After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 65

Chapter 65

Tan Yue had been chasing his lover for so long, but he was still running in the opposite direction. When he heard these words, the jar of vinegar shattered with a “crash”.

His heart, liver, spleen, and kidneys were all soaked in vinegar. The sourness murmured and seeped out with every breath.

“Do you like him?” Tan Yue’s voice sounded somewhat strained.

Song Linchu nodded and said, “Yes, I’ve liked him for a long time. He’s my idol.”

Idol? Oh, so it’s like that!

The haze in Tan Yue’s heart dissipated slightly, but seeing the young man’s eyes follow Axl, admiration overflowing from the usually calm eyes, he still felt sour.

Very sour.

This gaze used to belong exclusively to him.

Tan Yue calmly said, “Let’s go inside and take a look.”

However, Song Linchu hesitated and didn’t move.

“Huh?” Tan Yue lowered his gaze to him.

Song Linchu hesitantly said, “Um, since you came here, you must have something to do. You can go ahead with your business, I can look around on my own.”

“I don’t have anything to do. I just came to show support for a friend.”

Of course, showing support was just an excuse. Tan Yue’s status was too high for any event to afford his presence. He was simply finding a reason to accompany someone.

Song Linchu looked troubled.

Tan Yue noticed the change in his expression and asked, “Is something the matter?”

Song Linchu stole a glance at Tan Yue, forced a smile, and said, “I plan to examine things more carefully, and it might take some time. I’m afraid it will inconvenience you.”

Tan Yue instantly sensed the meaning behind his words.

What inconvenience? The way he put it sounded so nice, but in reality, he just didn’t want him to tag along.

Because Song Linchu was here to learn, not like others who casually glanced at the exhibits without much thought. Today, many renowned works were on display, and it was a rare opportunity for him to study them thoroughly.

But if Tan Yue accompanied him, Song Linchu would feel uneasy and would find it difficult to immerse himself in the experience. That’s why he wanted Tan Yue to occupy himself elsewhere.

After coming to this conclusion, Tan Yue felt a slight pang in his heart.

Tan Yue wanted to say that it wouldn’t be an inconvenience at all, that he could stay by his side the whole day without any inconvenience. However, he also knew that If he stayed close to Song Linchu, it would make him uncomfortable and prevent him from truly focusing on what he wanted to see.

Tan Yue could only grit his teeth secretly and say, “Alright, take your time and look around. If you need anything, contact me through WeChat or call.”

“Okay,” Song Linchu smiled and waved at him, “Goodbye, Mr. Tan.”

Tan Yue nodded and watched as Song Linchu happily walked away.

At that moment, Alx returned and approached Tan Yue. Seeing only Tan Yue alone, he asked, “Tan, where’s your friend?”

“He went to explore on his own.”

“I see,” Alx winked at him, “Interesting situation.”

Alx had known Tan Yue for several years, but this was the first time he had seen Tan Yue cherish someone so much. His curiosity was ignited.

However, Tan Yue never talked about his private matters, so Alx thought Tan Yue would ignore him.

To his surprise, Tan Yue calmly said, “I’m pursuing him.”

Pursuing him?!

Alx’s jaw nearly dropped to the ground. It was outrageous to use the word “chasing” when talking about Tan Yue.

He believed that a straight steel man like him needed someone with a thick skin. Even if Tan Yue rejected them and made them furious, that person should still actively pursue him day after day, relentlessly. He never expected that Tan Yue would actually take the initiative to pursue someone else.

Absurd, it was too absurd.

Of course, Alx didn’t know that, to some extent, he had figured it out.

“He looks so young, is he an adult?”

This was truly a case of an old cow eating young grass.

“Yes,” Tan Yue’s gaze remained fixed on Song Linchu as he turned and entered another exhibition hall. He furrowed his brow imperceptibly and said, “He doesn’t like me following him. Take care of him for me and introduce him to a few designers.”

