After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Song Linchu became depressed when he heard that the case could not be filed. Then in the next second, he heard Tan Yue ask how he wanted to solve it and he almost bit his tongue as his mood flew up again.

‘Damn, is this the world of big shots? If you have a grudge, you can still solve it privately?’

He couldn’t help but ask, “Can I solve it in any way?”

Tan Yue glanced at him lightly and said, “Killing is not an option.”

‘… It won’t come to that,’ Song Linchu thought to himself.

He immediately went through a novel script and started thinking. He had always been a relatively obedient person. If this Yuan Ruidong just got him drunk and threw him into KTV, he wouldn’t have done anything.

Thinking about yesterday, if he hadn’t made an appointment with Tan Yue in advance to let him call him, if Tan Yue’s intuition wasn’t so sharp, if it wasn’t for Tan Yue’s extraordinary network means that made it possible to check so quickly, he would have…

Just thinking about it made Song Linchu shiver.

However, he thought for a long time and couldn’t come up with an effective solution, so he hesitantly asked, “What if we beat him up badly?”

Tan Yue directly replied, “That’s not enough.”


Song Linchu couldn’t think of anything more excessive than beating him up. He scratched his head and said, “I can’t think of anything.”

Tan Yue didn’t seem too surprised by his response and asked, “Shall I do it then?”


“I’ll teach him a lesson my way.”

Song Linchu’s eyes lit up.

Tan Yue’s way must not be a simple one.

Anyway, Tan Yue said killing is not an option. Yuan Ruidong doesn’t deserve to die, but if he’s not given a harsh lesson, there will definitely be other victims.

Song Linchu nodded without hesitation, “Okay.”

“Well,” Tan Yue hesitated for a moment and added with a rare human touch, “Rest well.”

Song Linchu saw Tan Yue gesturing to Cheng Bin to take him back, and blurted out, “How do you plan to solve this?”

Perhaps Song Linchu’s curiosity was too strong, Tan Yue said in a low voice, “I’ll let you see when the time comes.”

Does that mean he was going to watch it live from here?

How exciting!

After Tan Yue left, Song Linchu remembered it was Monday today and he had classes, plus he didn’t go home all night yesterday. Li Chang must be worried sick.

He saw his phone on the bedside table, hurriedly picked it up and checked the call records. Li Chang did call him at 11 pm last night, but it wasn’t a missed call, there was over a minute of call time, probably Cheng Bin answered it for him.

In addition, his senior also called him, but the call was less than a minute.

Song Linchu breathed a sigh of relief. Li Chang should give him a sick leave today, there was no need to worry.

At this time, the nurse brought over porridge and side dishes, and after eating breakfast and taking a shower, Song Linchu felt alive again.

The doctor examined him and confirmed there was no problem, so Song Linchu went through the discharge procedures.

Although the room he stayed in was not as luxurious as Tan Yue’s suite, it was still a luxurious room, and it must be expensive to stay for a night. Song Linchu didn’t want to spend money on such a place.

His medical expenses were directly deducted from Tan Yue’s account, but as a patient, he could still get the bill.

Song Linchu almost had a heart attack when he saw the total cost of 2,800 clearly stated on the bill.

He was just a little drugged, and it passed after a night of sleep.

This hospital’s fees were too outrageous!

And this is the result of Tan Yue getting an 8.8% discount as a Black Gold user!

Song Linchu choked again.

Was it too late to switch majors and study finance and management to open a private hospital in the future?

After completing the discharge procedures, Song Linchu sat on a comfortable sofa chair in the outpatient lobby, opened Tan Yue’s chat box, and transferred 2800 yuan to him.

Tan Yue: [?]

Little Songlin: [My medical expenses, the hospital said my gege helped me pay in advance, thank you, gege. ]

Little Songlin: [(fox kissing.gif)]

Tan Yue directly returned the money.

Song Linchu thought he refused to accept it, and was about to say something, but Tan Yue sent another message.

