After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 159

Chapter 159: Welcome to Westwind Town.

The sentinel talked in a mess. The servant who talked was stunned. He woke up after several seconds and said angrily, "what are you talking about? My master is not a fugitive and won’t buy a house in your Town. Listen up, my master is Nuolun Chenguang, a noble baron, a formed wind magician of the Wind Knights. His family is on his journey from Crystal Canyon to Bright Road. Please show some respect to my master, you blind townsman."

“Townsman?” The paladin laughed and thought, [Shall I tell him that I belong to the Templar Knights. Although I have no title, I am also a Paladin, and an ordinary little baron does not dare to be rude to me.]

What’s more, a member of the Wind Knights, tsk! Wasn’t that the one that was snatched by the Thunder Knights? Looks like your baron is in a miserable position.

To elaborate, there had been a feud between the Wind Knights and the Thunder Knights before.

Since ancient times, magic has been classified into four systems: water, fire, earth, and air. (TL: Changed wind to air. A previous chapter mentioned these systems, and I wrote wind.)

The magic of the air system is a little special, and it is divided into two factions, namely, "wind" and "thunder."

Because of this, the struggle between wind and thunder has existed since ancient times, and both types of magicians say they are the original. Both factions will use various means to suppress each other, but for the prosperity of the air system, they can't really destroy each other.

In short, the two often compete with each other. Sometimes wind wins, sometimes thunder wins.

When wind wins, the capital of wind magic, located in the eastern part of the Kingdom of Gran, will be renamed "Tower of Wind," but when thunder prevails, the capital will be changed to "Thunder Tower."

At present, the name of that tower is "Thunder Tower," and the knights to which the capital belongs are also called "Thunder Knights," which shows how they lost.

Well, forget it! The paladin has been a lot more peace-minded now since he's been Robb for a long time. His vision is completely different now. Now, he looks at people outside of Westwind Town as if he's looking at clowns. Have clowns ever used tap water? What about cream cake? Have you seen candies the size of a walnut? Ah, he has no need to bother with such people.

The paladin calmly said, "Ah, so you were just by, OK! It's OK to pass by, Father said. The passing guests are also guests. Those who can bring foreign currency to Town are good people. Please come in."

The town gate opened slowly.

The loyal servant retreated to the side of the road, and the noble behind him, a magician of the former Wind Knights, Baron Nuolun Chenguang, riding on a tall horse, dressed in a silk coat made by a master tailor, strutted in with a staff in his hand. Behind him were his family members, guards, men, and a group of 150 who entered the Town of Westwind Town.

As soon as they came in, they heard the paladin on the town wall say slowly, "are you part of West Gran now? Then I would like to remind you that if you see the people of the Church of Light in this Town, do not do anything bad. It is OK to protest, insult or spit, but as soon as you start fighting, you'll be put up on the ceiling fan set in third gear, which is terrible. It's fine to fight with people of the same faith, though."

“What do you mean by ceiling fan set third gear?” Baron Nuolun looked dazed, but his loyal servant said, "Are you part of the Church of Light? This… Is this place occupied by East Gran?"

"Nope. Look over there." The paladin pointed to the canal in the Town.

Baron Nuolun turned around and saw several cat folk squatting by the water, motionless like statues, only turning their pointed ears once in a while. Suddenly, a female cat quickly reached out her hand and put it into the water. She caught a fish, and happy laughter rang out.

“There are cat folks. They are true believers of the Church of Darkness and can’t be converted to the God of Light.” Baron Nuolun was startled, “What’s going on in this town?”

The paladin spread his hands and said, "as you can see, that's what happened. Strangers new to this place should learn to read and learn more, hold back from saying what you don't understand, and think more with your own brains, just as I did when I first came here. "

The baron's loyal servant was a little dissatisfied. The man was so rude to his baron that he wanted to jump up and swear.

Fortunately, Baron Nuolun was a magician after all, and his IQ was not low, so he immediately stopped his servant from doing something, but he felt quite curious. Could the man not understand his noble wardrobe? Strangely, he dares talk like that. But that's all, just as he said, he'll just observe for now.

For the first time, he put down his pride and asked the paladin himself, "I have a group of more than 150 men. is there a hotel in this town that can accommodate my group?"

“There are no hotels here.” The paladin said with a smile, "however, the Wangjiang District that Father is building is empty at present. Father said that you can buy and rent them. There are so many of you, and only that place has the ability to accept you. Go to the White Birch Mayor’s house and ask him. The mayor of White Birch Town is in charge of the construction and management of the Wangjiang District."

“White Birch Town mayor?”

“Oh!” The paladin said with a smile, "Walk down this road and pass through the two chapels in the center of the Town. You can find the White Birch Town mayor in the wooden house area on the hillside. Just ask anyone there."

Baron Nuolun waved, and his procession marched towards the back of the Town.

Walking through the strange Town, he found that the Town was much larger than he had imagined.

The old servant whispered, "the last time I passed here, it was true that there were only more than 800 people, but now it seems that there are already more than two thousand people."

"Why are all these houses connected to strange iron and copper pipes?"

"Oh, there is a pepper tree in that family's yard. That’s impossible!"

“Huh, hey? Look over there… There are two chapels!”

“Oh, my God! The Chapel of Light and Chapel of Darkness are there in a row.”

While they were talking about this, they saw a stone stool in the courtyard of the Chapel of Light, on which there was a lazy priest. He was fishing in the nearby stream with a long fishing rod in his left hand, and his other hand was empty. Waving at them, he smiled from a distance and said, "Welcome to Westwind Town.”

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