Adopted Soldier

Chapter 318

Chapter 318

While each one of the members of the Mercenary Club were being hunted down, Matthew was in the Southern Union getting ready for his journey to rescue Alex . He wanted to stop by his old home were he hid most of the weapons he had collected over the years .

As he was walking through the streets a cute cat was following beside him . This was the cat he used as a distraction in that one operation to destroy an enemy's base . After feeding it twice, the cat wouldn't leave him alone and followed him everywhere . It even snuck into his backpack and joined him on his trip back to the Southern Union .

Knowing that this cat would not leave him alone, Matthew decided to name him . The cat was now called Leo . Matthew called that cat as such, because he felt like it sounded cool . Leo the cat was a pretty smart cat, so when it heard its name it responded with a meow showing his agreement in being called as such .

. . .

When the two reached Matthew's old home, the first thing Matthew did was put water in a bowl and gave it to the cat . Even with his limited knowledge about cats, Matthew knew that giving out milk to an adult cat wasn't a good idea . After giving water to his cat, Matthew decided to buy the essentials for the cat after packing his own things .

Matthew took out a huge sturdy backpack that he had customized specifically for training trips . Once he double checked the backpack Matthew started to fill it with some gear . After packing everything he needed, his backpack looked exaggeratedly big as if it came out of an anime . It was huge, and it weighed around fifty kilos . Matthew didn't mind and carried the backpack on his back . Once Matthew carried the backpack the cat Leo climbed on top of the backpack . Since the top of the backpack had a flat surface Leo was able to lay down on it .

When Matthew saw what his cat did he couldn't help but smile as he left his old home .

. . .

While walking towards the nearest pet store, people kept on looking at Matthew . Most of them knew the face of this famous person . Still they weren't looking because he was famous they were all looking because of the backpack he was carrying .

"That's the holy son right? I wonder what he's going to do with all that stuff?"

"Are you an idiot, can't you see some of those are weapons . Obviously the holy son is going to help Saint Arthur in the war . "

These kind of conversations could be heard all around, as Matthew was walking on sidewalk . Matthew was already used at being stared at and he was usually the subject of gossips, so he wasn't really bothered by this .

. . .

When Matthew got to the pet store, even before the staff member of the pet store could greet him, Matthew spoke first .

"I'm buying everything cat related in this store . " When the people in the pet store heard what he said, they couldn't believe it . That was when Matthew flashed a black credit card . When the people of the pet store saw the black shine of the card, they were stunned into silence .

The nearest sales lady was the first to get her wits about, as she bowed in front of Matthew and spoke in the tone that sounded respectful but at the same time subservient .

"We will quickly get all the things prepared young master . Is there anything else you need?" When the sales lady said this, another staff member had gotten a chair and placed it behind Matthew . It was then the people in the store finally figured out who this super VIP was, he was the one and only disciple of the strongest Saint . The person in front of them was the holy son Matthew Zephyr .

"Please have a sit young master . " This time the sales lady sounded even more respectful .

"No it's alright, I'll remain standing . Here, I want you to send all the goods to this location . " Matthew handed a piece of paper to the sales lady, who respectfully took it from Matthew . As she received the piece of paper, the sales lady treated it as if it was a priceless treasure .

"Also I want you to get everything a cat needs for a trip and put it into a sports bag . " The sales lady wanted to say that they had no sports bag, but she knew that was foolish thing to say . So instead she replied without hesitation .

"As you wish young master . " The sales lady told one of her coworkers to head out and buy a sports bag . The staff of the pet store moved as fast as they could . On the other hand, the sales lady who greeted Matthew remained by his side just in case Matthew asked for more things .

Leo who was napping on top of Matthew's backpack jumped down and looked curiously at the shop . The sales lady who noticed the cat spoke to Matthew .

"Young master is that your cat? It's such a wonderful looking cat, as expected it's a pet worthy of the holy son . " When Matthew heard what the sales lady said he couldn't help but smile . For some reason he somehow liked it when someone praised Leo .

When the sales lady saw Matthew smile, she couldn't stop herself from blushing .

. . .

After a few more minutes, everything was prepared, and all the staff of the pet shop were now in front of Matthew . The manager of the store handed the receipt to Matthew . All the staff members were bowing respectfully as the manager was handing out the receipt .

"Here, a tip . " Matthew then handed a bundle of money to the sales lady that praised Leo . When the sales lady got a hold of the money she couldn't help but have her hands tremble, since that was a huge sum of money . She couldn't believe how lucky she was . This amount was equivalent to what she would earn in a year .

"Thank you for your kindness young master . " Matthew simply nodded his head in response . He then took the sports bag that was filled with the cat's necessities and left the store .

. . .

"Okay now I'm ready . Time to save that helpless rival of mine . "

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