Adopted Soldier

Chapter 271

Chapter 271: 271

It has been a week since Alex was captured by his grandfather . Once he woke up he was already in this small isolated room . The only things to be seen in the room were the four walls, the light on the roof of the room, as well as the two security cameras on the sides, and finally a thick metal door . Aside from those things there was nothing in this empty room . There was only enough space so that Alex could lay down and sleep . The first thing Alex tried when he woke up was to destroy the metal door, even in his RELEASE state he couldn't open the door, or even dent it .

He tried even means possible to escape but it was to no avail . He wasn't even fed any food for the past week, he was only given some water one time on the third day . They first filled the room with a powerful sleeping gas, forcing Alex to faint . Once he woke up from that, there was already a bottle of water right in front of him .

Alex didn't know how long he would stay like this, so he drank only when necessary . Alex wasn't antagonized by the situation and kept his calm . As of now it was obvious his grandfather wanted something from him, so it was not like he was going to kill Alex . That may be one of the reasons as to why he was even allowed a bottle of water .

'This might be another one of that old man's tests . ' Alex who had finally remembered the past he so dreaded, now had memories of all the tests his grandfather put him through . Though none of them were this extreme . That might be attributed to him being older, or because his parents were no longer there to shield him from his grandfather .

When Alex's thoughts reached a point where he was thinking about his biological parents, Alex gets a bit agitated . Especially when he remembers his biological mother . It takes him quite some time to calm himself after this . So instead Alex tried to stop thinking too much, and simply focus on surviving .

. . .

It has been a few days since they last gave him water . He wasn't so sure about the time, it could've been days, or weeks, he just couldn't tell anymore . Even his internal clock was getting messed up the longer he stayed in this cube .

As Alex continued to remain perfectly still the light was turned off . Now there was only total darkness and silence . It didn't matter if his eyes were open or shut tight, since it made absolutely no difference . Still Alex kept calm and continued to wait for what's next . He kept on telling himself, as long as he can survive he can escape .

. . .

After a few more days Alex's supply of water was finally running out . He was now losing consciousness every now and then . It was then Alex heard a knocking sound . It was morse code, it was telling him to brace for impact .

After a few seconds later, the door was blown away . Beyond the door was his dad Carlo and even Lyner was with him .

"Alex are you alright?" Carlo looked at the malnourished looking Alex angered and worried . Alex seeing that face of his was finally feeling relieved . Even Lyner was here that made feel doubly reassured .

"It's obvious that he isn't f*cking alright, look at the kid . It seems like he hasn't eaten for days . Here kid, I knew that old sleeze bag would do something like this, so I brought you some food and water . " Lyner tossed a piece of bread, and a bottle of water towards Alex who caught the two items and started eating and drinking .

"Come on Alex, we got to move fast before the guards arrive . " Carlo said in a hurry, Alex stood up and started heading out of the room, the moment his foot was out of the room, darkness once again surrounded him .

Seeing this sudden change, got Alex confused . He didn't what happened was this another trick by his grandfather . In his state of confusion Alex started to call out for Carlo and Lyner, yet no matter how loud he shouted there was no response . What had happened? Was everything just a hallucination, did he just dreamt of escaping?

"But the bread, the water, they felt so real . . . " Alex mumbled still in a confused state . The darkness didn't really help clarify anything, and no one was there to answer his questions . He wasn't even sure if he was talking out loud or just thinking the about it . Everything was in a mess as his five senses failed him .

Alex was about to panic again but was still able to calm himself due to Kyle's breathing technique . After calming down Alex decided that what happened was nothing more than a dream . There was no point in deluding himself that was reality . In the first place Alex was sure that even his grandfather would have a difficult time capturing Lyner and dad, that easily . He needed to remain calm and wait for a chance, since no matter the situation there should be a chance .

. . .

It has been quite some time now, and Alex had no more water left . It was at this point he had seen numerous daydreams, or hallucinations of people coming to his rescue . Sometimes it was the whole Mercenary Club with Matthew and Arhtur Glory, sometimes it was Lyner by himself, sometimes it would be Michel and Lilitth, sometimes it was Rachel and Evangeline, most of the times it would be either Lyner or Carlo or simply both of them . There was even a time he hallucinated that Oliver was able to take over the whole Shadow Mercenaries . Yet the weirdest one was the time his own biological mom came to his rescue, claiming that she never died, and was only in a comatose state . It was only now that she woken up and saw Alex in trouble and came to his rescue .

. . .

Alex at this point didn't even know if he was alive or dead, he even started to think that this was some kind of hell . He was already nearing a state of insanity, or it could be that he was already insane . Still he liked talking to the fake Rachel, seeing her even as a hallucination gave him the motivation he needed to stay alive .

Yet today it was different, Alex was still trying his best to survive, but unlike in the beginning he wasn't sure anymore what his grandfather wanted from him . So while he was talking to the fake Rachel in his hallucinations, he started to apologize .

"Sorry Rachel, I'm not sure if I could make it or not anymore . I wanted to tell you face to face what I truly felt about you, but if this is the end, I guess I'll settle with this hallucination of you . Rachel I don't know when it started, or how it happened, but I Alexander Samarita am in love with you . "

As Alex said this he smiled or he thinks he did . Still it didn't matter since he felt happy that he was able to say that . His sense of reality was now all over the place . He licked his extremely dry lips, as he continued to smile like a fool .

. . .

As Alex sat perfectly still feeling that last bits of his energy fading, he then was blinded by a flash of light . It was like his eyes had directly looked at a flash bang . He was disoriented for a few more minutes, before he could finally regain focus in his eyes . As he regained focus, he could now see the walls of room again . Nothing has changed only that the light was finally turned on .

He then heard the door opening, and came in his most hated enemy . The only living biological relative he had, his grandfather . Alex wanted to attack and escape but his body was not responding . Richter who was now looking at his malnourished grandson clapped his hands .

"That was an amazing feat Dalvir, or should I call you Alex? . . . I guess Alex works, since you're more familiar with that name now . Well anyway I congratulate you Alex . You actually survived for a month and a half, with nothing but a little bottle of water . That's the longest time anyone lasted in the room of isolation, which we use to train our agents mentality and ability to survive with nothing but one bottle of water . As expected of my grandson you beat the record by a huge margin . For you information the last record was twenty days . "

As Richter was happily explaining this, Alex continued to glare at his grandfather, unable to do anything else .

"Do not glare at me like that . I know what you're thinking, what have you done, how can I get back in top shape after this? Don't worry using the technology of the Shadow Mercenaries, I'll be able to bring you back into shape, after just one day . So all you need to do is close your eyes and rest . Once you open them you'll be back to how you were before we started this test, well physically anyway, mentally that's another thing . When you get back to tip top shape, we'll proceed to the next test . "

Once he was done saying what he needed to say, Richter wore a gas mask, after doing that the whole room was once again filled by sleeping gas . This was a weaker version of sleeping gas, than the one use at the beginning but because of Alex's extremely weakened state it still worked .

Alex couldn't help but slowly close his eyes, as he continued to glare at his grandfather right until he lost consciousness .

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