Tan Yue: [Money for the medicinal food.]

“……” Seems like no problem.

It was Tan Yue’s intention so he couldn’t say it was not necessary to pay, moreover, Tan Yue certainly wouldn’t accept his money.

Thinking that those medicinal food materials were also a considerable expense, Song Linchu did not insist.

Moreover, 2800 yuan can be used for more than ten meals of medicinal food, which meant that Tan Yue assumed he will come more than ten times.

Isn’t that…

Emma, is this considered a blessing in disguise?

Little Songlin: [Okay, I’ll make it for you in a few days. ]

Little Songlin: [Gege is the best O (∩_∩) O ]

Little Songlin: [(little fox spinning.gif)]

Tan Yue: [Where are you?]

Little Songlin: [Here in the outpatient hall.]

Tan Yue: [Come over.]

Little Songlin: [Ah?]

Tan Yue: [Don’t you want to see how to deal with that person? ]

Little Songlin: [Oh, I’ll come right away!]

Song Linchu was originally planning to go back to class directly, but when he heard Tan Yue’s words, he immediately turned back to the inpatient ward.

The fierce man who had been guarding the door of the ward did not stop Song Linchu this time. He even politely called out “Mr. Song” to him. Song Linchu smiled at him and entered the ward.

Tan Yue glanced at him and said “let’s begin” to his phone, then handed the phone to him.

Song Linchu didn’t understand and took the phone, only to find that it was a video call, and on the other end was Yuan Ruidong, who seemed to be in an unfinished building and was being pushed around by someone.

“What do you want from me?”

A heavily tattooed man appeared on the screen and pushed him, saying, “My father is the President of the United States. Should I be proud?”

Yuan Ruidong: “…”

Yuan Ruidong choked, then sneered, “I’m not trying to scare you. Go ask around this city. Many people know me, Yuan Ruidong. If you have any sense, let me go, and I won’t hold it against you.”

The heavily tattooed man’s companion, a young woman, covered her chest and said, “Oh dear, I’m so scared.”

“Boss, don’t waste time with him. The employer is still watching,” said the person holding the phone.

“Alright,” the heavily tattooed man waved his hand, “you guys, take off his clothes.”

Several more tattooed men appeared on the screen. Two held Yuan Ruidong down while the others began to strip him.

Song Linchu watched in disbelief and looked at Tan Yue.

This couldn’t be happening, could it?

“Relax, I’m a law-abiding citizen,” Tan Yue said, looking down at the stack of files on his lap. He spoke in the same cool, detached tone as always, as if he had nothing to do with what was happening on the video.

Song Linchu couldn’t help but put his finger on the hang-up button.

If things got too graphic, he would hang up.

As Yuan Ruidong threatened and cursed, the men stripped him down to his underwear. Seeing that they were serious, Yuan Ruidong broke down and began to beg.

“Big brothers, how much did your employer pay you? I’ll give you double, no, triple, please let me go.”

“Sure, he gave us one hundred million. You can pay that, right?”

Yuan Ruidong choked and said, “That’s impossible! I’ll give you one million.”

“One million to buy us off? Get lost, beggar,” the heavily tattooed man said as he ripped off the last of Yuan Ruidong’s clothing.

Song Linchu almost threw his phone away, but thankfully the camera angle changed before he saw anything too graphic.

The heavily tattooed man exclaimed in an exaggerated tone, “Wow, it’s so small, like a toothpick.”

The others laughed in a lewd manner.

Yuan Ruidong looked ashamed and said, “I’m sorry, brothers. I was wrong. I admit that I acted on impulse and committed a crime. I can surrender to the police. Please let me go.”

“It’s too late,” the tattooed man said. “Scum like you should be castrated.”

With that, he pulled out a knife.

Song Linchu thought, ‘What happened to being a law-abiding citizen?’

Yuan Ruidong’s face turned pale with fear as he struggled, “No, you can’t do this to me. It’s against the law.”

