After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 73

Chapter 73

Song Linchu regretted speaking those words, he even wondered if he had been possessed by a ghost a moment ago.

Otherwise, why would he ask Tan Yue for a kiss?

What if Tan Yue rejected him? How embarrassing would that be?

But there was no remedy for regrets in this world. Song Linchu could only look at Tan Yue anxiously, awaiting his response as if awaiting a sentence.

Tan Yue remained silent, only lowering his gaze to the hand that held onto his sleeve. With each passing moment, Song Linchu’s heart grew colder. The hand that was being scrutinized felt as if it were pricked by icy thorns, and his fingers gradually loosened their grip.

At the moment of complete release, the man suddenly grabbed his hand.

Song Linchu looked up in astonishment, but Tan Yue had already leaned over and kissed his lips.

The man’s warm breath instantly intertwined with his, tender and lingering. The familiar intrusion causing Song Linchu’s suspended heart to plummet.

He didn’t know if lost things were more precious than before, but Song Linchu, who had always been passive, hesitated for a second before responding to Tan Yue’s kiss.

The man tightened his grip on his hand.

Song Linchu could clearly feel Tan Yue’s breath growing heavier, and the kiss became more intense and passionate.

Tan Yue’s skilled technique and control over his sensitive points left Song Linchu completely defenseless. He quickly became dizzy and didn’t even realize that he was being pressed on the soft sofa.


Song Linchu’s lips accidentally collided with Tan Yue’s teeth, eliciting a slight cry of pain. Tan Yue slightly distanced himself, meeting the young man’s watery gaze, his usually clear eyes showing a hint of confusion.

As he pulled away, those eyes still looked at him, carrying a hint of innocent bewilderment.

Tan Yue: “…”

Tan Yue raised his hand to cover the young man’s eyes, but couldn’t control himself and leaned in again.

Outside, the night was deep, while inside, the lights were splendid.

Several crystal lamps above were illuminated, and the interplay of warm yellow and white light cast a transparent and bright layer in the living room.

Though Song Linchu’s eyes were covered by the man’s hand, fragments of light seeped through the gaps and were somewhat dazzling. He couldn’t help but close his eyes, making the touch on his lips more sensitive and rich.

A novice like him couldn’t withstand the experienced tactics of a dog man. Just a kiss was enough to make him dizzy and surrender to the man’s every wish.

At some point, the pillow he was holding was taken away, eliminating any barrier between them.


Tan Yue sensed something unusual about the young man’s body and slightly moved away, looking at Song Linchu with a smile that was not quite a smile.

Song Linchu snapped out of his dazed state, realizing what Tan Yue was laughing at. His face turned as red as a ripe tomato, and it exploded into a sea of red clouds.

Ah, ah, ah, ah!

What about his pillow? Did it grow legs?

Song Linchu had the urge to bang his head against the wall. Why did Tan Yue have to discover every embarrassing thing about him?

So humiliating…

Song Linchu reached out and covered his face.

If possible, he didn’t want it anymore.

Tan Yue saw Song Linchu bury his face like an ostrich and felt both angry and amused. He reached out to pull the young man’s hand away, but found that Song Linchu’s hand seemed glued in place, unmoving.

Helpless, he turned his head to the side and kissed the young man’s earlobe, which had turned red as blood.

Song Linchu’s body trembled, and a near-pleading voice escaped through the gaps of his covered face.

“Brother, please let me calm down alone.”

“Why do you have to calm down?” Tan Yue deliberately asked.

Song Linchu: “…”

Song Linchu wanted to hit someone. Didn’t he have any idea why he wanted to calm down?

“I don’t need you to worry,” someone’s voice carried a hint of anger and embarrassment, pushing him harshly, “Get up quickly!”

Tan Yue remained unmoved, only lowering his gaze to look at him.

When he looked at people like this, he always carried a cold and condescending gaze that made people feel awe. Song Linchu felt a tingling sensation from his gaze, and the strength in his hand that was pushing him gradually weakened.

He forgot that people of Tan Yue’s status hardly have anyone daring to speak to him in such a way.

Was he too fierce and angered him?

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, Tan Yue suddenly smiled.

