Adopted Soldier

Chapter 168

Chapter 168

The moment the bottle spun, the first one it pointed to was Evangeline . It was quite a shock to see that she was the first one to be picked . Usually her luck was quite good, so this was a real surprise to even Evangeline herself .

"Eva, truth or dare?" Eva hearing Emily ask the question, was awoken from her daze . She then started thinking about which one to pick . Seeing that it was taking Evangeline quite some time to decide Rachel spoke to Emily .

"Hey Emi, why don't we add a time limit, so that all of us can have a turn . " Hearing what Rachel said Evangeline who was thinking looked at her with a little glare, but that only lasted for a moment .

"Okay then, how about if one doesn't decide after the count of ten . The choice will automatically become a dare . Any objections?"

"None . " All the others even Evangeline agree with this new rule .

"So the timer starts now, one, two . "

"I pick truth . " When the others heard this they started a discussion on what to ask Evangeline .

"So what do we ask her?"

"I want to know how she and Alex met . " Rachel gave her suggestion of what to ask .

"Hmm, I'm more interested on asking her what she feels about Alex . " Emily gave her opinion .

"I just want to know how much is the overall budget for all the clubs . " Kei who was usually the last to speak up, spoke his thoughts .

"I will abide to whatever you guys want to ask . " Alex didn't care what question was asked . Evangeline who heard this felt a bit pained . Now that everyone gave their opinion it all depends on what Oliver decides .

"Actually I'm also quite interested in hearing how Alex and Evangeline met as well . " Oliver felt that among the three questions, asking Evangeline how she felt about Alex, was forcing it . On the other hand the question about how Alex and Evangeline met each other seem quite interesting, and it wont really hurt anyone if they knew .

"Okay then it's settled, Eva can you please tell us how you and Alex first met . " Alex was also quite interested by this question . He had no idea when he and Evangeline first met, but he was sure that she should've met him before .

It was at that moment when that thought came to Alex, he started to panic a bit on the inside . It was highly likely that Alex and Evangeline had met in one of his missions . So if Evangeline tells the truth, wont he be exposed .

Evangeline was also aware of this, it was obvious that Alex wants to keep the secrets of his past to himself . So she looked at Alex, who also looked at her . The others also noticed that sudden look between the two, which garnered a bunch of different reactions .

Emily who was aware of everything decided not to say anything . She simply decided that she would just help Alex out if need be . Though she likes having fun, she didn't like doing things that might go beyond her control, thus making a situation that was bad for everyone . She also felt that at Rachel's current state if she learned the truth about Alex, she might get broken .

Rachel who saw the look Alex was giving Evangeline felt like it was a look of worry . Though Alex still retained his stoic look, Rachel could somehow, sometimes, see pass through that expressionless face of his . Right now she was pretty sure that Alex was a bit worried . Was his meeting with Evangeline such a secret that it would warrant him to feel anxious?

Oliver had also noticed the look between the two, but it wasn't the same feeling he got when Rachel and Alex looked at each other . It was like they were hiding something, which made Oliver even more curious about the meeting between the two .

Kei also had some thoughts about that look shared by the two, among all the members of the club, Alex seems to be like the center of the club . Alex had different kinds of relationship with all the members of the club, well except for Kei, who he has never talked to before . Still Kei was curious to what kind of relationship, Alex and Evangeline shared . At first he thought that maybe Rachel and Alex were an item, but he found out quite fast that they weren't like that . . . Yet .

Evangeline also had her own thoughts about that look Alex was showing her . 'Did Alex finally remember our first meeting? That might be it, that's why he is looking at me like that . I'm sure he doesn't want other people to find out what he was doing in the past . Don't worry Alex, this will be our little secret . '

Evangeline had quickly thought of a story she could tell the others . "You see me and Alex met years ago in a social gathering of all the powerful families in Berdonia . That being the first time I've been to such an event, I felt a bit nervous . Alex with his usual calm self approached me, and helped me on that day . That's pretty much it, boring right?"

When the others heard Evangeline's explanation of her and Alex's first meeting they felt a bit disappointed . It was a more normal meeting than they anticipated . Though some of them, specifically Rachel and Kei felt like the information given by Evangeline was false . Still because they had no proof showing that she was lying they had to accept her explanation .

"Okay then, let's see who's next . " So that the others wont ask anymore questions about this topic Emily begun to spin the bottle again .

The bottle spun and spun until finally it stopped in front of Kei . Everyone except for Alex felt relieved to see that they weren't picked .

"So Kei, Truth or Dare?"

"Truth . " Kei who wasn't sure what kind of things this people will make him do if he chose dare, decided that picking truth was the safest bet .

Hearing how decisive Kei was, everyone was shocked even Emily was surprise by this sudden confidence boost of Kei . It was only Alex who remained as is .

It took awhile before the others got over the shock and started to discuss what to ask him . Unlike with Evangeline the group had a unanimous decision on this question .

"How much information do you have on all the students in our school?" Evangeline was the one who asked Kei .

"All the students in our school . . . I have most of the information on all the students in school . The only ones I have an incomplete file on, are the members of the Mercenary Club, the adviser Lyner, the student council president Evangeline Kain, and third school beauty Azura Miaz . Even among everyone in the whole school, she remains the most mysterious . Even Alex I have a some information on, but Azura I have zero info except for her name . I don't even know what she looks like, actually most of the students have never seen her face, not even the teachers . So that begs the question how come she was considered one of the three beauties, If no one has ever seen her face, who decided that? The only ones I know form the school that could possibly have seen her face is, the student council president Evangeline Kain, and the Principal . "

Kei's answer went beyond what he was suppose to answer, but no one complained . Still now they have a new question in mind, who was Azura Miaz? The others then looked at Evangeline who could only sigh before speaking .

"I'm sorry to say this, but even I have no idea who Azura Miaz is . I even got someone to investigate her, because I was worried about her, she has a worse attendance rate than Emily . Yet unlike Emily, Azura has never been recorded attending school . Unfortunately the guy I sent to investigate came back with nothing . I even asked the school principal about her, but no matter how nicely I ask, using ever mean available the principal wont speak . "

Hearing Evangeline's explanation gave them no answers, only more questions . Who was Azura Miaz? Even Alex at this point had noted to himself to ask some of the maids to investigate this mysterious student . She might be a spy of some sorts, but I good spy wont do something like this that draws attention to her .

Emily was also interested in this Azura Miaz, but for a different reason than Alex . She was curious about what Azura looks like . If she was considered part of the three beauties then she should at least be in the same level of Rachel and Evangeline, someone that beautiful would certainly gather attention . Yet Emily who usually looks at security footages in the city has never seen someone like that .

Oliver has always been curious about this things . He was already planning for this to be the club's next activity once their done helping the Drama Club . He wanted to solve the mystery of who was Azura Miaz .

Kei on the other hand after hearing Evangeline's explanation had acquired new information . He started to type on his phone and sent himself an email . He finally found a lead on Azura Miaz . Still Kei wasn't that confident anymore to find out who Azura Miaz was . Since even the professional Evangeline hired wasn't able to find anything out, then what more can he do . Nevertheless Kei decided to try his luck, and see if he might get lucky and gain more information on Azura Miaz .

While everyone was still thinking about who Azura Miaz was, Rachel who wasn't really that interested on the topic, spun the bottle, and this time when it stopped spinning it was pointing at Alex .

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