After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Song Linchu was completely dumbfounded.

A row of bullet comments flashed quickly in his mind: Tuantuan is in danger! Tuantuan is in danger! Tuantuan is in danger!

And another row: You’re also in danger! You’re also in danger! You’re also in danger!

What could he use to save his poor secret lover, who had already gone from secrecy to the limelight and might be buried soon?

As expected, Tan Yue’s voice sounded dangerous: “Secret lover?”

Song Linchu felt guilty for a moment, then whispered, “Anyway, we’re in a contractual marriage and you don’t like me. I’m just playing with him. You’re not going to argue with a child, are you?”

Tan Yue: ?

The straight steel man was rarely choked.

“Or…” Song Linchu blinked, “Are you jealous?”


It was impossible for Tan Yue to admit that he was jealous of a four-year-old child, and he coldly said, “I just can’t stand him not studying well at such a young age, which might lead to bad habits in the future.”

“How could that be? My mother told me that there was a good brother in my kindergarten who was also a face con. When he saw that I was good looking, he kept pestering me every day, even reluctant to go home. However, he still got into the Capital University and became a great scientist with a promising future, very impressive,” Song Linchu said earnestly.

Tan Yue: ??

How many “brothers” do you have?

Tan Yue narrowed his eyes.

Song Linchu caught the faint gloom in his eyes and continued solemnly, “Speaking of which, he sent me birthday wishes today and promised to give me a present when he returns home during the Chinese New Year.”

Tan Yue: “…”

Song Linchu saw the blank expression on the dog man’s face for a moment and laughed inwardly. He deliberately said, “I receive gifts from other men too. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind, gege.”

He didn’t believe that Tan Yue didn’t have any feelings for him, because for those who truly had no feelings, they wouldn’t even spare a glance at the other party. And Tan Yue who had a strong sense of territory, his possessiveness must be super strong.

If you have the ability, continue to act like a dog, you stinky steel man!

The stinky steel man remained silent for a second and said, “I do mind.”

Song Linchu: Hehehe!

Tan Yue: “I’m afraid you won’t come back.”

Song Linchu:?

Song Linchu was almost died of anger. He gritted his teeth and, with a bold and dangerous smile, lifted his foot and stepped on Tan Yue’s noble foot. “Mr. Tan, I’ll give you another chance.”

“… “Tan Yue had never encountered someone daring enough to threaten him by stepping on his foot.

But even after getting stepped on, Tan Yue couldn’t get angry at all. He even followed Song Linchu’s lead and changed his words, saying, “I care, I’m jealous.”

That’s about right.

Song Linchu moved his foot away with satisfaction, not feeling anything wrong with threatening him.

This guy was really awkward. It’s harder for him to speak his mind than to ascend to heaven.

But he was not the type to be threatened into deliberately saying good things to please people. If he really didn’t mean it, even if Song Linchu just stepped on his foot, or put a knife to his neck, he wouldn’t say what he wanted to hear.

So, this was the man’s true feelings.

Therefore, Song Linchu was very happy, like a child who had just eaten candy.

He pushed his luck: “Gege, did you prepare a gift for me?”

Tan Yue pursed his lips and after a moment, spit out a word, “Yes.”

Song Linchu was stunned, this was something he didn’t expect.

He was a little impatient to see what Tan Yue had prepared for him, “Where is it? How come I haven’t seen it?”

Tan Yue said, “At home.”

At home?

It shouldn’t be that he felt embarrassed for not buying a gift, deliberately lied to him saying there was one, and then go home to find something to fool him with?!

But out of trust in Tan Yue’s character, Song Linchu dismissed this idea.

The car slowly stopped in the courtyard of the Tan mansion. Song Linchu didn’t wait for the driver to open the door, and got out of the car first, eagerly looking at Tan Yue who had just gotten out of the car, with a look of desire in his eyes.

Tan Yue sent out the edited message, put away his phone, turned around, and walked into the villa with Song Linchu.

