After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 69

Chapter 69

Tan Yue sent Song Linchu back to school.

Throughout the journey, Song Linchu was hesitant to speak. They hadn’t even started yet, and he was already regretting it. His mind was filled with thoughts of how to earn over 3,000 yuan for the hospital fees and how he would endure the next few months living frugally. With such worries, how could he have the mood to engage in a romantic relationship with Tan Yue?

They say it’s better to rip off the Band-Aid quickly than to prolong the pain. Perhaps it would be best to tackle the issue head-on.

When they were nearing the school gate, Song Linchu made up his mind and looked at Tan Yue, saying, “Mr. Tan…”

Tan Yue furrowed his brow slightly and said, “Why are you still calling me Mr. Tan?”

Perhaps due to his long-standing position of authority, his aura alone was intimidating when he furrowed his brow.

Song Linchu, who had already agreed but wanted to back out, was afraid that Tan Yue would get angry. With some uneasiness in his heart, he instinctively asked, “Then, what should I call you?”

Tan Yue counter-questioned, “What do you think you should call me?”

“…I don’t know,” he replied.

Calling him by his name felt awkward, and he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

After thinking for a moment, Song Linchu tentatively asked, “Brother Yue?”

Tan Yue replied, “Think again.”

Um… calling him “Brother Yue” wasn’t acceptable? Could it be that he felt the difference in status?

Right, there was that scumbag nephew of his named Tan something. They were from the same generation.

Song Linchu suddenly realized, “Uncle Yue!”

Tan Yue: “…”

Ever since Tan Yue’s rebirth, he had been experiencing constant heartaches.

Song Linchu was truly a master of provoking his husband’s anger every day, with no repetition.

As the car was about to reach the entrance of A University, Song Linchu insisted that Tan Yue shouldn’t accompany him inside. Tan Yue was worried that this little bastard would continue calling him that in the future, so he put aside his aloof demeanor and said, “You can simply call me ‘gege.’”


Song Linchu looked hesitant, “Is it okay to call you ‘gege’? It sounds too cheesy, and I… I can’t bring myself to say it.”


But didn’t you enjoy calling me that two years later?

Tan Yue was curious about what changes time had brought upon Song Linchu to make him, without any change in expression, call a stranger ‘gege’ after two years. Could it be that he had evolved due to his encounter with Tan Mingqing, the scumbag?

Tan Yue said with an indifferent face: “No!”

“But,” Song Linchu whispered, “this morning, you said that you wouldn’t force me to do anything.”

Tan Yue: “…”

The car stopped at the school gate, and Tan Yue really wanted to backtrack on his words. However, it was their first day of trying to date, and in order to avoid scaring away the little guy, Tan Yue could only settle for the next best thing and say, “Then just call me ‘brother’.”

He could make him change his address later after winning him over.

Song Linchu was happy to see such a dominant man take a step back. He smiled and said, “Okay, brother.”

On seeing him happy, Tan Yue’s mood also relaxed. He nodded and said, “Go back, rest well, and contact me on WeChat.”

“Okay, bye.”


Song Linchu got out of the car and walked towards the school. Just as he entered the school gate, he suddenly remembered.

Wait, didn’t he want to tell Tan Yue that he didn’t want to try dating? He got distracted and forgot about it.

Song Linchu felt annoyed. His psychological preparation for the whole journey collapsed instantly.

Oh well, let’s give it a try first. After all, Tan Yue had helped him so much…

There was no one in the dormitory. His roommates had all gone out to play during the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Originally, Song Linchu was supposed to work today, but Tan Yue personally talked to the store manager and got him a day off. Helpless, Song Linchu could only rest in the dormitory.

However, with the extra medical expenses of more than 3000 yuan in his mind, Song Linchu couldn’t rest easy at all. Although Tan Yue kept saying that he didn’t need to repay him, how could Song Linchu be at ease taking Tan Yue’s money?

In terms of design, he was still a beginner. Apart from some classmates and friends from high school, no one approached him for design projects.

After resting in the dormitory for the whole morning, Song Linchu felt guilty for wasting his holiday. He opened WeChat and wanted to ask the senior who introduced part-time jobs if there were any odd jobs he could do, like handing out flyers.

Well, Song Linchu had handed out flyers before, and the bosses liked him.

The reason? Of course, it was because he was good-looking. When he stood at the street corner, people flocked to him, and he could finish handing out the flyers in no time. While others could distribute only one stack in half a day, he could distribute several stacks.

Song Linchu opened the WeChat of the senior who introduced part-time jobs and was about to send him a message when a notification popped up at the top of his phone.