“No problem, since he’s someone you like, he’s someone I like too.”

Tan Yue’s cold gaze swept over, and Alx forced a dry laugh, then said, “He’s my esteemed guest, a guest of honor, Tan, you really are stingy.”

“Don’t let him know that I’m pursuing him.”

Alx grew up abroad and was more open-minded and outspoken. Tan Yue didn’t want the other person to ruin his own plans.

Based on Song Linchu’s current attitude towards him, if he openly pursued him, he would definitely withdraw and cut off all contact, going from the hell mode to the unsolvable mode.

Dealing with this hellish mode was already a headache for him now, and he didn’t want to make it any more difficult for himself.

After a pause, Tan Yue added, “Don’t let him leave before 11 p.m.”

“Tsk, tsk, tsk, you’re quite scheming. Alright, for the sake of my brother’s happiness,” Alx patted his chest in assurance, “I’ll take care of it.”

Song Linchu originally wanted to carefully observe the works here, but before long, someone came over to strike up a conversation with him.

Many wealthy young ladies were present today, although Song Linchu’s attire seemed cheap, the people here were either rich or noble. Who knew if one of them was pretending to be poor, especially since he was so handsome. Anyway, they should make a connection first.

Just as Song Linchu was being approached by two girls asking for his WeChat, Alx walked over and helped him out of the situation. Song Linchu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Being saved by his idol made him excited and a bit embarrassed, he sincerely said, “Thank you.”

“Hah, you don’t need to be so polite to me. Tan entrusted me to take care of you.”

Song Linchu paused for a moment, realizing that it was Tan Yue’s instructions.

Actually, he wasn’t blind, he could see that Tan Yue treated him well.

But, there was no free thing in this world. Originally, Song Linchu believed Tan Yue’s words about liking his work and wanting him to design a lapel pin, but after meeting Alx, that reason no longer held up.

The person was an internationally renowned master jewelry designer, he could design whatever kind of pin Tab Yue wanted.

Song Linchu didn’t know what to do for a moment.

After this, maybe it’s best not to have any further contact with him.

He won’t accept the 500 yuan for designing the pin, he’ll consider it as repaying Tan Yue’s favor.

Tan Yue who was walking out of the exhibition hall sneezed.

“I noticed that you’ve been captivated by this exhibit for quite some time. Are you particularly interested in it?” Alx inquired while gazing at the pearl necklace displayed in the showcase.

The object that had caught Song Linchu’s attention was none other than the necklace designed by Alx. This very necklace had been showcased at an international jewelry exhibition in f country, receiving countless accolades. Its value had now skyrocketed to several millions.

Song Linchu never expected to have the opportunity to see it up close. He had assumed it would have long been nestled in some affluent lady’s jewelry cabinet.

“Well,” Song Linchu praised without hesitation, “it truly is a treasure of the highest order.”

Alx burst into laughter and patted Song Linchu’s shoulder, saying, “Come, let me show you my other works.”

Alx was also a social butterfly and he happened to be Song Linchu’s idol. Little did Song Linchu know that his idol had been brined by that dog man Tan Yue. As they now strolled together, admiring Alx’s creations, listening to his design insights, and even meeting renowned jewelry designers, this exhibition had undoubtedly been a bountiful harvest for him.

It wasn’t until a staff member came to remind them that the closing time was approaching that Song Linchu remembered to take out his phone and glance at it, only to be stupefied.

It was already well past 11 p.m.

At this hour, the subway had ceased operations, and while there were late-night buses, they didn’t travel directly to his destination. Transfers would be necessary, but by the time he made them, it would be too late for the last bus.

Song Linchu opened the ride-hailing app on his WeChat, entered the destination, and glanced at the estimated fare before immediately closing it.

Which wallet had given him the audacity to even consider such an extravagant expense as taking a taxi?

It seemed he could only find a nearby KFC or McDonald’s and make do with a serving of fries for the night.

