After Marrying The Wrong Person, I Can’t Leave

Chapter 80

Yuan Yuan was extremely delighted, holding her little plush toy as she spontaneously climbed onto the bed and settled in the middle.

In the face of Tan Yue’s gaze, Yuan Yuan boldly declared, “I’ll fall off if I sleep on the side!”

Tan Yue: “…”

Fine, you have a valid point.

Song Linchu felt that Yuan Yuan was like a heaven-sent cure for Tan Yue. He chuckled and lay on his side, pulling the blanket for Yuan Yuan and said, “Go to sleep.”

“Okay, Little Uncle, goodnight.”

“Goodnight.” Song Linchu gently rubbed her fluffy head.

Yuan Yuan obediently closed her eyes.

Tan Yue also turned off the lights, leaving only a bedside lamp on. He lay down and was about to reach out to turn off the lamp when he saw Song Linchu lying on his side, smiling at him.

Seeing him looking over, Song Linchu even flirtatiously winked at him.


Tan Yue mouthed three words: “Just you wait.”

Song Linchu was not afraid of him at all and made a funny face before closing his eyes to sleep.

Worried that some easily frightened child might be scared in the middle of the night, Tan Yue simply dimmed the bedside lamp and closed his eyes to sleep.

They thought the night would pass like this.

Little did they know that not long after Song Linchu fell asleep, he felt something kicking his abdomen.

He was a deep sleeper, usually not easily disturbed, but his waist was more sensitive. Being kicked several times in a row eventually woke him up.

In a drowsy state, he thought it was Tan Yue and mumbled, “Gege, stop messing around.”

The kicking continued, fully rousing Song Linchu.

Only then did he realize that the culprit kicking his waist was not Tan Yue at all, but Yuan Yuan’s little feet. At some point, the child had turned sideways in her sleep and wss unable to fully extend her legs, resulting in her kicking Song Linchu’s waist.

Although they had a king-sized bed, accommodating two grown men, it was hardly suitable for a child to sleep sideways.

Song Linchu held her securely and went back to sleep.

Although he had excellent sleep quality, being awakened in the middle of the night required some time to settle back into slumber. After an unknown period of time, just as drowsiness was about to take over, he heard a rustling sound next to him and woke him up.

Song Linchu opened his eyes in frustration, only to see Tan Yue holding Yuan Yuan, who had curled up on his belly.

“Did I wake you up?” Tan Yue asked in surprise, noticing that Song Linchu was awake.

He was amazed that such a small disturbance could wake Song Linchu.

Song Linchu smiled wryly, “I was just woken up by her kicking, so I couldn’t fall back asleep.”

Tan Yue tucked Yuan Yuan’s blanket neatly and leaned over to give Song Linchu a peck on the corner of his mouth, saying, “Go back to sleep, she can’t move anymore.”


It turned out that Tan Yue had greatly underestimated Yuan Yuan’s sleeping habits.

This child slept like she had restless legs syndrome, running all over the bed, rolling onto the pillow one moment and ending up by their feet the next. The most remarkable thing was her habit of sleeping sideways, and if her feet couldn’t stretch straight, she would continue kicking. Even a dead person could be kicked back to life by her.

The next day, both Song Linchu and Tan Yue had dark circles under their eyes.

Song Linchu seriously suspected that Yuan Yuan was too well-behaved, so the heavens made her misbehave at night to compensate.

Finally, he understood why Yuan Yuan’s bed had railings all around. Her sleeping habits were just too extreme. If they didn’t watch her closely, they would have to search under the bed the next day.

Unbelievable, it was truly unbelievable.

“Little uncle, why do you have dark circles under your eyes?” While dressing Yuan Yuan, she pointed at his under-eye area and rubbed it.

Song Linchu thought to himself, ‘It’s all because of you.’

However, he certainly wouldn’t say such words to a child. He smiled and said, “I dreamed I was chased by a monster, so I’m tired.”

Yuan Yuan clenched her fists and said, “Ask Uncle to help you fight it.”