On the other side, Cheng Bin had just arrived at his residence. He was about to take a shower when he received a message from Tan Yue on his phone.

Boss: [Find someone to write a WeChat article, talking about the harm of giving large red envelopes to children during Chinese New Year, suggest a one or two hundred yuan amount, no need for promotion, send me the link.]

Cheng Bin: [Okay, sir.]

Tuantuan was happily browsing a certain brand’s jewelry website on his iPad, selecting the largest diamond for his wife. However, he didn’t know that his Chinese New Year’s red envelope might only add up to a pitiful one or two thousand yuan, let alone a diamond ring, he couldn’t even afford a ring band…

Song Linchu, who thought he had gotten away with it didn’t know that Tan Yue was actually plotting behind his back. His mind was full of thoughts of what gift this dog straight man would give him.

Tan Yue changed his shoes and gestured for him to enter the study.

The study?!

‘Fuck, did this bastard get me a stack of professional books or world-renowned classics or something?’

If he dared to be so perfunctory to him, he would… just run away from home and find his secret lover!

As Song Linchu was lost in thought, Tan Yue walked up to his desk, picked up a folder from the table, and took out a red notebook from inside, handing it to the suspicious Song Linchu.

Upon receiving it, Song Linchu saw a few gold embossed characters on the cover: “Haikou Real Estate Certificate.”

Was this… a property certificate?!

Song Linchu’s heart skipped a beat and he opened the little red book.

Owner: Song Linchu

Ownership Status: Sole ownership


Song Linchu glanced at the location and looked up at Tan Yue in surprise, “This is a house in the villa area near our school?”

“Well,” Tan Yue said casually, “since you don’t get along with your roommate, then move somewhere else.”

“…” Song Linchu felt a bit emotional all of a sudden. He had been wondering what kind of gift he’d receive from this straight steel man.

He didn’t care about the quality or price of the gift, he just wanted to receive a birthday present from Tan Yue, even of it were some professional books. He never expected Tan Yue to be so thoughtful and prepare such a big gift for him.

Tan Yue knew that he didn’t get along well with their roommate, but couldn’t rent a house outside, so he gave him a villa and solved the problem fundamentally. Anyone would be moved by such a gift.

The villa area was just across the street from their dormitory building, and only a ten-minute walk away.

Occasionally, they would stand on the balcony and gaze at the rows of exquisite villas across the street, joking about whether they could afford a bathroom in that neighborhood with the money they earned in this lifetime.

Now, he actually easily owned a villa.

Song Linchu was stunned for a moment and quickly returned the property certificate to Tan Yue, saying, “This gift is too valuable. I can’t accept it.”

A house like this was definitely a minimum of eight digits, and the first number was probably a 2.

If they were truly in love, he wouldn’t mind if Tan Yue gave him a villa as a gift. After all, Tan Yue’s money was also his money. However, they were just in a contractual relationship, and this villa was beyond his financial means.

Tan Yue looked at the returned property certificate and raised his eyebrows. He lightly tapped his fingers on the table and said on the third tap, “My grandfather has been suspecting that we have a fake marriage recently.”

As soon as Song Linchu heard this, he became nervous and asked, “Ah? What should we do?”

“So, I bought this house and will move in with you under the guise of it being convenient for you to go to school. When he sees that I am considering you in this way, he will naturally dispel any doubts.” Tan Yue explained.

Song Linchu wasn’t so easily fooled and said, “You didn’t need to buy a house for this!”

“I told him that it’s a betrothal gift,” Tan Yue said.

Song Linchu: “……”

At this point, Song Linchu couldn’t say anything. He could only put away the most expensive gift he had ever received in his life.

Song Linchu forced a laugh and said, “Now, there’s no turning back.”

Tan Yue threw the envelope into the trash can and continued to coax him seriously, “To me, family affection is above everything else.”

Song Linchu: QvQ

“Ahem, Dad, do I look like your long-lost son?” he joked.

