After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“It’s so cold! The temperature dropped too suddenly. I was still wearing a single layer just yesterday,” complained Li Chang, shivering in the university classroom.

Today, the temperature had plummeted, and many students who didn’t pay attention to the weather forecast had not dressed warmly enough. The cold Siberian wind blew, and they nearly froze.

“Linchu, are you cold?” Li Chang turned to ask Song Linchu, who was only wearing a sweatshirt.

Song Linchu tucked his pale fingers into his sleeves and said, “It’s okay. I still have some warmth left.”

Li Chang laughed at him.

At that moment, a long sigh came from the seat behind them, followed by a male voice complaining.

“Ah, yesterday, my boyfriend bought me a scarf and said the temperature would drop today but I didn’t believe him. Fortunately, he insisted, or I would have frozen to death by now.”

“Your boyfriend is so considerate. I’m envious.”

“What’s there to envy? He’s just a straight guy who only knows how to buy expensive gifts. He doesn’t care if they’re good-looking or not. If I didn’t want to disappoint him, I wouldn’t even wear this grandma-style scarf.”

Li Chang rolled his eyes.

Song Linchu’s lips couldn’t help but curve with a mocking arc.

The speaker’s name was Su Zhan, their roommate. The “boyfriend” he was talking about was snatched from Song Linchu.

Song Linchu’s ex-boyfriend was named Tan Mingqing. They had met at a club activity, and Tan Mingqing, a serious face control, fell in love at first sight with Song Linchu, who was known as the campus beauty. He pursued him for almost half a year before Song Linchu agreed to date him.

Originally, a boyfriend who had been so hard to pursue should have been treasured. But the fact was not so.

After dating for a few months, Su Zhan, who did not get along with the people in his dorm, happened to have two dormmates move out to rent a house outside at the same time. The counselor asked Su Zhan to move into their dorm, which jad only Song Linchu and Li Chang.

After living in their dorm for a few days, Su Zhan saw that Song Linchu’s boyfriend was handsome and generous, with a rich second-generation style, and secretly developed the idea of snatching him away.

His appearance did not meet Tan Mingqing’s standard for beauty, but his methods were clever. He was skilled at using cute and flirtatious tactics, and most importantly, he could cross-dress in women’s clothing. With a hundred tricks, he managed to capture Tan Mingqing’s heart, and within a month, they were together.

Su Zhan even deliberately arranged for Song Linchu to catch them kissing. Song Linchu was disgusted and immediately broke up with Tan Mingqing, leaving the scumbag to his fate.

However, after snatching Tan Mingqing away, Su Zhan did not settle down. He shamelessly flaunted all the luxury goods that Tan Mingqing gave him in front of Song Linchu on a daily, feeling superior. He was obviously proud of stealing away a wealthy boyfriend from him.

For example, now…

Actually, Song Linchu didn’t feel particularly sad about his boyfriend being taken away. It’s better to break up early with that kind of scumbag who has the potential to cheat.

But Su Zhan’s behavior made him sick to his stomach.

If he hadn’t experienced it personally, he wouldn’t believe that there were people in the world who are shameless to this degree.

Li Chang nudged Song Linchu with his elbow and deliberately said in a sarcastic tone, “Linchu, look at that face on the ground. Which little green tea littered and didn’t even want his face back?”

Song Linchu chuckled and replied, “Where did the green tea get a face?”

Li Chang said, “Oh, I must have been mistaken. I forgot that green tea doesn’t even have skin, let alone a face.”

Some people who understood their conversation laughed, and Su Zhan knew that they were mocking him, but they didn’t name him directly, so he could only sneer.

Song Linchu’s boyfriend was stolen by someone like him!

Heh, being good-looking doesn’t matter. Without ability, even the best boyfriend can’t be kept.


After finally making it through their morning classes, Song Linchu and Li Chang hurried back to their dormitory to put on thick clothes.