Song Linchu rarely saw a man smile, and he looked at Tan Yue in astonishment. The corners of Tan Yue’s eyes and eyebrows were filled with a joyful smile and in Song Linchu’s bewildered gaze, Tan Yue’s hand slowly moved downward, reaching the corner with the raised flag.

“I’ll help you,” Tan Yue said softly.

Song Linchu: “?????”

What did he mean by helping him?!

Before this sentence could finish its long arc of reflection in his mind, the warm and dry palm had already reached the grassy land.

It was like a giant with bared teeth and claws, gripping the only tree in this grassy land.

The tree clearly didn’t suffer any social anxiety. Despite this giant’s first visit, it didn’t retreat or fear, but instead grew more vigorous through each friction, emitting waves of heat.

Its owner, stimulated by this sudden warmth, reflexively wanted to arch his body but was pressed down by the man.

Unbeknownst to them, it had started drizzling outside.

Water droplets fell one by one from the eaves of the villa, making a “drip, drip” sound that synchronized with the rhythm of the man’s hand.

The rain gradually intensified, and the sound of the water droplets became more urgent.

The rhythm inside the room also seemed to echo, becoming faster and faster.

Song Linchu, a young man who rarely took matters into his own hands and whose mind was filled only with studying and making money, a simple college student, couldn’t withstand this stimulation.

There was a sound of thunder outside.

Song Linchu followed the not too light nor too heavy thunder and suddenly straightened his body.

At that moment, he almost felt like he was leaving the Earth’s gravity, floating in the atmosphere without gravity, his mind blank. In his unfocused eyes, the overhead crystal chandelier was reflected.

It was too stimulating.

The innocent college student was deeply immersed in this stimulation, unable to recover for a long time.

It was only when the man bit his lip that he regained some consciousness. Tan Yue had already moved away and wiped his hands with a tissue.

Noticing the dampness on the man’s hand, the heat on Song Linchu’s face was almost about to set him on fire.

He… he… he actually…

Moreover, the man was still wearing a neat suit and exuded a cold and restrained aura, while he(Song Linchu) seemed to have been hit by a typhoon, messy all over.

Although he knew that the servants here were very disciplined and wouldn’t disturb them in the living room at this time, Song Linchu still felt an infinite sense of shame, so he reached out and straightened his clothes.

He didn’t even dare to recall what had just happened.

Song Linchu’s ostrich mentality kicked in, and he grabbed a pillow to cover his head, as if he could pretend that nothing had happened.

Tan Yue finished wiping his hands, threw the tissue in the trash can, and turned his head to see Song Linchu’s self-deceptive appearance, feeling both angry and amused.

He really wanted to deal with him right here and now, as he had been anticipating this day for a long time.

But he was afraid of scaring someone if the progress was too fast, so President Tan could only once again muster his iron will and endure.

This little turtle could easily retreat into its shell, so he had to take it step by step.

Moreover, he discovered that Song Linchu during this period was particularly prone to overthinking. If he stayed a bit distant from him, it would be easier for him to self-conquer and advance the progress bar like riding an airplane.

Patience was needed to catch a big fish, and President Tan had plenty of patience to firmly catch his lover.

Tan Yue reached out and tugged at the pillow in Song Linchu’s hand. However, the pillow was firmly protected. He raised an eyebrow and asked, “What’s the use of covering now?”

Song Linchu’s muffled voice came from the pillow, “It’s none of your business.”

Tan Yue chuckled softly.

His laughter made Song Linchu even more frustrated.

“You go take a shower,” the youth kicked him with his foot.

Tan Yue: “…”

You are truly a white eyed wolf.

But what else could President Tan say?

He lightly pinched Song Linchu’s uninjured foot, causing the young man to cry out in surprise, and said, “Alright, you go to sleep early too.”

With that, he stood up, picked up the discarded shirt on the side, and left the living room.

He took out his phone and headed upstairs.

Song Linchu heard the man’s fading footsteps. He stealthily opened one eye from his pillow and breathed a sigh if relief when he caught a glimpse of Tan Yue’s figure disappearing on the second floor.

The pent up feelings within him had been released, bringing both mental and physical contentment to Song Linchu, albeit with a hint of fatigue.

Thinking about his purpose in waiting for Tan Yue’s return and the contradictory outcome, Song Linchu let out a sigh.

