Adopted Soldier

Chapter 273

Chapter 273

It has been a few weeks now since Oliver regained his memories . He decided that he would retain the name Oliver, but allowed Specter to call him James . The memories of his past was that of a horrible yet exciting life . Now that he had his memories back, it felt like he had two different people within him . The Oliver Minx in him was excited to know that his delusions were real, while the James Bourne in him was irritated and angered by the idea he had no knowledge of his memories were wiped clean .

Still he could not find fault in his biological father Gabriel who wanted to protect him . The only thing he could do now was to avenge the deaths of his parents, his fathers Gabriel and Phil, as well as his mother Marge .

With his memories back, Oliver knew that the explosion that happened on the secret base won't be enough to kill Hektor . He remembered that Hektor was wearing the strongest shield of the Shadow Mercenaries when he came to find him . So dying to that level of explosion was not possible, if he really died from something like that all the past leaders of the Shadow Mercenaries, would laugh at him .

Still now that Hektor knows he was alive, Oliver was sure that Hektor would try and find him yet he hasn't seen his b*stard of an uncle for months now . What was he planning? Why wasn't he trying to kill him now? Oliver didn't understand what that crazy psychopath of an uncle of his was trying to do, but now that it was evident that Hektor wasn't coming for him, he needed to go and hunt down his uncle himself .

Right now Oliver and Specter were heading towards the HQ of the Shadow Mercenaries . Specter knew where the base was located, but it was possible that they moved it, since they now knew Specter was a traitor .

The base of the Shadow Mercenaries, was a movable fortress that could pass through every border with no problem . So for now even though it was unlikely the two will find it on the same location, they still needed to head to the last place the base was seen .

The problem was the base was located right in the middle of the Granado Empire . Even with that complication Oliver was extremely motivated, since he needed to send his uncle to hell no matter what .

. . .

At the moment Oliver and Specter where using the Kirion mountains, trying to evade the Empire's detection as they cross its borders . Going through the mountain ranges was the right choice, since there was little to no patrol going around the area .

It was a long and dangerous hike to the other side, but Oliver who was fueled by anger and the desire for revenge could only move forward . It didn't matter what the obstacle was, what kind of hardships he would face, but he plans to go onward until he gets the chance to take his uncle's life with his own hands . He wanted to see his uncle apologize, and cry for forgiveness . He wanted to cut him apart and feed him to the pigs . He wanted to clone and kill all the clones until he was satisfied .

Specter who was with him, was here to help his one and only friend . He was also here to fulfill his promise to Phil and protect Oliver . He didn't really care about what crazy sh*t Hektor is thinking, he didn't really care anymore about the Shadow Mercenaries . It was now obvious that the goals and ideals of the people in the Shadow Mercenaries were somehow manufactured . That was no real freedom within that group .

Specter was already sure that the people in the Shadow Mercenaries were somehow being manipulated to do things that wasn't really their idea . Those guys who were the full of strong egos would never do this crazy sh*t that Hektor orders . The problem was how and when did they start to stop acting like themselves . Specter himself didn't realize it and only noticed when he stayed away from HQ for a few months .

. . .

As Oliver was hiking through the mountains, he suddenly remembered about his friends in Berdonia, especially Sayaka .

'I wonder what her current situation is like? Is she out there worrying about me?'

It was a passing thought but it lingered longer than usual . He never did get to say goodbye to everyone not even his girlfriend .

'Was everyone able to escape? . . . What am I thinking of course they're able to escape, Alex is with them, and based on what Kei said, even Sir Lyner is with them . Sir Lyner by himself could assure their escape and with Alex with him it would pretty much guarantee success . Still . . . '

Oliver suddenly remembered the usual mischievous smile of his girlfriend . He has been with Sayaka for only a few months but he felt a bit lonely without her . It was not at the level of the loneliness he gets when he remembers Phil and Marge, but it was still something that nagged on his mind .

'It's alright, Sayaka is a Mutsu, and that would mean his father should be the famous Shadow . ' When Oliver regained his memories, he also regained all the information that was drilled into him, regarding the strongest people of each of the super powered nations . One of those strong people was the Shadow, that hailed from the family called Mutsu .

Unlike what others believe the Shadow Mercenaries has detailed intelligence regarding the Mutsu family, especially those family members who were named Shadow . Oliver knew that the name Shadow was something passed down onto the next leader of the family . It was a named given to the next in line in the main family, but it could be contested since only the strongest could become Shadow .

Yet the main family has never lost the position to the branch families . The main reason for this was the secret technique only the main family knew off .

That was a part of the information Oliver knew about Sayaka's family, which was one of the reasons why he wasn't afraid for Sayaka's safety .

"Hey James we need to climb upward . The scout drone will be coming in around ten minutes, if we aren't up by that time, the drone will spot us . "

After saying his remainder Specter started to climb up the mountain, and Oliver followed .

'Tsk, this is no time to be thinking such idle thoughts . I have a mission to accomplish! I need to have my revenge! I need to kill that son*vab*tch no matter what! If I can't do that, I won't be able to live freely as I want to . '

While Oliver was climbing he suddenly remembered Hektor's face and a dark emotion started to rise within him . His killing intent was immense, Specter who was ahead already felt this rising killing intent but didn't bother to say anything . Ever since Oliver regained his memories, his emotions would fluctuate like this every now and then . He would be able to calm himself down after a short while .

Oliver who was thinking of dark thoughts, and was about to lose himself in rage, but was stopped by a memory of everyone in the Mercenary Club, talking, eating lunch, and just having a good time . In this memory he once again saw that cute mischievous smile of Sayaka's, the smile she shows when she was about to do her next prank .

'I promise Sayaka, once I give my b*stard of an uncle what he deserves I will come back to you . '

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