Adopted Soldier

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Henry was assigned the most troubling task and that was to bring back Sayaka Mutsu to HQ . Among the members of the Mercenary Club, Sayaka was the hardest to locate .

Henry was currently tracking her down near the capital city of the Granado Empire . It has been five days since Henry started his search for Sayaka, and he finally found a trace of her in Rektor City the capital city of the Granado Empire .

'Damn it, why am I the one who gets this kind of target! She could be anyone at this point . The Mutsu's ability to blend into their environment is legendary . They even have those realistic looking masks, that can make them look like anyone . She could even have taken a real citizen's identity, which would make my search even harder . '

Henry hated going to Rektor since the people in the Capital City of the Granado Empire were widely known to be crazy . In this city there are three factions present . The first one were the those loyal to the current Emperor . The second faction were people who believe that the Emperor must be the strongest person in the Empire . While the last faction were people that were loyal to the senate .

Then there was also the fourth hidden faction, those that believed that the Granado Empire should change . They were the people who believed that the Berdonians have the right to their own freedom . They were the people who didn't like the conquering ways of the Empire . Among the factions there the only ones who stayed hidden, since they were the weakest group, and their ideology wasn't welcomed by the majority of the Granado Empire citizens .

With all these various factions in the capital, everyone was always alert in the Capital City . There was even a saying that here in Rektor if one doesn't know how to scheme or fight, then you were nothing but a dead body .

. . .

Henry didn't want to mess around with these fanatics so he wanted to leave as fast as he can . If he was caught by one of those factions, especially the faction that claims strength is everything, he would be placed in an arena to fight until he dies .

One of the more famous forms of entertainment in the capital, was the underground fighting ring . The people who fought there were slaves, people in debt, battle junkies, and of course prisoners of war . Once you enter the underground fighting ring you may never leave .

. . .

Henry kept on searching through the city while hacking into the security cameras of the city . He didn't dare question the citizens, since they might do something crazy .

. . .

After a few hours of searching Henry was able to find a footage that seemed important . from the mountainside of the city, a shadowy figure that couldn't be properly caught on camera appeared . He came from from the mountain's forest area, and entered the city . The shadowy figure was being followed by someone else, another person that was also able to easily avoid the sight of the security cameras .

While Henry was tracing where these two have disappeared to, he suddenly did a dodge roll . He looked at his surroundings and saw no one was there .

'Did I imagine that? . . . No that's impossible, someone else is here . ' Henry was currently inside a hotel where he rented a room which had two bedrooms . After checking the whole room, and seeing no one, Henry still didn't let his guard down . His instincts have told him that something was wrong, and up to this point his instincts have never led him astray .

Henry was currently holding onto a pistol and a combat knife as he warily looked at his surroundings while backing onto a corner of the room . He stood there in that corner without letting his guard down for three hours straight .

. . .

While waiting for the opponent to strike, Henry could already guess who this person attacking him was . The only people that have this much skill in stealth were the Mutsu's and currently the strongest Mutsu, Shadow was here . Seeing as Henry was looking for Shadow's cousin, it was obvious that Shadow would come to strike him down .

'Damn playing a game of attrition with these level of assassins isn't good for me . I'm obviously going to be the first to fold . ' It was at this point that the hunter suddenly became the hunted .

Henry started to clench his teeth as he started to think of the best solution to win at this moment . While Henry was thinking of a solution to his problem, he started to think about Richter, he couldn't understand what that guy was thinking sending him to capture someone like Sayaka .

Among the ten he was the second weakest of the group, which made it weird to send him to face someone of this level . 'How does Richter expect me to face off with someone like Shadow? As usual our leader is so f*cking unreasonable . '

. . .

An hour more passed and Henry still couldn't move from his position . That was when he suddenly thought of something . He didn't know if Sayaka was here, but if she was he might have a chance .

"Shadow and Sayaka Mutsu, I know you two are here . I'm Henry from the organization called the Shadow Mercenaries . " Henry suddenly shouted, but as expected no one responded .

"I've come to give you an invitation to attend a celebration for your friend Alexander . All of your friends will be there as well, Rachel, Emily, Evangeline, Niel, Kei, and even Oliver will be there . "

When Henry said Oliver's name he saw something move beside the closet . Henry started shooting at that position where he saw the movement, but nothing happened . At this point Henry was getting a bit irritated .

"Fine, if you don't want to come then you don't need to . I already told you about the celebration, if you don't come, I'm sure your friends might be a little disappointed . . . Oh right, I heard that Oliver was hurt pretty badly when-" It was then Henry saw that someone was already beside him . He slashed at the shadowy figure, and then out came Sayaka who was hiding in the shadows .

Henry didn't follow up his attack on Sayaka, since he knew, the moment he strays away from the corner would be the moment he dies . Since there was still the more threatening Shadow hiding in the room . So for now henry decided to talk to Sayaka .

"So Sayaka, are you coming to the celebration?"

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