Adopted Soldier

Chapter 219

Chapter 219

Specter entered the secret entrance he found and saw a switch on the side . Since it was dark and the switch was near the entrance Specter assumed that the switch was for the lights and flipped it . As he expected it turned on the lights, but it had another effect aside from that . The switched shut the entrance, making it impossible to exit from where he came from .

Specter decided to see if he could break the entrance apart, but with the lights on he saw that the backside of the closet wasn't really made of wood, it was made of heavily fortified metal . He then tried flipping the switch again on and off but it did nothing, not even turning the lights off . Specter seeing this knew that the exit or a switch to open up the entrance was waiting for him deeper in .

While he was walking Specter started to feel uncomfortable, how come when he opened the door the lights were off . If Margie and Phil were here then shouldn't they already have turned on the lights, or does the lights automatically switch off after a certain period of time . . . Specter who was thinking to deeply about this decided not to sweat the small stuff and continued on .

The staircase led to an area that looked like an elevator . There was a lock of some sort and it required a passcode and ID to operate . Specter didn't bother with this and tried to use his nano machines to bypass the lock . Yet to his surprise the moment his nano machines touched the lock they cease to function .

Specter clicked his tongue a bit irritated at himself, since it was obvious that those two would be prepared for something like nano machines seeing as they were the one who started that project . Specter had no other choice but to force his way in . He was sure that at this point the two traitors were already aware of his existence and that he had infiltrated their house .

Specter broke the elevator door, and immediately jumped down . Specter who was now falling felt that it was taking too long . He wasn't expecting the trip downward to be so deep, so the moment he felt a bit uncomfortable he grabbed hold on a nearby ledge and slowly descended .

After a few seconds of climbing down Specter finally hit the bottom floor .

"Those crazy scientist, what the hell are they thinking making their secret base so deep underground . " After voicing out his complaints Specter continued forward . While walking Specter noticed that the underground base built by the two traitors was eerily similar to the base for the shadow mercenaries .

It was possible that the two traitors created a familiar environment to work in . Still why recreate the shadow mercenary base that calls them traitors .

"Oh, isn't that Raphael . It's been a long time hasn't it . " Specter backed away surprised that someone actually said his real name, and as he looked around he saw the two people he was looking for . It was none other than Phil and Margie who seem to be carrying some boxes .

Phil was a tall clean looking man with a perpetual smile, for people that know him, the moment that smile widens they knew that they will experience the most frightening moment of their lives . Since Phil widening his smile means that he is getting angry . Margie was the same with showing her never changing smile . She was a beautiful maiden with long blond hair, if you look at her she would seem to be in her early twenties but in truth she was already nearing her fifties . Yet the moment you talk about her age is the moment you die .

Specter who was surprised by the sudden appearance of the two who were carrying boxes, decided to attack the traitors to catch them of guard . Yet the moment he activated his nano machines, Phil took out something that looked like a T . V remote, pointed it at him and pressed something deactivating Specter's nano machines .

Specter who uses the nano machines as his clothes, was now butt naked . Phil then tosses him some spare clothes, expecting this outcome .

"Wear that . "

"Why should I?" Specter didn't even bother to catch the tossed clothes, since he didn't want to wear something a traitor gives him .

"Suit yourself it doesn't really matter to us if your naked or not . " Phil simply shrugged his shoulder as he answered Specter . Learning that he was in the palm of his enemies hands made Specter angry . He arrogantly thought that no matter what happens he could overpower the two scientist . He was also fairly confident in the nano machines he was using . Since Phil and Margie gave up on the project he thought that they had no way to do what they just did, yet here he was butt naked, and about to wear the clothes handed to him by the enemy .

Specter wanted to attack, but his instincts were telling him the moment he attacks he would be killed instantly . He was now regretting his decision of going in gung-ho .

While Specter changes, Phil and Margie proceeded to sit on a sofa . "Come on now Raphael, sit . " Specter did as he was told since he had no choice .

"How about some tea, while we talk . "

"I don't want your tea! I want answers!"

"Sure you do . Of course you're coming here for some answers regarding James right? Well you were kinda like his best friend back in the Shadow Mercenaries . Knowing your best friend that you thought was dead being actually alive is indeed very shocking . Still it's better to have some tea while I tell the story don't you think?"

Phil who was talking in a calm manner smiled a bit wider . When Specter saw this, he gulped dryly and nodded his head .

"Oh, it's good that you've come around . Margie please brew some tea for our little friend . " Margie nodded in response, stood up from her seat and headed to the kitchen .

"Before I explain things about James . I want you to know that he's called Oliver now . "

"I already know that . I've been following him since yesterday . "

"I see . . . Another thing before we start . Who is the current leader? Is it still Gabriel?"

"No the leader has changed, it's now Hektor . " Hearing Specter's response Phil's smiling face twitched a little .

"I see, so he really did take over . . . What happened to Gabriel . " Even though Phil already knew the answer, he still asked just in case he was wrong .

"Has it been that long, that you have forgotten how we change leaders? . . . He died, to be more precise he was killed, in one on one against Hektor . "

"Thank you for telling me . " Phil answered with his usual smile, but Specter noticed that Phil looked a bit sorrowful .

Phil already knew the customs of the Shadow Mercenaries . Anyone in their ranks can be appointed leader, and all you need to do to take over the job is kill the person who is currently leader . This must be done under the watchful eye of all the members present .

"Do you have anymore questions or are you going to finally start explaining things to me?"

"Very well, let's begin at the time of the supposed demise of James . "

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