After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 139

Chapter 139:  Seizing the opportunity to grab her hand

“Hehe, doing what you don’t know is better. What’s the point of me doing what you all know?” Robb has his trademark smile on his face again, the smile he shows every time he invents snacks, the unique smile of a gourmet who has been ahead of primitive people for hundreds of years when he is ready to move.

As soon as she saw him smiling like this, Lillian couldn't help leaning over and saying, "Master, is there anything delicious again?"

Little Yi snorted coldly and moved a few steps his way without hesitation.

Xuelu simply hooked Robb's neck, squeezed her plump oppais on Robb's back, and said, "there's something delicious that will come out soon."

The two little nuns of light and darkness could not help craning their necks and secretly looked at the situation here as well.

Robb grabbed a handful of fish maw in his hand and laughed, "what I'm going to do this time is what girls like best. Feel blessed."

The several girls were overjoyed. They won’t necessarily believe it if others say it. Still, when Robb said this, they believed it unconditionally because he had invented countless delicious snacks, and no one was more reliable than him in saying that something is delicious.

Robb heard the sound of someone drooling. He turned his head and said, "Lillian, are you drooling already?"

"No, I didn't!" Lillian shook her head quickly.

“It must’ve been Xuelu.”

"I didn't." Xuelu said with a smile, "It’ll make me sound like a little girl who has never seen the world before."

“Then… who is it?” Robb looked at Little Yi with interest.

Little Yi's cold face began to turn red slowly, getting redder and redder, till it finally went all the way to the root of her ear, but she didn't deny it.

“Hehe!” Robb was happy and wanted to tease her again after seeing her blush. But forget it. He'll be kind and forgive her.

"All right, now get ready to go to work." Robb said, "Lillian, go and get me flour, milk, eggs, sugar, and soybean oil. By the way, prepare more bowls and pots that can hold all kinds of materials."

Lillian went quickly, and the materials were all over the table after a while.

Robb smiled, "I'll make it quickly first, give you a deep taste, and then I'll tell you how to make it. Watch, don't blink."

As soon as he grabbed the fish maw and rubbed it with his hands, the fish maw turned into fish maw gelatin.

Robb then used his “Chef” skill to choose ‘Fish Maw Gelatin, ‘milk’, and ‘sugar’.

Production Initiated!

Acquired: Cream.

Seeing that the bowl was instantly filled with strange brownish-yellow things, the girls looked confused and asked, “what is this?"

Xuelu, the most daring, held out a finger and tried to pick one out of the bowl to taste it, but as soon as she reached out, she was caught by Robb and said with a smile, "Don't steal until the food is completely finished."

Xuelu playfully stuck out her tongue, "what's the point of that?"

Fifteen seconds later, she added, "you took hold of my hand to stop me from stealing the food, but you didn't let go. You’re taking advantage of it, aren’t you?"

“Huh? Really?” Robb then let go of her hand and put on a serious face, "I have been holding it because I was afraid you would steal it again. This is to protect the delicious food. How can you say that I’m trying to take advantage of you? You're obviously trying to steal food.”

Everyone squinted together!

Only Little Yi said bluntly, "if a girl wants to steal a snack, can you take advantage of her confidently? If Xuelu wants to steal something valuable, will you confidently drag her into a room? That’s so crazy."

Xuelu's eyes lit up when she heard this.

Robb hurriedly said, "No, I haven’t been single enough nor breathed enough air, do not try to make me take responsibility in this way. No matter what you steal, I will not do so."

Xuelu: “Cut!”

Robb said to Little Yi, "look at the look on her face. It's obvious that the hand I grabbed belongs to one willing to get hit and suffer. What are you confused about?"

Little Yi: "…..."

Well, it doesn't make sense to talk with this pair of infamous males and females, so Little Yi remained silent.

“Pang!” The four little nuns next to them suddenly reached out and patted the stone table simultaneously, "can you get to the point? Obviously, we are making snacks, and everyone is waiting for something delicious. Why are you talking about something else? Hurry up and keep making snacks."

After scolding the little nuns, they suddenly discovered that their opposing-side nuns had also said the same thing. Oh, my God, how could that be? Light vowed not to go hand in hand with darkness, so the four girls gave another "hmph" and turned their heads away.

"Ah! That's right." Robb returned to making snacks and said with a smile, "what I just made is called cream, but it's only a semi-finished product. Don't panic. Let's continue."

He picked up "flour," "eggs," "sugar," and "soybean oil."

Production Initiated!

Acquired: Cake.

Everyone had some idea of what he had made this time. Xuelu asked, "is this a piece of bread? Oh, wrong, it looks fluffier than bread. "

Lillian said, "it should be bread since it was made with eggs and sugar, but I usually have to bake it. Why doesn't master need to bake it and just have to rub his hands?"

Robb smiled and said, "I have divine grace on me. You have to bake this thing when you want to make it."

He finally picked up the "cake" and "cream."

Production Initiated!

Acquired: Cream Cake.


A beautiful cream cake that looked like a birthday cake emerged. The only difference between Robb’s cake and modern cake is that the sugar used by Robb is unbleached brown sugar, not white granulated sugar, so the color of the cream is a little brownish. It's not as snow-white as modern cream cake.

But even so, it made the girls stare.

Xuelu, "this food looks delicious."

Gugu, “How can it not be delicious after using so much sugar?”

Jijji, "this thing is too expensive, counting sugar alone. If you sell it, you have to sell it for at least two gold coins to recover the costs."

As soon as they said so, the cream cake was basically defined as "noble food," and ordinary people would never be able to taste it.

Although Little Yi didn’t speak, there was the word "think" written on the left side of her face and "eat" on her right.

The two little light nuns were pitiful, "Ah, we want to steal it, too, but we don't want to be grabbed by the priest!"

The two dark nuns turned to the necromancer and said, "Master, will Mr. Robb give it to us?"

Robb took out a knife and, with a swoosh, sliced the cream cake into sixteen pieces and said with a smile, "all right, everyone, one piece each, tastes it!"

[Robb acquired cream cake]

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