After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

“I am also a member of your family…”

Ah! How beautiful this sentence sounds!

Song Linchu couldn’t help but slightly raise the corners of his mouth and say, “Alright then, I won’t hang up. I’ll put my phone in my pocket.”

Tan Yue gave an “okay” in response.

Song Linchu put his phone in his pocket, pushed open the door to the fire stairs, and walked into the packed warehouse.

As he entered, his cousin-in-law Gu Yuan came towards him with an aggressive posture, “Song Linchu, who told you to come to the company!”

Since packing and shipping were all done in the afternoon, Song Linchu and his uncle had come during lunchtime. The warehouse and operations were not on the same floor, so his cousin and cousin-in-law who had come to the company earlier didn’t know he was there.

Song Linchu furrowed his brows and said, “Aunt said you guys are too busy and asked me to come and help.”

“Who asked for your help? You bring bad luck to us! It’s all because of you that our company’s fortune has taken a turn for the worse!”

Song Linchu: ???

This wasn’t the first time his cousin-in-law had made such remarks. The last time he stayed at their place overnight when they moved to a new house during summer vacation, his cousin-in-law had said something similar.

At that time, business had entered the off-season, and his cousin-in-law saw him and said that business had been bad since he arrived. His cousin Song Linfeng had been there to mediate, saying that his cousin-in-law was just joking, and their business had been bad for half a month already, and it had nothing to do with him.

At that time, Song Linchu felt uncomfortable listening to it, but his cousin-in-law had apologized to him, and he didn’t take it too seriously.

Who knew that his cousin-in-law would bring up such things again, and with such an aggressive posture, it didn’t seem like a joke.

Song Linchu composed himself, “Cousin-in-law, if you didn’t want me to come, you could just say so. This way of speaking isn’t very meaningful.”

“Not meaningful?” Gu Yuan sneered with a sharp voice, “Our company has been peaceful for so many years, but after you arrived, it was cheated out of millions. Who should we blame if not you, the disaster luck?”

Song Linchus heart skipped a beat.

Other workers in the warehouse heard the huge amount of money and stopped working, gathering around to watch the excitement.

Song Linchu: “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Just then, the elevator “dinged,” and his cousin, Song Linfeng came out and ran over to stand between Song Linchu and Gu Yuan.

“Yuan Yuan, this is just bad luck on our part. Can you stop blaming others every time something goes wrong?”

Gu Yuan immediately exploded, “Did I blame the wrong person? Everything was fine before he came. Once he came, the boss of the fake order platform ran away with the money. If it’s not him, who else can we blame? Tell me, who else can we blame!”

Song Linfeng: “There will always be risks in doing business, and this is just an unfortunate coincidence.”

“Coincidence? He didn’t run away yesterday or the day before yesterday. Why did he choose to run away when he came? That’s really lucky!”

Song Linfeng was speechless.

His cousin’s wife pointed at him and said, “I told you before that he has a bad fate, don’t associate with him. But you didn’t believe me and let him come to our house. Now, we’ve lost millions, we’ve worked hard for half a year, and our store is going to be scrapped by those who want refunds. It’s useless to call the police, so what should we do?”

As she spoke, her eyes turned red, whether from anger or heartache for the loss of millions.

Song Linchu watched the argument coldly and finally understood what had happened.

As we all know, to do business on Taobao, you have to fake orders so that the sales can go up. This has resulted in the creation of many fake order platforms. Taobao store owners place orders on the platform and ask them to help them fake orders. The platform has its own group for faking orders, where users are assigned tasks and receive commissions for completing them.

The people in the fake order group are required to complete tasks such as browsing and placing orders on Taobao according to the purchasing methods published by the group owner. After completing the tasks, they screenshot the results and send them to the group owner – the fake order platform – who then pays them the cost of the purchase and commission.

The cotton jackets that the cousin and his team made were over 400 yuan each, and with so many orders in a day, they needed hundreds of thousands of yuan. The fake order platform couldn’t advance the group with the money, so the cousin and his team paid the platform in advance for several days’ worth of work.

This is also the largest amount of working capital needed to do business on Taobao.

As a result, the boss of the fake order platform ran away with the money.

The people in the fake order group completed the tasks but did not receive the cost of purchase or commission from the platform. They demanded refunds and reported the store for shipping empty packages and faking orders. As a result, the store was ruined.

Moreover, faking orders are already a violation of rules, and in their case, even if they called the police, it wouldn’t be useful, as it is not generally pursued.

Even if the amount involved was huge and they did take action, the fake order platform is only a network platform, and the boss could be anywhere in the world. It is not easy to trace and recover the money.

No wonder Gu Yuan was so anxious.

But even if she was anxious, what does it have to do with whether the boss run away or not?

If he didn’t come, did that mean the boss wouldn’t have run away?

Song Linchu took off his apron and sleeves, and didn’t want to say much to them. He just turned around and left.

“Where are you going? You’re not allowed to leave! You and your mother are both bad luck and caused us to lose millions. You want to leave just like that without taking responsibility?”

Song Linchu’s hand hanging by his side suddenly clenched.

