Adopted Soldier

Chapter 312

Chapter 312

When Sayaka pierced both of Henry's eyes, Henry wanted to scream but couldn't so he started to convulse instead . Sayaka was really angry this time, and she continued putting needles into Henry's eyeballs . It was when she was about to pierce some more needles in, Shadow appeared behind her .

"Sayaka, don't you think that's enough? Just kill him already . " Shadow said a bit disgusted by the methods employed by Sayaka . He was a firm believer of the silent kill, he believed that when an assassins strikes it's only suppose to be one time . Shadow was indeed aware that some members of the family use torture to bring out confessions, but truth be told he didn't really like those methods . So seeing it first hand was a bit uncomfortable for him .

"Hmph, I won't kill him quickly . HE threatened me with Oliver's name! He deserves to die slowly and painfully . . . Also I need all the information he can give . " When Shadow saw Sayaka's ice cold glare, he felt shivers down his spine . At this moment even the current Shadow was a bit scared of Sayaka .

"What will you even do when you gain that information? Are you going to abandon killing our target, the whole reason we are here? Are you going to leave the mission halfway to try and save your friends?"

When Shadow asked this question, Sayaka closed her eyes and seem to be contemplating something . Shadow thought that he was able to convince his cousin to stop what she was doing . A few seconds later Sayaka smiled at Shadow, this smile was not the cold one she was showing before . It was a different kind of smile, she was smiling a beautiful smile, but when Shadow saw her smile like this alarm bells started ringing in his head .

Sayaka was at her most dangerous at this moment, it was possible that she would attack Shadow . Feeling danger Shadow took a step back .

"Cousin, how about you leave now . You continue the mission, and I'll be back after I'm done with this . "

Shadow wanted to say something but stopped himself when he saw Sayaka's expression . Without saying anything more Shadow left, leaving Sayaka alone with Henry .

. . .

"Now that my cousin is gone, let's get back to our talk . " Sayaka walked back to the paralyzed Henry's side .

"So Henry, how about you tell me what I want to know . If you don't talk the torture will continue . " When Henry heard this he wanted to give an answer, but he couldn't speak at the moment, his body just shook a bit .

"Oh right, you can't speak right now . Well, that's too bad, then let the torture continue . . . Hmm . . . Let's see here, what else don't you need, so that you can speak . I guess you don't really need your fingers to speak . Seeing as your body is pretty sturdy, I'm sure you can survive longer than most . "

When Henry heard what Sayaka said he tried desperately to talk, but his body just won't respond . He then felt a cold blade touching his fingers . He could no longer see but that's what it felt like, it truly felt like a knife of some sort was place on top of his fingers . Henry then heard Sayaka suddenly singing a nursery rhyme .

"Daddy finger, daddy finger where are you?" Henry then felt something cutting through his thumb . He felt a burning sensation from where his thumb was before . The pain was still bearable, but it still hurt like hell . Sayaka who cut off Henry's thumb pressed it onto his face .

"Here I am, here I am . How do you do? Your thumb is asking you, how do you do Henry . How about answering? . . . No, you don't want to, let's see if you're willing to talk to your other fingers . "

After saying that horrifying line Sayaka stopped the blood from gushing out of Henry . When she was done doing that, she continued her song .

"Mommy finger, Mommy finger, where are you?" Henry's index finger was also cut off . Sayaka then asked the same question as before . She then proceeded to do the same thing until all of Henry's fingers in his right hand were no longer attached to his body .

"Oh, so you weren't willing to talk to you right hand's fingers, then how about your left?" When Henry heard Sayaka's playful tone, he was starting to get scared . Being unable to see but feel what was happening to you, was so much scarier than he thought .

"S . . . St . . . o . . . p" Henry was finally able to speak again .

"Oh, so the numbing effect is finally wearing off . That's pretty quick, I guess that's to be expected of someone from the famed Shadow Mercenaries . "

"I . . . I'm willing . . . to . . . talk . . . so please . . . stop . " Henry was still having difficulty speaking, but he was able to say what he wanted to say .

"What was that? I can't seem to hear you properly . I guess I'll just have to cut off some more of your fingers . "

"No! I . . . I'll talk . . . So please . . . Stop!" Even though it was so difficult to speak at the moment, Henry tried his very best to speak louder .

"Alright I'll stop (for now), so tell me what I want to know . Tell me where my friends are" Henry then started to tell Sayaka how to find the Shadow Mercenaries HQ . He did this no longer hesitating, since it was obvious to him now, that Richter sent him here to die .

. . .

"You should've told me all these when I asked nicely . Now look at you . . . " Sayaka said sounding a bit exasperated .

"Just end me already . I have told you everything, so please at least let me die with whatever little dignity I have left . " When Sayaka heard this she couldn't help but giggle .

"You think you have the right to choose? The moment you didn't tell me what I want to know, when I asked you at the beginning, meant that you already agreed to die in the most miserable way . You no longer have any honor or dignity . So Let me tell you what will happen from this point onward . First I will continue to cut off your fingers, then I will cut off you toes . After doing that, I will proceed to cut off you forearms, then your whole arm . Then when I'm done with that I will cut off your legs . If your screaming gets annoying, I guess I'll cut off your tongue first . If you're able to survive up to that point then I will start beating you up until you die . So I hope you show me your willpower Shadow Mercenary . "

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