Tan Yue: …?!

Song Linchu was happy to have successfully teased him with this joke. He took the property certificate and said, “Thank you, gege,” before quickly running away.


At Grandpa Tan’s villa.

Grandpa Tan had just finished taking a shower and was preparing to go to bed when he suddenly sneezed.

The butler asked nervously, “Old master, are you okay? Did you catch a cold?”

The old man rubbed his nose and said, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing. I’m just too happy today.”


Song Linchu returned to his room with the property certificate.

Although Tan Yue gave a bunch of reasons for his gift being for the sake of his grandfather, Song Linchu was still quite happy when he thought about the original intention of Tan Yue’s gift.

He really had the Idea of moving out next semester because he had almost paid off his debt. He would have some spare money, and Li Chang actually wanted to rent a house with his girlfriend this semester. Song Linchu didn’t feel good about leaving Li Chang behind to endure Su Zhan’s disgusting behavior, and felt guilty about it.

But when he thought about the cost of renting a house, he felt a little bit of pain. The house prices near their school were surprisingly high, and even 1000 yuan could only rent a small single room that was the size of a palm, moreover, the living environment was much worse than the school’s dormitory. If he wanted to live a little more comfortably, he had to spend at least 2000 yuan or more.

Although Tan Yue gave him his supplementary card, Song Linchu wouldn’t use it unless he had to.

And now, Tan Yue completely solved this problem for him. How could he not be happy about this genuine and sincere guft? This was the happiest birthday he had ever had.

There was also that scumbag Tan Mingqing. Only a ruthless person like Tan Yue could cure him.

Song Linchu was self-reliant, and he knew how difficult it was to have no source of income and to rely on himself. And he also had a skill that could earn him money, while Tan Mingqing’s only special skill was probably just washing dishes in a restaurant.

Just thinking about that scene, Song Linchu began to laugh.

If he ever wrote an autobiography in the future, he would definitely emphasize this wonderful and happy birthday!

Song Linchu carefully put the property certificate and supplementary card together and put them away. He also put away the “ring” that Tuantuan gave him. He was about to take a shower when his phone, which he had placed on the bedside table, suddenly rang.

He picked up his phone, and the caller ID showed “Uncle.”

Song Linchu paused for a moment before answering, “Hello, Uncle.”

His uncle’s cheerful voice came from the other end of the phone: “Little Lin, you haven’t gone to bed yet.”

“No, Uncle. What’s the matter?”

“Well, I just remembered that today is your birthday, so I wanted to call you and wish you a happy birthday. You’ve grown another year older.”

Song Linchu smiled and said, “Thank you, Uncle.”

“Right, are you on break yet? Have you already gone back to our hometown?”

Song Linchu sat cross-legged on the soft tatami mat and said, “Not yet, I’ll go back in a few days.”

Regarding the Chinese New Year, he had already discussed it with Tan Yue. He would first go back to his hometown because his parents’ grave had not been cleaned for a year, and he wanted to go and see them.

He also owed some money to his aunt, and he needed to repay a portion of it.

Also, the neighbors around his aunt’s house had helped him a lot so he also had to bring them gifts to show his gratitude. Song Linchu was not an ungrateful person. Without the help of these neighbors when he and his mother were struggling, he might not have been able to get into university.

After finishing these tasks, he would return to Haikou to celebrate the Chinese New Year with Tan Yue.

In fact, according to the process of showing affection, Tan Yue should accompany him to his hometown to clean his parents’ grave. However, Tan Yue was too busy at the end of the year. It would take him several days to go back and forth, and he could only make it back on the day before the New Year. Tan Yue could not spare that much time.

Moreover, their small village did not have a decent hotel, and his old family house was even more run-down. He dared not let the noble Tan Yue stay there.

The Uncle said “Oh” twice, then said, “We’re not going back for the New Year this year. If you come back in a few days and pass by the city, come and stay at our place for a couple of days.”