It was a message from Tan Yue.

Song Linchu first sent a message to the senior and then exited the chat to see Tan Yue’s message.

Tan Yue: [Are you feeling better? Any more fever?]

Little Songlin: [No, I’m all better now. You don’t need to worry!]

Tan Yue: [Hmm, do you feel uneasy about not going to work?]

Little Songlin: [QAQ]

Little Songlin: [No!]

Song Linchu would never admit it, otherwise, how could he secretly go to work later?

Tan Yue: [I recently acquired a jewelry brand. Are you interested in becoming a designer for it?]

Little Songlin: [What brand is it?]

Tan Yue: [It’s a small brand called ‘Loe’. Have you heard of it?]

Song Linchu: “…”

You call a brand that was once popular worldwide a small brand?!

Loe was an old jewelry brand, probably ten years ago. It was the favorite of many rich wives and daughters. Almost every rich wife or heiress had Loe products in their jewelry collection.

However, Loe was a family business. A few years ago, due to internal conflicts within the family, they self-destructed. They also relied on the same old designs, without any innovation, and couldn’t keep up with the trend and aesthetic changes. Gradually, they declined.

But even so, it’s better to be the head of a dead camel than a live horse. Loe is still a globally renowned brand with decades of accumulation. Acquiring it is not just a matter of having financial resources.

Song Linchu knew that Tan Yue’s identity was definitely extraordinary, but when he heard him casually say that he acquired a small brand, well… how should he put it, he felt in awe.

Being a designer for such a big brand, Song Linchu was thrilled.

However, he still had some concerns.

Little Songlin: [I’m just a beginner, unworthy to even shine the shoes of a designer for a big brand like this. You are overestimating me.]

Tan Yue: [No, Alx says you are very talented.]

Little Songlin: [!]

Little Songlin: [(sparkling eyes) Did he really say that?]

Tan Yue: [Yes.]

Tan Yue: [Will you join?]

Song Linchu’s finger paused on the screen, his face conflicted.

On one hand, he was really tempted by this job, but on the other hand, if he accepted the job, it would create an inseparable connection with Tan Yue.

The chances of him and Tan Yue not sparking were high, and if they didn’t end up together, he would definitely have to change jobs, which would be troublesome.

Little Songlin: [Can I think about it?]

Tan Yue: [Sure.]

Tan Yue: [By the way, Alx will also be joining as the Chief Design Consultant.]

Song Linchu: !!!

Ah! The idol is joining too!

If he goes, then won’t he be able to work with the idol?

Maybe he can even admire his design drafts up close.

Just thinking about it, Song Linchu couldn’t control the upward curve of his mouth.

Little Songlin: [I’m joining! I’m joining!]

Little Songlin: [ President Tan, please take care of me!]

Tan Yue: “…”

When it came to infuriating him, Song Linchu never disappointed.

Tan Yue never expected that one day he would have to rely on his friend’s influence to trick his lover to his company. Feeling depressed and frustrated, he took a deep breath to suppress the surging sourness.

Tan Yue: [Alright, then quit your job at the coffee shop and come to my place.]

Little Songlin: [Okay! Thank you, brother!]

Little Songlin: [(heart gesture.jpg)]

Tan Yue explained the salary and benefits to him. Tan Yue was obviously giving him a back door, directly providing a base salary of 10,000 yuan, and for each design draft he submitted, he would receive a 5,000 bonus. If his work was adopted, he would receive a 10% share of the profits.

Song Linchu’s eyes widened.

Tan Yue wasn’t just looking for a designer, this was simply targeted poverty alleviation.

Song Linchu and Tan Yue negotiated for a while, and finally settled on a base salary based on the wages of the coffee shop. He would receive a 500 bonus for each design draft he submitted, with no share of the profits if his work was adopted.

Of course, Song Linchu was tempted by the terms Tan Yue offered, but he hoped that if they didn’t spark any romantic feelings, he wouldn’t owe anything to Tan Yue when they went their separate ways.

The current salary plan was the standard treatment for fresh graduates without any famous works. The base salary was higher, but Song Linchu could only consider it as a part-time job. He couldn’t compare it to others, so the salary was reasonable.

Faced with such a clear-minded husband, what could Tan Yue say?

He could only choose to satisfy him.

Originally, after Song Linchu contacted the senior who introduced part-time jobs, the senior sent several part-time job opportunities for the afternoon. Song Linchu was tempted for a moment but declined in the end.

With Tab Yue’s job offer, he felt much more at ease and could rest peacefully.

