After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Trade Routes are open

Year 1344, The Year of the Black Dragon’s Flight, September 30. Light rain fell from the skies.

The Templar Knight soldiers on the by-pass on the hillside temporarily stopped their work and hid in their makeshift wooden shed, bragging and chatting while drinking fruit wine.

Life in Westwind Town was by no means pleasant for them, and it was much harder than when they were in Bright Road. However, thinking that Bright Road had fallen and that the undead had killed all the Templar Knights in the city, they have no idea how many heads have landed on the ground.

If you think about it, it doesn't matter if they have to work hard in Westwind Town now. The only reason they’re still alive is because of the God of Light and Father Robb.

In the drizzling rain, two nuns slipped into Robb’s chapel, one sixteen and the other seventeen years old.

At this time, Robb was still sitting on the stone stool in the courtyard and did not hide inside because of the rain. He only asked Lillian to take a huge umbrella out and place it beside him so that he could listen to the sound of raindrops hitting the umbrella and feel the comfort of the wind and drizzling rain.

He smiled at the two nuns who ran over with their hands over their heads and said, "Hi! Have some beauties come to me again?"

The two little nuns showed him a serious face, "Father Robb, please don't greet us with such frivolous names as beauties."

“At least pretend to be happy.” Robb spread his hand and said, "and it's like I don't know. You're here to try on stockings."

The faces of the two little nuns turned red, and they ran into Little Yi's room as if they were running for their lives. After more than ten seconds, Little Yi came out and angrily said to Robb, "Don't bully the little nuns; they are still children."

"Then, since you aren't a child anymore, can I bully you? Wear the stockings boldly. Stop hiding it." Robb said.

"Don't think I'll show you.” Little Yi roared angrily, and after five seconds, she quickly changed her tune and said, "We are not trying on silk stockings.”

Robb was about to present some facts and reasons to make Little Yi and the two nuns blush and shy. But suddenly, a gleam of coercion flashed in Little Yi's eyes. She pointed to the newly built road outside the chapel and said, "Look at that person wearing silk stockings. It's beautiful. Look."

“Oh?” Robb didn't turn around hastily but smiled and said, "Let me guess, it’s the wife of the mayor of Stone Canyon, the fat village woman, who came over in silk stockings. You want her silk stockings to pollute my eyes and then look at me cover my eyes, and laugh at me, right?"

Little Yi said coldly, "I don't think this will end up with you only covering your eyes and screaming. After you scream, you’ll probably roll on the ground and lie on the fence to vomit.”

“Really? Is it that serious?” Robb gasped and said, "even if the ugliest woman in town put on silk stockings, I wouldn’t react that harshly."

With that, Robb took a deep breath, ready to see an ugly girl, and turned to look.

What he saw was Pobo, a high-end merchant and the traveling merchant. The two guys came smiling with umbrellas, caravans, and a few strangers. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Pobo is wearing black stockings on his legs, and the two men around him, two middle-aged men with big beards, also wore stockings, one white and the other black.

It's scary enough for one man to wear silk stockings, but here we have three.

Who can handle this?

"Ah, eyes, my eyes." Robb let out a miserable cry, fell to the ground, and rolled all over the ground, and then he jumped up and threw up on the fence, vomiting out all the steak he had for lunch.

Little Yi snorted coldly, "I told you."

After saying that, he ran over quickly, patted Robb on the back, got lucky, and handed him a glass of mouthwash.

Pobo and the traveling merchant approached and greeted Robb, "Father Robb, what's the matter? You seem uncomfortable.”

Robb said feebly, “It’s not your fault! Huu… Say, you disappeared for more than a month, and you gave me eye cancer as soon as you appeared."

Pobo asked, “What eye cancer?”

Robb put his hand over his eyes and said, "anyway, I can't open my eyes for now. Little Yi. Get a piece of cloth and cover my eyes."

Little Yi went inside, took out a piece of cotton cloth, rolled it into strips, and put it on his eyes, tying a wonderful bow at the back of his head. Under the guidance of Little Yi, he sat on his stone stool and said, "all right! Now we can communicate normally, let me guess, you suddenly showed up here and brought merchants I’ve never met, wearing the silk stockings I sold to disgust me because the princess has given you permission to trade with Westwind Town.”

Pobo couldn't help sighing, "Father Robb, we can't hide anything from you."

The traveling merchant also said, "We did come from Bright Road."

It turned out that when the necromancer appeared and captured the surrounding towns, and the army captured Bright Road, the two merchants happened to be at Bright Road. The two didn’t dare get themselves involved, so they could only tremble and dare not move.

Only after the war temporarily ended and the city changed hands did they realize that the princess' army wanted occupation and domination, not killing and destruction. They could not help but rejoice in heart that they survived and quickly bowed to the princess to show that they were determined to abandon the light and turn to darkness.

However, even so, it is only a temporary measure, and their activities stopped.

Just when they thought that they could only huddle in Bright Road for a long time, the princess suddenly announced that the trade routes of all towns west of Bright Road, even Westwind Town, would be allowed to do business again.

Pobo and the traveling merchant were overjoyed and hurriedly reorganized their caravans, intending to run towards Westwind Town. But unexpectedly, before leaving, the princess suddenly summoned them and asked them to bring two royal merchants of her Royal Highness to help introduce them and set up a trade channel with Robb.

These two royal merchants are the two middle-aged beards in silk stockings.

The man wearing black silk stockings saluted Robb, “Hello, Father Robb. My name is Gugu.”

The man wearing white stockings also saluted Robb, “My name is Jiji.”

“Well, even if you introduce yourself, it’s useless.” Robb said, "I’m blindfolded right now, so it’s useless? Let’s get down to business."

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