Adopted Soldier

Chapter 251

Chapter 251

As the members of the Mercenary Club were in a crisis, the adviser of the Mercenary club Lyner was currently at the border of the Souther Union and Berdonia . Lyner and Anita who were recently just married, was standing in front of the Border . On a side note during their marriage ceremony, no one was there as they got hitched, and the government only approved because of the masses wanted it to happen . The civilians were starting to get a bit aggressive, and in the end the people on top decided that having the two married had some benefits, while keeping them separated has too many demerits .

Now the problem was getting back to Berdonia . Lyner who was going to have his honeymoon in the Southern Union had gained info that there was an attack happening in Cromer City . Not only in Cromer City was under attack, but in most of the cities within a hundred miles near the border of the Granado Empire was being attacked .

Not only that, the current Emperor of the Granado Empire, for some reason decided today was the day to declare all out war against Berdonia! The sudden attack caught Berdonia by surprise, and had difficulty fighting back . Heck the Empire didn't even follow the international law of war, claiming that they were in Berdonia to punish there unfaithful servants . This statement that they broadcasted internationally made Lyner very angry .

. . .

Lyner decided that he needed to return to Cromer city immediately, so he asked his wife Anita to stay behind . Yet of course Anita didn't want to leave Lyner and decided to come with him . Now that they were in front of the border, the soldiers of the Southern Union were blocking Lyner and Anita's path .

The soldiers didn't want to make Anita go to the currently dangerous Berdonia . Lyner on the other hand was being told by some of the Berdonian soldiers, that he needed to head to the Capital .

Lyner being the last line of defense of Berdonia, needed to be on standby, since making use of him right at the start wasn't a good thing . So he was ordered to head to the capital and for now function as the President's bodyguard .

Lyner didn't like this order, his country was being attacked and he was ordered to do nothing . Why does he need to protect the president? Wasn't it better to go and protect the citizens instead? This didn't make sense to Lyner .

"Sir Lyner, we cannot allow you to do what you want . Please understand, this is what needs to be done to win this war . " The soldiers from Berdonia begged Lyner . The battalion of soldiers, knew that they couldn't stop Lyner . They were simply here to escort him, so they wanted to plead to him not to do anything . They did this, since if Lyner decided to leave them behind there was nothing they could do .

"Saintess Anita, I understand that you want to be with your husband, but you are the treasure of the Southern Union . We're sure even your husband Sir Lyner would want you to stay here in a safe location . Instead we will be the ones to go with Sir Lyner making sure that he will be okay . "

The husband and wife didn't like where this was going, and the first to counter was of course the SS rank merc Lyner .

"I don't give a sh*t what you guys think . Every second you waste my time here, is a second more that I couldn't protect the people of our country . The f*ck you telling me? Go to the capital and hide like a coward, waiting for the enemy who has already kicked the door open and is about to burn the house! You want me to abandon my students! To hell with orders! All the privileges those sh*theads at the top gave me, they can have it back and shove it up their a*ses . I'll do what I want, and if you guys really want to protect our country and its people you would follow me, instead of blocking my path!"

When the soldiers heard what Lyner said, something within them resonated with Lyner's speech . It was true that they were soldiers, and soldiers needed to follow orders . But it was also true that soldiers were made to protect the fatherland and its people . It didn't matter anymore, orders be damned! The battalion of soldiers then formed up and saluted Lyner, the leader of the group stepped forward .

"The sixty-eight battalion will now follow your lead Sir Lyner . " Seeing this made Lyner smile a very vicious smile .

"Now that's what I'm talking about! Follow me men, and let us protect the fatherland! The people and their futures! Let us head towards our deaths and achieve everlasting glory!"

"SIR YES SIR!" The thundering response of the soldiers of Berdonia echoed throughout the border . Seeing that Lyner had convinced the people on his side, Anita wanted to speed thins up on her side . Unfortunately she was having difficulty convincing the people on her side .

"Sorry Saintess Anita, but no matter what you say, we cannot let you go . " Anita bit her lower lip until it bled .

"So you're telling me to hide here, while my husband goes out to war!? Let me remind you that I'm a more capable combatant than most of you . " Anita started to scold the soldiers with an angry look, but still the soldiers stood firm .

"Even so, we cannot let you go . " Anita was now considering to simply use force on these soldiers, when someone suddenly got between her and the soldiers .

"I will go in your stead Anita . " The man who suddenly appeared was none other than, the strongest person in the Souther Union, Arthur Glory .

"Don't worry, I will keep your husband safe . "

"But-" Anita was going to argue some more, but was stopped by Lyner .

"Anita I understand that you want to come with me, but this isn't a fight that you should take part in . So please stay here and wait for me . I'm sure with me and the old man over here, we will come back without a scratch . So please Anita, for my peace of mind stay here . " Seeing the sincerity in Lyner's eyes, Anita couldn't say otherwise .

"Fine, go you stupid idiot! Just promise me that you'll come back to me . Don't make me wait ten years again . I hope you remember that we still need to finish our honeymoon . " Anita showed Lyner a gentle smile, in which he responded with a kiss .

"Don't worry I'll come back no matter what . "

"Sir Arthur, please take care of this idiot for me . " Anita bowed her head in front of Arthur .

"That's such a big request to make, considering my age . Still I guess I can protect the lad with these old bones of mine . " Arthur chuckled as he answered Anita .

"Thank you Sir Arthur . " Anita giggled as well .

"Huh? Shouldn't it be the other way around . You do know I already beat that old bag of bones . So shouldn't you ask me to protect him instead?" Lyner complained to Anita .

"Sure, if that's what you think . " Anita looked at him with a bit of pity in her eyes . Seeing her make that expression Lyner felt insulted . Arhtur on the other hand, found the young couple a bit cute .

"Whatever! Let's just go!" With that as a signal, Lyner and the soldiers Berdonia, alongside Arthur Glory headed to Cromer City .

Anita who saw the slowly fading back of her husband, prayed for his victory in battle .

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