“How strange, yesterday you didn’t think you were breaking the law when you tried to rob someone,” the tattooed man said.

“I, I…”

“Enough,” the tattooed man interrupted. “Hold him down, I’m going to do it for real this time.”

“Got it.”

“No, you can’t do this, ahhhh!”

Yuan Ruidong screamed, and Song Linchu shuddered in fear. He felt a twinge in a certain area, and his face turned white.

However, to his surprise, the video did not show any blood spattering.

“Tsk, scared him so much he peed himself. I barely touched him,” the tattooed man said disdainfully, with the knife in his hand still as white as snow. Apparently, he had not really intended to use it and had just wanted to frighten Yuan Ruidong.

Even so, Yuan Ruidong was scared out of his wits. Snot and tears were streaming down his face, and he looked miserable and embarrassed.

“Now I’m really going to do it,” the tattooed man said, taking a step forward with the knife. But Song Linchu could tell that they had no intention of actually hurting Yuan Ruidong; they were just trying to scare him.

Despite this, Yuan Ruidong screamed in terror, especially when the tattooed man actually made a cut, causing a tiny bit of blood to appear on the blade.

The video only showed Yuan Ruidong’s face, so Song Linchu didn’t know what they were doing to him below, but from the twisted expression of fear on his face, he could tell it was painful.

He had to admit, it was kind of satisfying.

This was definitely better than just beating him up.

Moreover, they were still on the right side of the law, since even the knife the tattooed man used was just a fruit knife and not subject to regulation.

It seemed that Tan Yue was not a liar. He was indeed a law-abiding citizen.

When the tattooed man had frightened Yuan Ruidong enough, he let go of him and he collapsed to the ground like a dead dog, his three souls and seven spirits frightened out of him.

The tattooed man kicked him and asked, “Will you dare to do it again in the future?”

“I won’t, I won’t… “ Yuan Ruidong was trembling with fear, his face covered in snot and tears. “I won’t do it again, woo wooo.”

“Don’t worry, if there’s a next time, we’ll just cut off that thing of yours and feed it to the dogs!”

Yuan Ruidong shuddered again. He had been scared out of his wits and was muttering repeatedly, “I won’t do it again, I won’t do it again.”

Seeing that the end was near, Song Linchu ended the video call.

He breathed a sigh of relief and noticed that Tan Yue was still browsing through a file, completely uninterested in the events on the other end of the video call and he admired him greatly for that.

Song Linchu walked over and handed him his phone.

“Feel better now?” Tan Yue asked.

“Yeah!” Song Linchu said sincerely. “That move was too strong, it didn’t cause much harm, but the insult was extreme.”

With this lesson, Yuan Ruidong would undoubtedly be left with a large psychological shadow.

It was more effective than just beating him up.

He was probably going to remember this incident every time he went to bed with someone and then go limp.

It was…very satisfying.

Just then, a man Song Linchu had never seen before knocked on the door of the hospital room and, after receiving permission, walked in.

The man was also dressed in a suit and looked like a corporate elite.

“Boss Tan,” the man handed him a file, “I have screened all the companies under our group that have cooperated with Yuante New Materials. Among them, Shenghuai and Hefei are their major clients.”

Tan Yue took the file and casually flipped through it. “Terminate all cooperation. From now on, all companies under the group will have no further business dealings with Yuante.”

The man was slightly stunned, then said, “Okay, Mr Tan.”

Song Linchu: “…”

If he remembered correctly, Yuante New Materials was the company owned by Yuan Ruidong’s father that he had just mentioned.

He thought that teaching Yuan Ruidong a lesson was enough, but he didn’t expect such a dramatic follow-up.

Was this the real-life version of the “ king Breaking the Cold”?

It was a little satisfying.

*”King Breaking the Cold” is a popular Chinese slang phrase derived from a TV drama series called Kangxi Dynasty. It refers to a situation where a powerful or prominent figure falls from grace due to changes in circumstances or unexpected events.

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