As Li Chang put on his clothes, he shivered and said, “I’m so cold I’ve even put on my down jacket. This weather is so terrible, I hope it doesn’t snow.”

“It’s hard to say, it started snowing around this time in the previous years, but it’s been colder this year,” Song Linchu replied as he took out a pair of thick shoes from the closet.

Due to his weak constitution, Song Linchu’s feet were like ice when it got cold, so he needed to pay special attention to keeping them warm. Thick shoes and socks were essential items for him in the winter.

While Song Linchu was putting on his socks, the door to their dormitory opened and Su Zhan came back carrying a takeout bag. When he saw the two of them, he said warmly, “You’re both here, perfect! My boyfriend ordered a whole bucket of chicken for me, but I can’t finish it. You haven’t had lunch yet, let’s eat together.”

Generally speaking, Su Zhan had stolen Song Linchu’s boyfriend and kept showing off, so they had a strained relationship. But this person had the ability to maintain a surface-level peace, and would joke around with them as if nothing had happened.

Li Chang, who wasn’t good at pretending, sneered, “I’m not going to eat it, I’m afraid it’ll give me too much internal heat.” He even emphasized the words “internal heat.”

Su Zhan bit his lip. If there were other people around, he probably would’ve had a pitiful look on his face, wondering what he’d done wrong to make his roommates exclude him.

In fact, their dormitory had always had a good relationship, and they wouldn’t exclude anyone for small faults. One of the roommates who moved out had a serious cleanliness obsession, but they all got along well with him and accommodated him by keeping the dormitory clean.

But Su Zhan made it hard for people to keep their peace of mind. In Li Chang’s words, the fact that they hadn’t beat him up showed they had a lot of self-restraint.

Su Zhan then turned to Song Linchu. After putting on his shoes, Song Linchu said directly, “I’m not going to eat it.”

“Oh…” Su Zhan lowered his gaze and looked at Song Linchu’s shoes, and suddenly said, “Your shoes are coming apart, aren’t you going to throw them away?”

There was a place on the side of Song Linchu’s shoes where the sole was coming apart, but it didn’t affect the wearer as long as it wasn’t raining. Due to his tight budget, Song Linchu was frugal and hadn’t thrown them away.

Whether it was intentional or not, Su Zhan shook his feet twice as he spoke. He was wearing limited edition sneakers worth thousands of yuan, which he had already bragged about before. They were also gifts from Tan Mingqing.

Song Linchu really didn’t care what Tan Mingqing had given him, but this endless provocation was enough to make even the most patient person lose their temper.

Having put on his shoes, Song Linchu said expressionlessly, “Why should I throw them away? If someone who likes to wear second hand shoes picks them up and wears them in front of me to show off, I’d be disgusted.”

Su Zhan: “…”

Li Chang laughed all the way from the dormitory to the cafeteria.

“You nailed it just now. Su Lucha’s face turned green. Hahaha.”

Su Lucha is the nickname that Li Chang gave to Su Zhan because he is really green tea.

Lucha means Green tea

Li Chang hooked his shoulder, “I underestimated you before. I didn’t expect you to be so good at dealing with people.”

Song Linchu frowned, “He makes me so angry.”

“Who doesn’t hate him? If we knew what kind of person he was when the counselor asked us to let him move in, we wouldn’t have agreed so quickly. I thought he was a nice guy at first, but who knew he was like this.”

Su Zhan was very good at disguising himself. People who were not familiar with him would think that he was a very nice person, speaking softly, smiling at everyone, and being very kind.

At that time, Li Chang found it hard to believe when the counselor said that he couldn’t get along with the people in the dormitory. Su Zhan didn’t look like someone who couldn’t get along with others at all.

Who knew, hehe.

There were no classes in the afternoon, and Li Chang went to another dormitory to play games. Song Linchu had a design draft that was not finished and went to the library.

It was not the final exam period now, and there are not many people in the library. Song Linchu went to his usual seat and was thinking about the sketch when a pair of hands suddenly tapped twice on the table in front of him.