“Hey, Little Song, I’m about to leave,” Alx approached and said, “Are you heading back to A University?”


“It’s not easy to find a taxi here. I just informed Tan that you’re still here, and he said he’ll come to pick you up.”

“Ah?” Song Linchu hadn’t expected Alx to inform Tan Yue. He instinctively wanted to say it wasn’t necessary, but as the saying goes, words said without effect are as useless as silence. All he could do was smile awkwardly and say, “Thank you very much.”

“No problem. I’ll take my leave now. Until next time.”

“Alright, goodbye.”

Alx blew a flying kiss to Song Linchu and gracefully departed while adjusting his coat.

Song Linchu, still under the influence of Alx’s idol aura, blushed from the flying kiss.

His idol was truly so handsome!

After Alx’s figure disappeared around the corner, Song Linchu suddenly remembered something and quickly took out his phone to message Tan Yue on WeChat.

Little Songlin: ✓Mr. Tan, you don’t need to come pick me up. I’ll take a taxi by myself!]

Tan Yue was probably driving, so his response was in voice message form.

Song Linchu played the voice message, and a deep, low voice emanated from the speaker, saying, “I’m almost there.”

Song Linchu couldn’t say anything. All he could do was walk to the street corner and wait for Tan Yue’s car to arrive.

True to his word, Tan Yue hadn’t lied. Just as Song Linchu stepped outside, he saw Tan Yue’s car slowly pull over at the side of the road.

Song Linchu opened the car door and got in, expressing his remorse, “Mr. Tan, I’m sorry for troubling you again.”

Tan Yue’s slender hand rested on the steering wheel as he turned to look at Song Linchu. “Do you always show this much politeness to your friends?”

“Not particularly,” Song Linchu replied. Tan Yue couldn’t be considered a friend, could he?

“In that case,” Tan Yue asserted in a dominant tone, “there’s no need to be so polite with me either.”


Tan Yue subtly curled his lips.

The car smoothly traversed the road. It was already well past 11 p.m., yet this bustling area remained congested with traffic.

Soft, mellow music played inside the car, occupying a tranquil corner in this lively street, exuding a serene and harmonious atmosphere.

For some reason, a sense of familiarity flashed through Song Linchu’s heart, but it was fleeting, like the tail of a shooting star—something he couldn’t grasp.

After approximately fifteen minutes of driving, the car suddenly braked and came to a stop by the roadside.

Tan Yue’s frowned, and he tried starting the car a few times, but there was no response.

“What’s wrong?” Song Linchu asked anxiously.

Tan Yue: “It seems to have broken down.”

“Why are we so unlucky?” Song Linchu scratched his head. “What should we do then?”

With an air of righteousness, Tan Yue took out his phone. “I’ll have my driver bring another car.”

As he made the call, his frown deepened with each passing moment.

Tan Yue ended the call and said, “The driver has some urgent matters and can’t come.”

Song Linchu: “…”

“Shall we each take a taxi back then?” Song Linchu asked.

Though reluctant, Song Linchu didn’t want Tan Yue to arrange a taxi for him.

Tan Yue suggested, “If you don’t mind, I have an apartment nearby. It’s only a ten-minute walk.”

Just as Song Linchu was about to respond, Tan Yue asked again, “And, doesn’t your school have a curfew?”

Song Linchu: “…”

There was indeed a curfew at his school, and returning late required registration. He might even be summoned for a talk by the counselor, which could potentially affect his scholarship.

Song “Money Enthusiast” Linchu hesitated.

“Let’s go,” Tan Yue firmly decided.

Song Linchu’s mouth opened, but in the end, he couldn’t resist the double temptation of saving over a hundred yuan in taxi fare and protecting his scholarship. He followed Tan Yue.

When Tan Yue heard the sound of the young man’s footsteps behind him, a hint of amusement flashed in his eyes.

Soon, they arrived at the apartment. It wasn’t large, with two bedrooms and a living room, exuding a cozy and comfortable ambiance.