Song Linchu’s expression stiffened, and he said vaguely, “Let’s talk about it when I get back.”

“Don’t wait until we return to talk about it. It just so happens that your sister-in-law gave birth to a little niece, and you haven’t seen her yet.”

Song Linchu hesitated for a moment and said, “Um.”

“Well then, that’s settled. I’ll have your aunt tidy up a room for you tomorrow.”

Just as Song Linchu was about to decline, his uncle spoke again, “Nannan is crying again, I have to go and check on her. I’ll hang up now, let’s talk again when you come to the house in a few days.”

“…Okay, goodbye uncle.”

After ending the call with his uncle, Song Linchu rolled on the tatami bed in frustration.

His uncle was a good person. During his most difficult times, he secretly lent him 30,000 yuan behind his aunt’s back. He would always remember the wad of cash with mixed denominations that saved his mother’s life for half a year.

But thinking about his aunt…let’s talk about it when he gets back.

The next day, Cheng Bin took Song Linchu to see the new house. They were planning to move in after the Chinese New Year, and Song Linchu was curious about the house where he would likely stay for a while in the future.

The car didn’t drive directly into the courtyard, but slowly stopped at the front gate of the villa.

As soon as Song Linchu got out of the car and saw the house, his eyes lit up.

This house, like Grandpa Tan’s house, was also decorated in a Chinese style.

Song Linchu remembered that when he say Grandpa Tan’s house for the first time, his eyes showed admiration and envy. Tan Yue even noticed it and asked if he liked it.

At the time, Song Linchu thought to himself, “What’s the use of liking it? Are you giving me a house?”

He didn’t expect that Tan Yue would actually give him one.

This old man, he was so low in EQ and yet so caring.

Song Linchu was overjoyed and moved, wishing to give Tan Yue a big kiss.

As he walked inside, he took out his phone and sent a message to Tan Yue.

Little Songlin: [Gege, I’m at the house! It’s so beautiful!]

Tan Yue was probably busy and didn’t reply to his message.

Song Linchu and Cheng Bin entered the courtyard. The villa’s courtyard was also in a Chinese garden style, with pleasant scenery, deep courtyards, and classical elegance. Walking around, he felt relaxed and happy.

The Interior of the house was decorated in a purely modern style. It should have come with the decoration when it was purchased.

It was different from the style of the villa that Tan Yue currently lived in and was more towards a minimalistic style. However, it was also luxurious and comfortable. Anyway, Song Linchu had not seen much of the world, so no matter how he looked at it, it was great.

After they finished their tour, Tan Yue finally replied to his message.

Tan Yue: [Mm, see if there’s anything that needs to be changed in the decoration and tell Cheng Bin.]

Little Songlin: [You don’t have to trouble yourself. I really like it inside and out!]

Tan Yue: [Do you really like it?]

Little Songlin: [Yeah! I super like it, look into my sincere little eyes.]

Little Songlin: (Little Fox Showing Cuteness.gif)

Tan Yue: [Well, it is indeed quite small.]

Song Linchu: ?

What is small? Speak clearly!

How could a man allow himself to be called small! Even though his little friend was not very useful, it was a matter of a man’s dignity.

Song Linchu angrily took a selfie with widened eyes and sent it to Tan Yue.

Little Songlin: [Look into my eyes and say it again!]

Tan Yue, who had just come out of the conference room and was walking towards the office, looked at the young man’s selfie with his eyes wide open in the phone. He lightly hooked the corner of her lips and long pressed to save the picture.

Tan Yue: [Don’t widen them so much, they’re like a cow’s eyes.]

Song Linchu: ???

Song Linchu was so angry that he almost fell down the stairs on the second floor.

Murder is a crime! Murder is a crime! Murder is a crime!

Ah ah ah, he was going to murder his dear husband today!

Song Linchu was furious.

Little Songlin: [Don’t leave the door open for me tonight!]

Little Songlin: [I’m running away from home and eloping with my secret lover!]

Tan Yue: “…”

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