Song Linchu snapped out of his thoughts and realized that someone was sitting across from him.

Tan Mingqing, his scumbag ex-boyfriend.

“What is it?” Song Linchu’s voice was indifferent.

Tan Mingqing scratched the back of his head and said, “I want to ask you to design a bracelet for me to give to my elders. I’ll pay you for it.”

Song Linchu studied jewelry design. He was naturally talented, smart and eager to learn. He had won national competitions before he even went to university, and there was no suspense when he participated in competitions during his university years. He had even become somewhat famous before graduating.

There were even well-known jewelry platforms that had extended an olive branch to him, inviting him to become a designer after graduation.

Song Linchu refused without any hesitation, “I’m busy.”

“Please, this is very important to me. Can I pay double the price?” begged Tan Mingqing.

The person he wanted to give the gift to held a high position and had a strong liking for jewelry. Ordinary luxury brand jewelry didn’t catch their eye, so he had to find someone to design it.

However, he had no connections with those expensive designers, and Su Zhan, who studied jewelry design, drew several drafts but he was not satisfied with them. So Tan Mingqing had to swallow his pride and ask Song Linchu for help.

Although they had broken up, Song Linchu was always easy-going and agreeable. As long as he begged a few more times, he would surely agree.

But now Song Linchu was annoyed and he said coldly, “Even if you pay triple the price, get lost.”

Tan Mingqing: “……”


“Get lost!”

Song Linchu slammed his pencil hard on the paper, and the pencil tip broke into two pieces, with one flying in front of Tan Mingqing.

Tan Mingqing: “……”

Tan Mingqing looked at the person who used to be gentle, but now had an almost murderous look in his eyes, and slinked away dejectedly.


Song Linchu cursed through gritted teeth, his mood ruined for the whole day by this scumbag and green tea.

Thinking they’re something special just because they have some dirty money. They haven’t even become a wealthy family yet, but they’re already showing off.

Don’t be fooled by Tan Mingqing’s lavish spending, or Su Zhan’s sense of superiority as if he’s going to marry into a wealthy family, Tan Mingqing’s family was actually not considered wealthy. They were only relatively rich, far from the level of a wealthy family. However, he has a terminally ill wealthy uncle that couldn’t do it, so he couldn’t get married or have children, and therefore chose him as the heir.

Sometimes, Su Zhan’s boasting annoyed Song Linchu so much that he secretly hoped something happened that will cause Tan Mingqing to lose his inheritance rights— that would be hilarious.

Song Linchu took out a pencil sharpener and was about to sharpen his pencil when he heard a clear ringtone from a phone. He then saw that a silver phone was left on the table where Tan Mingqing was sitting just now. That phone was the one Song Linchu accompanied Tan Mingqing to pick, and it was also the color he liked.

Song Linchu’s mouth couldn’t help but curl up in sarcasm. Since the phone was too loud, some students looked at over unhappily. Song Linchu had to take the phone and press the mute button. As he was about to put it back, he looked at the incoming call display on the phone and was slightly stunned.

The caller was “Little Uncle.”

Tan Mingqing had told him that his uncle with the terminal illness was the youngest in the family.

Could it be…

At this moment, a bold idea suddenly popped up in Song Linchu’s mind.

What if he took down Tan Mingqing’s young uncle, put himself into the household registration, and thus made Tan Mingqing lose his inheritance?

This idea was absurd and extremely malicious. It was not something that someone with Song Linchu’s character would do.

But once this idea came up, he couldn’t suppress it no matter how hard he tried.

A secret excitement arose in Song Linchu’s mind.

An excitement towards revenge on a scumbag.

An excitement towards countering his green tea roommate.

An excitement towards making these scumbags and cheapskates so angry that they would drop dead on the spot.

This kind of satisfying plan made Song Linchu’s evil thoughts grow, and he took another pen and wrote down the phone number on a piece of paper.

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