No matter what Gu Yuan said to him, he wasn’t that angry, but she actually mentioned his mother!

Back then, his mother came back to visit and on the same day, his grandmother had a sudden cerebral hemorrhage and didn’t survive.

This matter had nothing to do with his mother. His mother even felt fortunate that she went back that day and saw the elder for the last time.

But in the mouth of his cousin’s wife, it became his mother’s fault. How could Song Linchu not be angry?

If Gu Yuan wasn’t a woman, he would have punched her already.

Song Linchu gritted his teeth, “Cousin in law, watch your words!”

Gu Yuan sneered, “Watch what words? I’m telling the truth. Let me tell you, if you don’t give me a satisfactory solution today, don’t even think about leaving!”

Song Linchu couldn’t help but laugh out of anger, but he didn’t leave either. He turned around and stared at her, “What do you want?”

He wanted to see what scheme this woman had.

“We’ve lost over 3 million. You’re a poor bastard who can’t even come up with 30,000 yuan. I won’t make things difficult for you since we’re relatives. Just give us your old family house, and we’ll call it even.”

Song Linchu understood, “So you’re beating around the bush, but you just want to take my house.”

His cousin had made money in recent years and want to build a luxurious villa in their hometown to show off. However, the family house there was divided between the eldest and second brother, with each party taking up a small area. They cannot expand because their neighbors surround them.

They want to build a grand villa, so they could only get Song Linchu’s piece of land.

Song Linchu was not stupid and, of course, would not give it to them. It was the last tie that his parents left for him.

These people went to great lengths to obtain his house.

When Gu Yuan heard this, she immediately stomped her foot, “Who’s acting? Do we want your shabby house worth only 3 million yuan? We earn tens of thousands every day. Can we be interested in your shabby house? Don’t disgrace yourself.”

Song Linchu didn’t reason with her and said, “Oh, then I’ll be shameless. What do you think about that?”

Gu Yuan choked on her words.

Song Linfeng stepped forward as a mediator, “Okay, okay, let’s not argue anymore. Yuanyuan, this matter has nothing to do with Linchu. Stop making a scene and let it go.”

“How am I making a scene? Did I make up these things? The fortune-teller said that he carries the omen of evil and will harm his loved ones, blocking our prosperity!”

Song Linfeng quickly replied, “How can the words of a fortune-teller be trusted?”

“Do you not believe it, but you go to worship the gods and Buddha every year? You are restrained by blood, but I am not. Let me tell you, Song Linchu, this matter is not over. If you don’t want to give us the house, don’t even pass by our door in the future. I will also tell Great Uncle to move your mother’s tomb out of the ancestral grave, so as not to spread bad luck to our entire family! It’s ominous!”

Song Linchu’s heart skipped a beat.

The so-called Great Uncle was one of the most prestigious elders in their family. These people are particularly superstitious and have done a lot of Feng Shui activities, such as moving graves. If Gu Yuan talks nonsense, it is possible to move his mother’s grave.

Moreover, their house was adjacent to Great Uncle’s on one side, and there was no road. It was impossible for him to enter or exit his house without passing by Great Uncle’s doorstep.

If Gu Yuan does not allow him to pass, she will definitely do something extreme to block his way home.

He has no parents or siblings to rely on, so it is almost effortless for others to bully him.

In the past, Song Linchu would definitely have been angry, disgusted, and helpless. In the end, he might really have compromised and given up the house.

But now, he had a family.

Thinking of Tang Yue, who has been listening in the whole time, Song Linchu felt as if he had found a bright light in the lonely darkness. His heart warmed up and his confidence greatly increased.

He didn’t want to waste any more words with them, pressed the down button of the elevator, and coldly said, “Then you can try.”

Without waiting for them to speak again, Song Linchu walked into the elevator.

When the elevator door closed, Gu Yuan was still jumping and shouting, “You wait for me! Don’t think I’m afraid!”

You may have the courage, but whether you have the opportunity, it’s hard to say.

It was only after Song Linchu waited for the elevator to start going down that he took out his phone.

The video call was still ongoing, but Tang Yue’s background had changed from a speeding car to a home.

“Gege,” Song Linchu smiled reluctantly, “I’m sorry you had to witness that.”

This absurd farce can be summed up in one sentence: it’s so outrageous that it’s beyond belief.

If he hadn’t experienced it himself, he wouldn’t have believed that there could be something so outrageous in the world.

Tan Yue’s voice was colder than the night outside: “It’s such a waste that your cousin and his wife don’t use their talents to go in the opera.”

Song Linchu lowered his gaze.

He wasn’t stupid and could tell that although his cousin had always acted as a mediator, he also coveted his house. If not, his cousin’s wife wouldn’t have said such outrageous things. He should have stopped her instead of compromising.

He and his cousin had always had a good relationship. They played and fought together when they were kids.

Because of his good character and handsome appearance, many girls liked him in school, which naturally drew the jealousy of some boys. When he was blocked after school, his cousin, who was several years older, would come to his rescue…

His cousin especially liked his mother’s steamed rice cakes. Even when his mother’s health was failing and his cousin came back for holidays, she would still make them for him. His cousin even said that based on this one cake, he would protect him in the future and wouldn’t let anyone bully him.

