After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 179

Chapter 179: Exchange me for ransom

As soon as the Voidwalkers went into battle, they had a speed effect on the enemy’s perspective.

Why is that?

The reason is simple, the Mamluk and machete warriors are still fighting in slow motion. Since the skeleton soldiers were also fighting slowly earlier, they could still fight on even grounds.

However, the newly summoned Voidwalkers were not given a delay spell by Robb.

The fight was impossible. The Voidwalkers moved at normal pace while their side was slow.

The void walkers don't even need to fight seriously. They rush to the enemy, move their fists and touch them! One punch, one man. After knocking them down, they dragged them back to the town, and one of the templar knights reported, "Write it down, this is reform-through-labor criminal number 751… Number 752… number 753…"

The number of reform-through-labour criminals is growing wildly.

With the witch doctor's healing wave and the shamans' bloodlust, Motra was able to maintain a draw with Golda, but when the shamans were defeated by Robb with forks of light, the situation turned dire.

Motra was at a disadvantage.

It wasn't long before he was hit with another "shield bash" by Gorda, fell feebly to the ground, and his two machetes fell to the ground, so he had to wait for a heal to come so he could continue to fight.

However, there was no one to treat him.

He looked back and found that the witch doctors could no longer cope with the scene.

The whole vanguard army has been defeated. The Voidwalkers were taking his soldiers to town one by one, like a flock of defenseless lambs.

“Damn it… It’s just a small town… why is there such a powerful force.” Motra knew that he was finished, that he could not even escape, that the other side's warriors would charge, that their strength was above him and that they would not give him a chance to escape.

He simply raised his hands and surrendered, "I am a noble. You do not have to kill me. You can use me to exchange for ransom from the desert kingdom."

"Don't worry. I didn't intend to kill you in the first place." Gorda laughed and said, "wait to carry bricks."

"Carry bricks?" Motra didn’t quite understand.

Of course, he would fully understand three days later when he was driven to the construction site to carry bricks.

The war is over!

To be honest, many people do not understand this inexplicable war.

Especially for the people from other places, the feeling of watching this war is as if they were looking at the clouds and mountains. They did not understand what had happened, but although they did not understand it, they felt that it was fierce.

But the fugitive nobles headed by Baron Nuolun can understand that Father Robb is powerful even though they don’t know much of the details.

This man sat in a wheelchair and waved his fan several times, but the other side's more than 3,000 people army was defeated.

The battle is not only without difficulty but even full of joy.

Only when his strength is far above the opponent can he fight such a teasing war, just like cats and mice.

In no hurry to kill the mouse, the cat played with it, let it go, caught it back, let it go, caught it back, rocked it left, rocked it right, and played with it until it collapsed, gave up resistance, conceded defeat and was eaten obediently.

This is what happened to the vanguard of this desert kingdom.

As soon as he finished watching the battle, Baron Nuolun said to his loyal servant, "go and see Mayor White Birch, give him an advance payment of a hundred gold coins, and the rest of the money will be paid off slowly over ten years. I want to buy that real estate. Hey, this place is much safer than Bright Road."

The loyal servant flew away at once.

At the same time, the loyal servants of several other nobles in the crowd also slipped out of the crowd and headed toward Mayor White Birch. There is also a group of non-local fugitives who were quick to think and began to count their belongings to buy a set of rooms.

Robb stretched on the town wall, "Oh, I'm so tired. It's such a pain to fight."

Little Yi next to him said coldly, “You’re tired? Why does it seem that you aren’t?

Robb said, "you see, although I sit here and do not move, I actually use a lot of magic. The loss of magic is so great that now I am too tired to stand up."

"Really?" Xiao Yi's cold face turned into a look of worry, "I apologize for what I just said. Now that I think about it, you did use a lot of magic. It'd be strange if you weren't tired. I'll massage your shoulders."

Robb was secretly happy, [Just now, I used about 5% of my MP. It takes 30 seconds to regain it while sitting still. If I take a sip of water, it will be full in about 5 seconds. I can surprisingly get a girl to massage my shoulders by this misunderstanding.]

Robb said, "although you are clumsy, I don’t dislike the kindness of others, so I will reluctantly let you massage it."

Little Yi's soft little hand fell on Robb's shoulder and gently kneaded it. The girl was born to be an expert at massaging shoulders, which made Robb so comfortable that he didn’t want it to stop.

While enjoying the massage, Gorda came back, followed by Motra.

Motra did not escape. The risk of escaping was high. His chances of survival as a captive were better.

In Fengmo Continent (also applicable to medieval Europe), ordinary soldiers are often killed in the war, and nobles do not have to fight desperately. They’ll surrender decisively after losing the battle, and your country or your family will spend a sum of money to get you back.

Wouldn't it be stupid if you had to fight to the death?

Gorda smiled at Robb and said, "look, I've caught the enemy general. There’s no problem if I get the ransom money, right?”

Robb smiled and said, "of course! You starred in this film very well and made outstanding contributions. The ransom will be regarded as your reward. "

Gorda was overjoyed.

Next to him, Jike and Jike couldn't help reminding him, "Don't forget, you had the blessing of the king from Mr. Robb. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t have won."

"Oh, that seems to be true." Gorda thought about this question carefully, suddenly turned around, removed all the gold rings from Motra, and slammed it in front of Robb, "all his gold belongings are for Mr. Robb, and the ransom belongs to me. Is this division fine?"

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