Adopted Soldier

Chapter 194

Chapter 194: 194

Lyner suddenly moved faster than the eye could see, he charged at Matthew trying to hit him . Yet before he could reach his target he dodged, as a bullet pass by him . Alex who was expecting Lyner to attack Matthew shot blindly behind Matthew's back . He wasn't able to see how Lyner moved, but the moment he felt Lyner's intense killing intent coming close, Alex just shot randomly behind Matthew .

It was a lucky shot, but it gave them the time they needed to do the next step . They now know that Lyner stopped his mind games, and was now going on the attack . Alex and Matthew looked at each other when Alex suddenly started blinking . That was the signal to initiate the plan .

Matthew suddenly went into his pseudo RELEASE state and started to run faster, deeper into the mountains . Alex also went into his own RELEASE state ready to face Lyner .

Alex knew that this time it would be different from the last time they fought . The Lyner he was facing now was in a totally different league from the Lyner he fought a month ago . This was the true form of the SS rank merc . An incredible speed that the eye couldn't follow, amazing reflexes that could dodge any and all attacks, he even had the senses of a wild animal . Not to mention the overwhelming pressure of his killing intent, that could suffocate a normal person .

This was the monster Alex was facing, but even in this situation, Alex remained ever calm . He had simulated a bunch of scenarios in his head if he ever needed to face the strongest merc of Berdonia . First, he needed to see how much of a difference they had in terms of overall performance .

Alex who was in his strongest state jumped up to the branch were Lyner was going to jump to . He intercepted Lyner who wasn't focusing on him . Alex knew that Lyner's priority right now was to capture Matthew and play with him . Based on Alex's understanding of Lyner, the merc that loved to battle was at times intelligent and wise, but when he is agitated or excited, he was prone to follow his wild instincts .

So even though Lyner most probably knew it would be better to deal with Alex first, his irritation of Matthew would shine through . So he would try to bypass Alex and head straight to Matthew . Knowing all this Alex was sure Lyner would be a bit impatient since he wanted to chase Matthew .

Alex who was now on a branch on the same height as Lyner started shooting with his M1911 pistol . Lyner who saw Alex shooting at him continued to move forward, Alex's shooting was very accurate, which made them very predictable . Lyner easily dodges all the bullets while moving forward .

Seeing Lyner so close to him now, Alex initiated a melee, but before he could strike, Lyner took hold of Alex's collar and swung him downwards . Alex who landed safely on the ground was about to jump back up but was stopped for a second . There was a knife pierced onto the ground that had caught onto Alex's pants .

Alex didn't even notice Lyner threw a knife at him, he was like a magician with his use of misdirection . With that moment delay, Lyner was able to successfully bypass Alex . This was still within Alex's expectations . After removing the knife that stuck to his pants Alex followed Lyner .

. . .

Matthew who has an overwhelming head start running was now in his normal state . It was like Lyner pointed out he couldn't stay in that pseudo RELEASE state for a prolonged period of time . Still, he was running at full speed and Alex was delaying Lyner so with this he might not need to do what Alex said he needed to do .

As Matthew was feeling a bit comfortable, he suddenly felt an intense suffocating bloodlust . He knew immediately who it was . He couldn't believe that Lyner was able to follow after him so fast .

Matthew didn't want to do phase two of the plan, he wanted to do anything else but that . Still, he knew that Alex's plan was the best bet he has to win this game . Matthew gritted his teeth and lay on the on the ground in a turtle position . His hands were covering his face, and his legs covering his body . He hardened his body to the utmost waiting for Lyner to attack him .

Lyner who saw what Matthew did knew that the arrogant kid wasn't the one who decided he wanted to do that . It was obviously a ploy by Alex to waste his time, but Lyner didn't care . He wanted to beat up the snot-nosed brat that called him a coward .

So without hesitation, Lyner kicked Matthew at full strength . Matthew who weighed ninety-eight kilos flew three meters away hitting a nearby tree . The tree hit his back pretty hard but Matthew still remained in his turtle position hardening his defense even more . Lyner, on the other hand, continued kicking him . After a few more kicks Matthew's hands were beginning to turn numb, but still, he persevered . He gritted his teeth and continued to defend himself . Lyner getting bored of kicking Matthew around, dug his left foot onto the ground and scooped Matthew up, he then kicked upward, making Matthew fly up a few feet of the ground . Lyner then followed that move with an axe kick, with that kick plus gravity Matthew who hit the ground finally opened up his defense vomiting blood .

When Lyner was about to pick up the now defenseless Matthew he sensed danger and jumped backward . He then heard a gunshot, and saw Matthew was holding Alex's desert eagle .

"You could even evade that . . . You really are . . . as strong as master . " Matthew who stopped vomiting blood spoke as he slowly stood up . He saw from a distance Alex's signal telling him the plan was heading to phase three .

Lyner who saw that Matthew was ready to fight felt like something was going to happen . At this moment Lyner who was angry felt a bit excited . His blood started to boil as his fighting spirit rose . Even though it was soft, Lyner could hear Alex was right behind him . He looked at his watch and saw there were only three minutes left before the game ends .

Matthew was pointing his gun at him, and Alex was most probably hiding behind him pointing his gun as well . Two of the strongest of the younger generation were about to face him, and the time limit of the game was nearing, with all these conditions Lyner couldn't help but smile his ever vicious smile .

At this point, Lyner completely stopped being angry and immersed himself in the fight . He didn't wait for the two young ones to attack as he initiated his own assault . He charged at the already weakened Matthew, who tried shooting at him, Alex at the back also started shooting at him .

Lyner twisted his body evading the predictable shots of the accurate shooters and threw a knife at the position he guessed Alex was at . Afterward, he continued sprinting towards Matthew who went into his pseudo RELEASE state while continuing to fire at Lyner .

The SS rank merc used the trees as cover as he continued onward to Matthew who was backing away as he wasted bullets . Lyner then did a sidestep as Alex who was in his RELEASE state did a flying kick . Once Alex missed him Lyner was about to tackle Alex but was unable to since Matthew provided cover fire .

Lyner without even looking threw a knife at Matthew's way as he lowered his stance to evade the incoming bullet . Alex and Matthew were really trying to kill Lyner because they wouldn't win if they didn't .

Matthew stopped firing since he only had three bullets left, instead, he lunged at Lyner trying to start a melee, while Alex who still has bullets provided cover fire .

The two young boys even without practicing were somehow in total synchronization with each other, but even with that, as well as the advantage of numbers and equipment they were still losing ground .

Lyner who was having so much fun fighting noticed that there was but a minute left before the game was over . Sighing Lyner was finally ready to take this seriously . Noticing the change happening to Lyner the two rivals knew that this last minute will be the hardest to overcome .

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