In his heart, Song Linchu thought, ‘Your uncle was just as miserable.’

At this moment, Tan Yue came out of the bathroom. Seeing Song Linchu clumsily fixing Yuan Yuan’s hair, he walked over and said, “Let me do it. You go wash up.”

Song Linchu looked at him suspiciously and asked, “Can you do it?”

Tan Yue nodded confidently.

Song Linchu then went to the bathroom to wash up. When he finished and came out, he saw Yuan Yuan sitting on the edge of the bed with her short legs dangling, waiting for Tan Yue to put on her shoes. It was almost comical.

She had two little ponytails, one high and one low, on her head. The hair ties weren’t tied too tightly, so they swayed whenever she moved. She looked like she had been bullied.

Song Linchu covered his face and said, “I thought you said you could do it.”

Tan Yue had a serious expression and replied, “Her hair won’t cooperate.”

Song Linchu: “…”

A child couldn’t go to school like this. Song Linchu untied the hair ties and re-tied them. It turned out that Tan Yue was right. Yuan Yuan had good hair texture, smooth and slippery. It was difficult to tie it tightly. If you tied it too tightly, the child would feel uncomfortable. The hair ties could only be loosely tied, and whenever the child moved, they would almost fall off.

The three of them looked at each other.

Fortunately, they had a maid at home who finally saved the two clueless uncles. Because fixing Yuan Yuan’s hair took a lot of time, they didn’t have time to eat breakfast. Luckily, they had pancakes from the kitchen that they could eat in the car.

The two of them sent the child to kindergarten together.

Yuan Yuan’s kindergarten was near her own house, so they had to drive her there. Children were such peculiar creatures. Just five minutes after they started driving, Yuan Yuan tugged at Song Linchu’s sleeve and said, “Little uncle, I need to pee.”

“…” This is the freeway. We can’t stop and pee here.

Song Linchu coaxed her, “Can you hold it for a little while? We’ll find a restroom at the kindergarten.”

Yuan Yuan replied, “I can’t hold it.”

Song Linchu: “…”

Tan Yue instructed the driver to take the next exit and asked Yuan Yuan, “Why didn’t you say so when we were at home?”

Yuan Yuan pouted and said, “You didn’t ask.”

“Do you need someone to ask you to go pee?”

Yuan Yuan realized that she was in the wrong and said softly, “At home, Daddy and Mommy always ask.”


Song Linchu and Tan Yue exchanged a helpless glance, unable to understand why such an independent and sensible child needed adults to remind her to pee in the morning.

Fortunately, there was a 24-hour KFC near the exit. Song Linchu took her inside to use the restroom.

When the car stopped at the entrance of the kindergarten, both of them let out a sigh of relief simultaneously.

It was tough. Taking care of a child was really tough.

Just one night and morning with a child had discouraged them from considering having their own.

So, after enduring half a month, both of them felt like celebrating with champagne when Yuan Yuan was picked up.

Song Linchu stood at the entrance of the villa, and let out a sigh of relief as he watcy the car carrying Yuan Yuan disappear around the corner.

He turned to look at Tan Yue: “As for adopting a child, shall we reconsider?”

Tan Yue agreed with a “Mmm.”

In fact, they had been considering this for a while, but they hadn’t been fully prepared to welcome a new member yet.

Grandpa Tan’s actions had directly discouraged them.

They were still young and didn’t need to think about heirs for now.

As for the future, they would deal with it later.

“What about Grandpa?” Song Linchu asked, feeling guilty about the elderly man’s concern for them.

Tan Yue said, “I’ll talk to him.”

Song Linchu didn’t know what Tan Yue said to his grandfather, but afterwards, his grandfather didn’t mention anything about them adopting a child again. They returned to their happy life as a couple.

Perhaps one day, after careful consideration and preparation, they would welcome a new member, but that day wouldn’t come too soon.

For now, their hearts were only big enough for one person, and that was each other.

!!The End!!

We have come to the official end guys! Thank you for reading! I look forward to seeing you at the next novel!!

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