also excited .

"So my comrade Emily what are we going to do first?"

"Glad you asked comrade Oliver . First thing will do is play truth or dare . " When the others heard what game they will play first, they weren't that surprised . Based on Emily's personality something like truth or dare, or the king's game was going to be her top picks .

Alex on the other hand had no knowledge about gaming, aside from video games, so he needed to ask . "What's truth or dare?"

No one was surprised to hear Alex ask this question . So Emily being something like the host, answered him .

"Truth or dare is a game played with multiple people, preferably with more than three people . The rules of the game are fairly simply . We spin this bottle, I got here . " Out of nowhere Emily showed an empty bottle of wine and placed it in the middle of the circle .

"Then whoever is facing the open end of the bottle after it's finish spinning has to take up a task . The player who was chosen would need to pick between truth or dare . If the player chooses Truth, the other players can ask him or her any question about his/her life, relationships, past experience or any other random question . The chosen player should answer honestly without telling a lie . "

When Alex heard this part of the rules, he couldn't help but think that this was dangerous . Unaware of Alex's dilemma Emily continued explaining the rules of the game .

"If someone from the group realizes the chosen player is lying, the chosen player gets a penalty . Next if the chosen player chooses dare, the group that weren't chosen will discuss amongst each other what they would make the chosen player do . It might be anything from dancing, singing or anything that the chosen player is physically able to do . That's all the rules do you understand Alex?"

Emily who was done explaining the rules, had a little grin on her face . She didn't explain all the rules properly . Like the chosen player can decide not to do a dare, and ask for new one, or she didn't explain about double daring, and other such things .

The others didn't notice her not explaining some of the rules, all except Rachel who had been wondering why Emily omitted some parts of the rules . Well it wasn't too much, and removing those rules wont really affect the game, so Rachel decided not to be bothered by it too much .

After thinking for a bit Alex answered Emily . "I understand . "

"Well then . . . Let's begin the game shall we, or does anyone have anything else to say?" Emily looked at the others, who didn't say anything .

"Nothing else? Okay then, let the game begin . " Emily spun the bottle, where it stops nobody knows .

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