Adopted Soldier

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

Alex unable to hear his dad's voice was in state of shock . It was then a single thought pass through his mind, what the hell was he doing? He already agreed to believe in his dad and his subordinates, but his mind was affected by his emotions . The feeling that he had when he talking to his dad, made if seem like it was the final goodbye . This feeling he had was so strong, it actually irritated him . Giving him that final mission made it feel even more ominous .

Still he shouldn't be acting this way in this situation . He should concentrate at what was happening right now, not in what could happen . Alex inhaled and exhaled, as he slowly calmed himself down . This was a breathing technique Kyle taught him to calm his nerves . He has never needed to use it except for now . It was good thing he tried to learn every technique he could .

'Tsk, I already expected that the backlash of all the emotions I sealed back then suddenly coming out would be unpredictable, but I wasn't expecting this . Illogical, and abrupt that's what emotions are . If I could, I didn't want them back, especially right now in this situation . Still there was something good that came out of this . "

Alex suddenly remembered the kiss Rachel gave him, and couldn't help but blush .

'Damn this is no time to be thinking about those kinds of things . '

. . .

As Alex was deep in thought, while trying to control his rampaging emotions, Niel who was right beside him was amused . The ever stoic Alex was now showing different kinds of emotions . It was so random and out of nowhere that it surprised Niel . Still these ever changing expressions finally stopped as Alex returned to his stoic look .

It was at the moment when Alex looked like he finally calmed down, Dan suddenly spoke through the earpiece .

"Kid, have you finally calmed down?"

"Affirmative . " Alex answered in his usual indifferent tone .

"I see . . . Don't let it get to you kid, you know your dad is one tough son*vab*tch . Even with his current disability, he could still make a platoon or two run away from fear . He is after all Carlo Samarita the messenger of Death . "

Alex hearing Dan sound a bit kinder than usual, felt like he was trying to console him . This made Alex chuckle for a bit . The usual overprotective dad, that wanted to literally kill him was now actually trying to console him .

"Hey you b*stard, did you just laugh?! Did you actually laugh at me?!" Dan suddenly roared at the earpiece . At this moment, he was actually blushing a bit . The blonde Devil known throughout the three super powers as a crazy man who fought tanks with nothing but his bare fists was actually feeling embarrassed .

"Of course not Instructor Dan . I would never laugh at a superior officer . " Alex answered in his usual indifferent tone, even though he was currently smiling . At this very moment, in this very second the group felt like there was nothing wrong .

"If you're alright now, then you better get going . We already delayed too much, because of you . "

"I'm sorry about that, Instructor . I will continue the mission, and bring the civilians to safety . "

. . .

Alex and Niel finally started moving again, since they had lagged behind, the two were currently running forward . While they were running, Niel was looking at Alex a bit weirdly . Of course Alex noticed this .

"Do you want to say something Niel?" Alex without looking back asked .

"It's nothing, I'm just surprised that you could actually show emotions . I always thought you only had one look which was being stoic . "

"What do you think I am, a robot? Of course I feel things as well, it's just harder for me than most to show those feelings . "

"I see . . . " Niel then went quiet and the two of them silently ran side by side . After a short while Alex suddenly spoke as they continued running .

"Hey, Niel . . . "


"Aren't you going to ask me?"

"Ask you what?"

"I'm sure you noticed how weird my family is . I'm pretty sure you also noticed the term messenger of Death, Instructor Dan spoke off . Someone as smart as you, should have some suspicions already . . . So aren't you going to ask about it?"

Niel who was now running a bit behind Alex couldn't see his expression at the moment, answered him .

"I have a guess or two, but of course I'm not going to bother you about it . You and I are friends, I trust you, and I'm sure you have your reasons for not telling . So I'll just wait until you feel like you can tell me and everyone else about it . "

Alex didn't answer immediately, but after a short pause he spoke .

"Thanks Niel . "

"No problem . " Niel smiled seeing his junior act like this .

. . .

After a little bit of running the two finally reached the civilians . Once they got back with the group, Alex started to think about what to do next .

'So mom's pregnant . . . I guess dad will finally have a child that's really his . . . Damn it! What is this feeling? Happiness and Jealousy are mixing together, to form this weird bittersweet feeling . Why the hell are emotions so complicated!?'

Alex who was once again getting a bit too excited controlled himself .

'Let's not think about that for now, first I need to figure out what to do after placing the civilians in the safe house . In the first place, why did the Granado Empire suddenly attacked? Also they did it against the international law of war, that would mean they don't care if they became the enemy of all the nearby countries . What is it that makes them so confident?'

'I won't get an answer no matter how much I think about it . Even if I kidnap an Empire soldier, those guys will never break, and will never sell out their country . So let's not think about the reason for the attack . After I bring the civilians to the safe house, I need to rescue the people we left in Lyner's safe room . Based on the information Niel gave me, their supplies will only last them about two weeks . So I need to save them before two weeks is over . . . '

'Getting out wasn't a problem, since I made an escape route, but getting back in, might prove a problem the longer I delay rescuing them . Based on the Granado Empire's military power, and the passive ways of our current president, Berdonia might abandon Cromer city, after trying to evacuate the remaining citizens in the city . '

'I could try to force myself in, if I had Instructor Dan by my side, then it is possible, but the enemy forces might box us in . . . Knowing mom is pregnant, I can't really allow her to fight . This would have been easier if Sir Lyner was here . '

Alex suddenly paused his thoughts, and then suddenly screamed in his mind .

'What the hell am I doing!? Was I trying to rely on someone else, one that wasn't even here? Tsk, I'm not thinking straight right now . . . I'll just formulate a plan when I get to the safe house . '

In the back of Alex's mind he remembered the final mission given to him by his dad . He promised in his heart, that no matter what happens he would definitely accomplish that final mission of his .

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