Adopted Soldier

Chapter 279

Chapter 279

In a condominium in Berdonia's capital Regon, sat a family of four eating their meal like any family would . The only and major difference this family has from other families was the radiant aura they were emitting . These people with shining auras as if they were halos were the Rayhearts .

After escaping Cromer City the Rayhearts with their amazing luck were able to quickly buy a condo unit at the capital, the moment they tried to find one . Not only that both parents were able to find jobs so easily, that it happened just like that . The Rayhearts luck was something that could only be matched by their charisma . It was like the very Gods themselves were helping them . If they truly wished for it, they could even run for President and win the election . Still because of their overwhelming charisma and luck they weren't really attach to such things such as fame and fortune, since they only wanted what they needed .

As the family of four were eating they had very fun conversations, regarding their day . If anyone else saw this they might think that they were watching a T . V show . Mainly because the people at the table all look extremely good looking and cute, and also because their stories don't sound like they could happen to anyone else aside from them .

After eating his meal and cleaning the dishes, Niel as usual went straight back to his room . This was his usual routine every since they arrived at the capital . Niel's dad and mom were truly worried about their son, who suddenly looked like an introvert . Yet they decided that it would be best to leave Niel alone, and for him to solve what it is he wanted to do . At the moment Niel was still in a state of confusion, and the only way for him to solve this self conflict within him, is if he himself realizes what he wanted to do .

. . .

Niel even without Lyner there to instruct him, continued his training by himself . Due to him witnessing the exchange between Lyner and Richter, Niel had a visual representation of what to aim for, which proved extremely beneficial in his growth as a warrior . After doing his image training Niel turned on the radio he had bought recently . The reason he bought the thing was because of his friend Kei who was doing a radio show in the front lines .

Once he tuned in the radio he heard Kei's familiar voice . He didn't say anything much different, it was all the same from the last show; which was basically that Berdonia was still in a stalemate with the Granado Empire, since no one from both sides was doing anything drastic yet .

After Kei's radio show Niel lay down on his bed trying to rest, yet he couldn't . Ever since he faced Alex's grandfather something deep within Niel wanted to burst out . That was the second time Niel had failed to do something that he was trying to achieve, and it excited him .

Always winning, always getting what he wants, never failing . This was Niel's life before he met Alex and it was a life that was too easy and boring . There was no challenge in his life, and sometimes Niel thought that he was in a long dream, since everything goes his way .

Yet this idea was blown away when he met Alex, who was better than him in almost everything . It was not only him, shortly after meeting Alex he met Lyner, someone who was leagues above him . Now he met Alex's grandfather which was another superhuman beyond his current abilities .

This was the first time Niel had lost even before the battle started . This made Niel extremely happy, it made him feel like he was truly alive . Then came the question .

'What am I doing now?' This thought suddenly came into Niel's mind . After that confrontation with Alex's grandfather, he and his family retreated to the capital with everyone else, and now they were living like the war wasn't happening . He was stuck here with his family playing house, while his friends were out there doing there part to help end the war . Even Kei who was the weakest of them all, was doing his part in the front lines .

'Shouldn't I as a citizen of Berdonia do something for my country? . . . ' When Niel thought of this he smiled and started to laugh .

"Who the f*ck am I trying to fool . I don't want to go to war for such noble reasons . I just want to fight and see the limits and breakthrough them . I want to feel alive, I want to feel like I'm truly living in this world! Winning all the time is a bore, but losing over and over again is an excitement I can't really explain . This burning passion deep within me, was only achieved because I kept on losing . I want to feel more, I want to see more, and I want to struggle my way to the top!"

Just thinking about the battles he would have made Niel giddy with excitement . He was similar yet at the same time different from his master Lyner . Though both of them were talented and above most people, both of them also found life a bore, and only truly felt alive through hard exciting battles . Yet unlike Lyner who loved battle, especially tough ones, since that may lead to his glorious death, which was his final wish . Niel on the other hand wanted battle for the sole purpose of making himself better, to make himself feel alive .

One wanted a death that would be ever glorious, while the other wanted to feel alive and become true to himself .

. . .

When Niel finally understood what he truly wanted to do, the fog in his head was finally gone . Now he was once again sure of himself . Niel without delay started to pack up, and once he was done he look at his door and spoke .

"How about you guys come in . " When he said that, three people came into his room . Niki charged forward towards her brother and hugged him with tears flowing down her cheeks .

"Nii-nii, I don't want you to go, but I also want Nii-nii to be happy . . . " Niki suddenly said confused as to what was happening . The only thing she understood was her brother was going out to find his happiness .

Niel's father Noel looked at his son and smiled .

"I see that you finally made your decision, and when a man makes a decision he needs to follow through until the end . Just promise this old man of yours, that you'll come back when you're done . "

"Of course Dad . . . Thanks . " After Niel said this his mother suddenly hugged him .

"I can never understand what kind of things you men think about, but as your mother, I only hope the best for you, and wish that your dreams become a reality . . . So I will not stop you, but just remember there are people here waiting for you . "

"Thanks mom . " After hugging his mom and sister, Niel looked at his dad who had extended his hand asking for a handshake . Niel clasped his dad's hand and tightly gripped it, after one shake they said nothing more .

On that day Niel left, and registered as a Mercenary .

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