He felt that he was most likely poisoned.

The next day.

Tan Yue’s driver dropped off Song Linchu at school. Having missed ten days of classes and with midterms which accounted for 15% of the final grades approaching, Song Linchu wholeheartedly immersed himself in his studies. Grades were of utmost importance to him as they directly impacted his scholarship.

Coincidentally, Tan Yue had to go on a business trip abroad, which would last about half a month. Both of them had their own busy schedules, leaving little time for romance and affection.

In the past, Song Linchu was a person who could focus on studying, easily forsaking sleep and food, and stay in the library from opening to closing time, achieving an astonishingly high level of productivity.

However, this time, he would inevitably find himself unconsciously paying attention to the phone placed on his desk.

After being apart for more than ten days, Tan Yue had contacted him only a few times.

He said he was busy. But wasn’t he also busy before, yet still found time to pester him every day?

Was it true that once something was within reach, it became unimportant?

Although this state of affairs did not affect his studies, it was frustrating.

At that moment, the phone on the desk buzzed twice, causing Song Linchu’s initially empty heart to skip a beat. He immediately picked up the phone to see who messaged him.

It was his roommate, Li Chang.

Li Chang asked if he had solved the last question of the advanced mathematics assignment that the teacher had given them, and if he could copy it from him.

Song Linchu’s heart sank again, feeling powerless as he replied to him.

After closing the chat with Li Chang, Song Linchu glanced at the WeChat interface where his conversation with Tan Yue had been stuck since two days ago. He rested his chin on the desk in depression.

What a dog of a man, a stinking man.

Song Linchu had almost finished his studying for the day. There were still two hours before the library closed, so he went to the bookshelf and searched for a while before selecting two books.

One was about jewelry design, and the other… National Geographic of Country M?!

Wait, why did he grab this book?

Oh, right. He saw the letters “Country M” and thought of Tan Yue, who was on a business trip to that country. Absent-mindedly, he ended up grabbing this book…

This was just absurd, a huge mistake.

Song Linchu felt that he was beyond help.

He set aside the National Geographic book of Country M with frustration and was about to focus on his specialized book when he noticed that someone had tampered with his books on the table. It seemed like something was wedged in between, revealing a pink corner.

Song Linchu opened the textbook and discovered a folded pink letter in the shape of a heart.

It was a love letter.

In fact, with the widespread use of mobile phones, love letters have become almost extinct. Even someone as popular as Song Linchu rarely received love letters.

He took it out with curiosity.

The sender put a lot of effort into it. Not only was the love letter folded into a heart shape, but there were also two little figures drawn on the envelope. It was obvious that one of them was him, riding a bicycle with a girl leaning her head on his back. It was romantic and picturesque, like a scene from a romance novel, filled with the scent of love in the air.

Song Linchu was slightly surprised by the girl’s artistic skills.

If his heart hadn’t been deceived by a dog man, he might have developed some interest in the person behind this love letter.

Thinking about the dog man who stole his heart, Song Linchu felt a bit perplexed.

The phone remained silent, the dog man was probably enjoying himself with some foreign beauty, too preoccupied to think of a plain little cabbage like him.


Tan Yue deliberately avoided contacting Song Linchu.

He wanted to give him a taste of longing for him when he wasn’t around, to make him realize the depth of his feelings. Only then would he be able to quickly recognize his heart.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder, and when he comes back, it would be the day he claimed his cabbage.

However, longing doesn’t disappear with deliberate neglect. Despite being busy, Tan Yue couldn’t help but check his WeChat, hoping that a certain someone couldn’t resist missing him and would actively reach out to him, just like before, intentionally sending him some teasing photos.

Of course, the current Song Linchu wouldn’t do such a thing.

He didn’t even reach out first.

Just when Tan Yue was tormenting Song Linchu and tormenting himself, he made a surprising discovery: Song Linchu had posted something in his Moments.

What was even more surprising was what he posted just five hours ago.

[This girl who wrote this love letter is truly talented. My heart is moved, and I want to… (with a picture)]

The picture showed a love letter folded into a heart shape, with a manga drawing featuring Song Linchu as the protagonist.

Tan Yue: “…”

Surprise instantly turned into fright.

He hadn’t claimed the cabbage yet, but some pig was already snatching it away.

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