In the end, the ones who bullied him were his own family.

It turned out that everything could change when it came to interests.

Song Linchu felt an inexplicable sense of blockage in his heart.

“Don’t be sad,” Tan Yue’s voice came from the receiver, even his comforting tone was stiff, “It’s not worth it.”

“Okay,” Song Linchu’s voice was muffled, “Gege.”


“I miss you.”

Tan Yue paused for a moment.

Looking at the young man with his head down, who was so sad that he was about to overflow from the screen, Tan Yue had the urge to touch the young man’s head.

His hand curled up at his side, and he said, “Don’t act spoiled.”

Song Linchu was speechless, “I’m in such a bad situation, can’t you say something nice?”

After a moment of silence, Tan Yue squeezed out a few words, “I miss you too.”

“…” To be honest, I couldn’t tell.

Song Linchu no longer expected Tan Yue to say anything moving, but just hearing Tan Yue’s voice was comforting.

At least he wasn’t alone in facing all of this.

Just as Song Linchu was thinking this, the screen suddenly went black, and then the phone’s logo and the words “Shutting down…” appeared on the screen.

His battery had aged after two years of use, and the nearly one-hour conversation with Tan Yue had drained the battery completely, causing the phone to shut down automatically.

Song Linchu: …

Could things get any worse?

Song Linchu stood at the door of the first floor, holding his blacked out phone, looking at the unfamiliar street scene outside, at a loss.

All around him were residential buildings, and at a glance, it didn’t look like he could find a place to borrow a power bank.

Even if he did find one, he couldn’t scan the code to pay for it with his phone turned off.

Song Linchu felt like he was back when his mother had just passed away, when he returned home and looked at the empty house, feeling anxious and not knowing what to do.

He pinched his slightly sour nose and forced himself not to think too much. Staying here was not the solution. He pulled up the hood of his down jacket and decided to see if there were any convenience stores nearby that hadn’t closed yet, maybe he could ask for help.

Song Linchu walked out of the door and was blown by the cold wind outside, shivering all over.

It was much colder here than in the coastal city. It was already 11 o’clock at night, and the temperature was below freezing. He walked on the bitterly cold streets, and the cold made his teeth chatter uncontrollably.

How could the weather be so cold like this!

Song Linchu walked a considerable distance through the biting cold wind, feeling increasingly despondent. This area was clearly residential, surrounded by houses and all the shops were closed; there wasn’t even an open convenience store nearby.

Meanwhile, his hands and feet had frozen numb, his face was devoid of feeling and his body was soaked in coldness. Was he going to freeze to death on the streets tonight?!

Song Linchu sniffed and was about to start running to warm himself up when he heard a car honk behind him. He moved aside and the car slowly came to a stop beside him. As he turned his head, he recognized the car and its driver – it was Xiao Chen, who had picked him up from the airport yesterday.

Song Linchu was both surprised and delighted: “Brother Chen, is that you?”

Xiao Chen breathed a sigh of relief upon seeing him and spoke into his earpiece: “We’ve found him.” He then said to Song Linchu, “President Tan asked me to come and pick you up. It’s cold outside, so get in the car quickly.”

He opened the rear car door and helped the shivering Song Linchu into the warm vehicle. The warmth enveloped him and he felt alive again. He took a few tissues from the box next to him and wiped the frozen snot from his nose before dabbing the corners of his eyes. The sand and wind seemed to have blinded his eyes.

“Mr. Song, President Tan wants to talk to you.” Xiao Chen handed him a phone with Tan Yue’s familiar face on the screen, the video call already ringing.

Song Linchu dabbed his eyes again with a tissue before answering. “Ge…ahem,” he cleared his throat, “Gege.”

Tan Yue looked at the red-eyed youth on the screen and his heart ached. “Why didn’t you wait in the original location?”

“I didn’t know your men were looking for me or even that they knew where I was,” Song Linchu replied. He hadn’t told Tan Yue his cousin’s company address, so he didn’t choose to wait for Tan Yue’s men to come and get him.

Tan Yue said, “If I want to know, I will find a way.”

In fact, when the conflict occurred, he had already arranged for someone to pick him up. Otherwise, how could they have found him so quickly?

Song Linchu had experienced all the ups and downs of life tonight, and now, sitting in the warm car, his heart finally found a stable place to rest. He relaxed and spoke to Tan Yue until the car pulled up at the entrance of a five-star hotel, where he reluctantly ended the call.


After hanging up the video call, Chen Bing saw the warmth disappear from his boss’s body, his face turning cold and stern. He released a low pressure that made it seem like ten big families were going to go bankrupt tomorrow. In his heart, he silently lit up a candle for those who had offended Song Linchu.

Fortunately, nothing had happened to him, otherwise, who could withstand Tan Yue’s anger.

He spoke cautiously, “Sir, this matter concerns Master Song’s relatives, and it’s quite difficult to handle. I’ll personally fly there tomorrow.”

“No need,” Tan Yue thought of the young man’s reddened eyes earlier and said coldly, “Book me the earliest flight tomorrow.”

He will go there himself.

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