After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 106

Chapter 106: Bright Road

While the necromancer was telling his story.

Bright Road!

The majestic castle sat in a canyon between two dangerous mountains, blocking the only road through the mountains.

The walls were fifteen yards high and were made of white stone, making the whole castle look tall and holy.

The 55-year-old Great Duke Yingsi, leading a large group of nobles, stood tall on the walls.

Among this group of nobles are Marquis’, Viscounts, Earls, and Barons. In short, those who have some status in Bright Road are now standing on the wall.

Moreover, there was a large group of clergies from the Church of Light around them, from archbishops to priests and nuns.

Everyone looked at the vast army of undead outside the city.

The real army of undead is not at all on the same scale as the army of two thousand that attacked Westwind Town.

There were so many skeletons and zombies that it was simply innumerable.

Skeletal dogs, skeletal horses, skeletal archers, skeletal magicians, and even skeletal dragons, everything.

In addition, there are a large number of human beings, including knights, magicians, and even a large group of demi-humans

Yingsi only looked and frowned.

Beside him, the archbishop of the Church of Light pointed at a jewel-encrusted staff at the army outside the city and said proudly, "They are a group of corrupted people. Bright Road has a strategically placed Holy Light Sanctuary. There is no need to fear the invasion of these corrupted creatures.

Ignoring the pretending archbishop, Yingsi asked Baron Perseus next to him, "you reported to me that you had solved the enemy and killed the culprit before, but there are more necromancers and even the demi-humans. I wonder, how on earth are you doing your reconnaissance work?"

The Baron looked embarrassed. "I did kill a necromancer in the Black Pine Mountain Range depths, but it was unknown that there were so many of them."

"The point of the reconnaissance force is to turn what you don't know into something you know." Yingsi said angrily, “I don’t have the time to deal with you now. I’ll get even with you later.”

The Baron had to salute and retreated, aggrieved.

After Yingsi scolded the Baron, he faced the city again, took out a magic item that looked like a loudspeaker, and shouted, "guys outside, tell your leader to come out and speak. Why start this war?"

"Oh? Are you calling me?" A sinister voice rang out. He couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman. He just thought it was eerie and creepy.

The soldiers on the wall frowned and felt cold and frightened.

But Yingsi was not affected at all. He was a paladin. His body steamed an aura of holiness. He remained firm and unshaken. After seeing the ugly appearances of his subordinates, he hurriedly used the unique skill of a Paladin- Sacred Halo!

Golden light spread around him and shrouded all the soldiers. The soldiers instantly felt that their waist stopped aching, their legs stopped feeling painful, their food was delicious, and their health was in excellent shape.

Yingsi sneered, "Sinister guy, your aura of fear is ineffective towards me. Do you dare come out of the shadow of your army?”

“What is there to fear?” A cloaked man came out of the army of the undead. He was wearing a black cloak. Yingsi could not see whether it was a man or a woman. He could only see that he was short.

He continued to say in a sinister voice, "indeed, the pillar of the White Lion Cavalry, a magnificent Paladin, the Grand Duke Yingsi. Before your halo, all fear and mind control magic should be futile."

Yingsi said, “In front of me, no one in Bright Road will feel intimidated or shaken. "

"However, I can shake your morale even without any magic." The man in the cloak suddenly laughed, and the voice suddenly no longer became sinister or hoarse. Everyone could tell that it was the voice of a young woman.

"Hmm?" Yingsi sensed that something was wrong.

The cloaked man lifted his cloak, and the black cloak was instantly blown away by the wind. And in front of all the defenders was a noble and beautiful woman in a white dress and beautiful blond hair. Her white dress was the style that only the queen was allowed to wear, and she wore a glittering crown on her head.

As soon as he saw that face, Yingsi seemed to have been punched hard in the face and said sadly, "This... This is impossible!”

The nobles on the wall and the slightly older soldiers froze, too, with expressions of disbelief on their faces, for they all recognized her in an instant. It was the last queen of the Kingdom of Gran who stood outside the city.

The most beautiful person in the Kingdom of Gran!

Even though many people have not seen her face with their own eyes, they have seen her portraits.

Her beauty is absolute, pure, and indescribable by any praise in the world. She is also synonymous with being a good wife and mother. She is the famous queen of the Kingdom of Gran; her gentleness and kindness are as incomparable as her beauty.

However, this beautiful and gentle queen died sixteen years ago under the breath of the black dragon. Why did she appear here? And lead a huge army of the undead?

"I see!" An Earl suddenly shouted, "she is not the queen, she is younger than the 16-year-old queen, she is … she’s the princess! Her royal highness has grown up.”

A viscount followed, "Oh, my God, It really is her Royal Highness."

"We can’t be wrong. Her face is proof."

"Maybe it's an illusion?"

"It can't be an illusion because the Grand Duke Yingsi is standing here with his sacred halo on, and no illusion can deceive us under the spell’s effect."

"Hasn't her Highness been sent to a small fief to live a happy life? Why are you here?”

“That…I've been a little skeptical about that news for a long time.”

The nobles wavered, and the princess was right. She didn't need magic to shake the morale of Bright Road.

"Kingdom of Gran, your princess is back." The beautiful princess laughed with a touch of madness, "I'm back, hahaha! Sixteen years later, in another year of the Black Dragon's Flight. I came back. Let me tell you exactly what happened sixteen years ago. "

In an instant, the face of Grand Duke Yingsi became so ugly that even a woman would be rendered speechless. Once the story of that year was told, King Mondra's rule would be shaken.

With a wave of his hand, Yingsi gave a loud order, "Open the city gate, White Lion Cavalry, everyone, head out! Give me that fake.”

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