Adopted Soldier

Chapter 203

Chapter 203

It has been two days since Rachel started living with Alex . A lot of things have happened during that period . Emily was forced to leave the mansion and stay at an apartment near the school . Sayaka who found out about it couldn't help but tell the others about the news .

When the others heard the news about Rachel staying in Alex's place, they all wanted to visit . Evangeline was also overwhelmed by the news and without even thinking told Alex that she should stay with him too .

The reason she gave was pretty out there . She said that Rachel would feel out of place in such an environment . Being with someone familiar might calm her down . Of course, Alex didn't suspect anything and allowed Evangeline to stay with them .

Her room was beside Rachel's . When Rachel heard that she felt irritated at the same time relieved .

. . .

During those two days, Niel was teaching Evangeline the basics of self-defense . Nothing to extreme just some tricks that she could use just in case of an emergency . She was a really talented student when her physical strength increases Niel thought he might be able to teach some of Lyner's moves .

He needed to ask first if he could teach others his techniques . Niel then tried to imagine his teacher in front of him, when he asked the question .

"Huh? Why the hell are you asking me for? If you want to teach someone then teach . I don't care if someone else knows my moves or not . Hell if you think about it, it would be better if the opponent does know my moves . That would make it an even more thrilling fight!"

Niel could even imagine Lyner showing that vicious overconfident grin of his .

'Maybe I'm overthinking it, if Eva's done with physical training I bet she can handle some of Sir Lyner's moves . '

. . . .

Alex during the past two days was waiting for the backup he needed to protect Rachel, but he never came . He was a bit worried since he lost contact with that particular instructor . It happened yesterday when he said that he would get to the mansion at exactly 0600 hours . Yet he never came, that particular instructor was always on time .

He was even on time to a meeting after sustaining heavy damage . Alex was worried, very worried . First, his dad went on a trip, which most probably was a mission . Next someone tried to kidnap Niel and his little sister . Then Rachel suddenly has a bounty on her head . Now his instructor has gone missing .

What was going on? Alex didn't know but it was pretty obvious something big was about to happen . So he ordered some of the maids and butlers to search for the missing instructor . He even let the Harimas accompany them .

It has been a few days since they started training, and Alex thought that their skill has become adequate enough to handle their first mission . They didn't show it on their faces, since know they had almost the exact same poker face as Alex, but their eyes were practically sparkling with anticipation .

'I won't be able to train properly if I can't leave Rachel's side . . . I guess I should do the best I can with what I'm given . The battlefield does not care for one's time or circumstances . It will deliver death equally no matter the status . To think I almost complained about this . . . I guess I am becoming something different . . . '

. . .

While Alex was planning what to do next, Oliver and Sayaka were on the mountain house were Ken lives . The two were now on what they called a training date . Sayaka decided to learn a bit of swordsmanship from Ken, who was happy enough to teach her .

Ken was pretty impressed by Sayaka's talent, but he more impressed by Oliver's improvement . Ken didn't what happened to Oliver, but his recent improvement was a bit scary . His movements were much sharper and fluent than before . It was like he was combining Ken's swordsmanship with something else .

Of course, Ken didn't tell him to stop, since he always believed that everyone had a different way of understanding the sword . Like how Ryu and Alex, treat the sword as a tool for efficient killing . While Ken treated it as his parent and teacher . So he was really quite excited to see what kind of understanding Oliver was having in the way of the sword .

. . .

As everyone was doing their own thing, another person from the mercenary club was waiting at the founder's statue . This was none other than Kei who was waiting nervously for Emily . Until now he still couldn't understand what Emily wanted from him .

He knew Emily was a person who likes to have fun and likes to prank people . So maybe this was one of her pranks . . . While Kei was convincing himself of that he heard a voice from behind .

"Did you wait long?"

Surprised Kei jumped backward and looked at where the voice came from . It was Emily who was wearing a pretty white sundress . This was a surprise since Kei was expecting her to wear a goth lolita type dress or even something like cosplay . Kei who was so surprised at Emily's choice of what to wear made him stare at her unknowingly .

"Can you please stop that, it's pretty embarrassing . " Emily blushed under Kei's staring . Of course, this was all an act that Emily saw in a manga once . Kei who couldn't see beyond the acting blush as well .

"I'm sorry about that . It's just that the dress you're wearing looks good on you . " Kei unconsciously spoke, it took him quite some time to register in his mind what he just said, but when it did Kei's face turned red as an apple .

Emily who saw this found it quite cute and giggled . This was not an act since she found Kei really amusing .

"Thank you . So Kei did you wait long?"

"No, I just got here . " Emily found it funny that Kei was answering like a protagonist from a manga .

"Well then let's get going . " Emily forcefully hugged Kei's right arm and pulled him forward . This was how Emily and Kei's first date started .

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