According to the contract Song Linchu signed with the coffee shop, he had to give a one-week notice before resigning to allow them time to hire someone new. Therefore, Song Linchu decided to work until the National Day holiday. After the holiday ended, he would start working with Tan Yue.

The store manager was very reluctant to see him leave but didn’t dare to stop him. He let him go without any hesitation.

On his last day of work, Song Linchu treated himself and the other night shift waitstaff to a barbecue dinner.

Song Linchu had a good relationship with the waitstaff at the coffee shop, both male and female. When they saw that he was leaving, they were all reluctant to see him go and insisted on having a drink with him.

Song Linchu couldn’t refuse, and after a round of drinks, even with his decent alcohol tolerance, he felt a little tipsy.

Just as he was being bombarded by the girls, asking what type of girl he liked and if he had someone he liked, his phone, which was placed aside, buzzed. He picked up the phone and said he had to take a call, quickly walking away with the phone in hand.

Outside the restaurant.

“Brother,” Song Linchu leaned against a pillar outside the barbecue restaurant. “What’s the matter?”

Tan Yue’s deep and cold voice came through the phone. “When will it be over? I’ll come pick you up.”

“No need, it’s very close to my school here.”

The manager and the others were afraid they wouldn’t make it in time for his curfew, so they purposely found a restaurant close to his school.

“But…” Tan Yue paused, his voice low and heavy, “I miss you.”

Song Linchu was stunned.

It was just a simple phrase, but for some reason, when it came from a man’s mouth and entered his ears, it felt like something strange had been added. Song Linchu’s ears, already flushed from the alcohol, grew even hotter.

“What should we do then?”

“I’ll come pick you up.”

“Oh…” Song Linchu looked down at the light from the streetlamp on the floor. “Then hurry, the curfew for my dormitory is almost here.”

Then he had to make sure he missed it! Tan Yue quickly replied with an air of righteousness, “Alright, I’ll be quick.”

After Song Linchu sat back down, he was persuaded to drink a few more glasses of alcohol and ended up completely drunk.

His drunken appearance was innocent and charming, making people want to tease him mercilessly.

When Tan Yue arrived, Song Linchu was being teased by a few “strange sisters.” He didn’t know what they had said, but Song Linchu blushed with embarrassment.

Seeing his little husband being teased, Tan Yue’s face immediately darkened as he walked over.

The manager was the first to see him and greeted him respectfully, “Mr. Tan, why are you here?”

“I’m here to pick him up.” Tan Yue glanced at Song Linchu, his voice cold.

When Song Linchu heard Tan Yue’s voice, he looked up and met the man’s gaze. His eyes immediately filled with grievance. “Why did you come so late?”

Tan Yue’s heart softened instantly, and his voice became several degrees gentler than before as he said, “There was traffic on the way.”

That wasn’t entirely false. Today was the last day of the National Day holiday, and many people were returning, so the roads were indeed congested.

However, he deliberately had the driver take a slightly longer route.

Tan Yue helped him up, nodded at the others, and said, “I’ll take him with me first.”

No one dared to oppose.

As Song Linchu stood up, he realized that his legs were weak and almost couldn’t stand. Fortunately, Tan Yue promptly supported him.

Under the stunned gaze of the other employees, Tan Yue, with an extremely possessive air, put one hand around Song Linchu’s waist and the other on his arm, and led him away from the barbecue restaurant.

Song Linchu was truly drunk, with more than half of his weight on Tan Yue.

Fortunately, the car was parked at the door. Tan Yue helped him into the back seat, and sat in from the other side.

Song Linchu had already scooped up a pillow, and buried most of his face in it.

When Tan Yue got in the car, he immediately shrank towards the door.

“Are you feeling uncomfortable?” Tan Yue asked.

Song Linchu shook his head.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“I drank too much,” Song Linchu said.


“You should keep your distance from me,” Song Linchu said with a stern tone.

Tan Yue thought he was worried about the alcohol smell, so he curled his lips and reassured him, “It’s alright, I don’t mind.”

“I mind!” Song Linchu glared at him.

Tan Yue, feeling the intensity of his watery and intoxicated gaze, felt his belt tighten. “Can’t we keep half a meter?”

The car wasn’t that wide.

“No!” Song Linchu’s tone was resolute as he sulkily said, “What if I’m not clear-headed later and do something to you? And then you pretend I bumped into you and hold me responsible!”

Tan Yue, whose belt was getting restless: “……?”

Song Linchu didn’t study jewelry design, he clearly majored in provoking him.

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