“Would you like something to eat?” Tan Yue asked.

“No need, I had some pastries earlier.”

There were refreshments provided at the exhibition, and Song Linchu had eaten some, so he wasn’t hungry.

“Alright, then let’s go take a shower. Do you mind wearing my clothes?”

Remembering Tan Yue’s earlier statement about not needing to be polite, Song Linchu shook his head and said, “I don’t mind.”

“Good, wait here.” With those words, Tan Yue turned and entered one of the bedrooms.

This place was originally unoccupied, but in preparation for Tan Yue’s plan to win over his lover, the butler had arranged for Tan Yue’s everyday clothes to be sent in advance.

Tan Yue opened the wardrobe and saw a pile of clothes. His hand reached for a pajama, but then he noticed the shirt next to it.

There was a flash of darkness in Tan Yue’s eyes. After hesitating for a moment, he extended his sinful hand towards the shirt.

When Tan Yue emerged from the room holding the clothes, Song Linchu was sitting on the sofa, playing with his phone with a serene smile on his face.

Just like many nights they had spent together before.

There was no need for excessive verbal communication; as long as they were in the same space, they could raise their eyes and see each other, a sense of overflowing contentment filling them.

Unconsciously, Tan Yue’s gaze softened slightly. He cleared his throat, catching Song Linchu’s attention.

His action was subtle, but for some reason, Song Linchu got startled, accidentally tapping on a voice message in the chat box.

Axl’s coquettish voice came from the phone: “Haha, as long as you like it. Next time, just come to my place, I-“

Song Linchu cut off the rest of the words in a panicked flurry, but Tan Yue’s heart had already shattered.

They had known each other for so long, and Tan Yue had to resort to all means just to have him come to his home, while Alx, on the other hand, invited him to his place after only a day of knowing each other!

“Mr. Tan,” Song Linchu closed the phone screen and, seeing Tan Yue’s gaze falling on his phone, explained, “It’s Mr. alx. He just asked if I arrived and we chatted briefly.”

Suppressing the rising sourness, Tan Yue gave a curt “mmm” and said, “I don’t often stay here, so I don’t have many clothes. Can you wear my shirt as sleepwear? The underwear is clean.”

Song Linchu, a person who used to study diligently while taking care of his mother every day, and was now focused on studying and making money, had a mind as pure as a blank sheet of paper and didn’t understand Tan Yue’s intentions.

“That’s fine, as long as it’s wearable. I’m not particular,” he replied.

Where would a poor person like him get extra money to buy sleepwear? The clothes worn for sleeping were usually just regular old clothes.

If it weren’t for considerations of his sexual orientation and the inconvenience of being shirtless in the dormitory, Song Linchu wouldn’t even need to wear sleepwear. A man could sleep in just a pair of briefs, and it would still be cool in the summer.

“okay, then go wash up. It’s getting late,” Tan Yue handed him the clothes.


Song Linchu put down his phone and took the shirt, a pair of underwear, and a pair of shorts. This combination was sufficient as sleepwear.

The apartment had only one bathroom, so Tan Yue also found a clean towel for him. Tan Yue watched Song Linchu enter the bathroom, and the hand hanging by his side curled up.

Stay calm.

With that thought, Tan Yue turned and went into the kitchen. He heated a cup of milk; Song Linchu was too thin during this period, and he needed to replenish himself properly.

Unfortunately, it was late, and eating late at night would be bad for the stomach. Otherwise, Tan Yue would have eagerly ordered a sumptuous feast to be delivered.

Song Linchu, accustomed to conserving water in the past, finished bathing quickly. In just five minutes, he came out of the bathroom.

Tan Yue had just finished heating the milk, and came out of the kitchen holding the cup.

On seeing the boy with wet hair and in his shirt coming out of the bathroom, bathed in steam, Tan Yue’s hand holding the cup tightened suddenly.

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