After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 77

Chapter 77: The Gift from the Baron

Robb smiled, "The voice I used doesn’t matter. The point is whether I am right."

The expression on Little Yi’s face changed, but she soon stood up and returned to her cold face. With a touch of embarrassment, she sighed, “Don’t just lay it bare like that. Why do you have to say it?"

Robb smiled, "You’ll seem more friendly if you just lay it bare."

He told Lillian next to him, "bring a Coca-Cola to make the nun happy."

Lillian immediately went to fetch it.

Robb turned around and said to Little Yi, "Even if I don't tell you, you think I don't know? You must be ready to get discovered when you spy on me. I'm not happy that you’re hiding it from me. I don’t like it when you pretend not to look at or be very close to me. It’s uncomfortable. So if I just break it to you, you can follow me generously, stare at me, and genuinely question what I do. Don't you think that's better?”

After Little Yi had thought about it carefully, she said, "well, that's good, too. I don't like lying and deceiving people in the first place. The archbishop sent me to spy on you. I was against it and raised an objection. But the archbishop insisted that I do it, and I could not disobey his orders, so I had no choice but to come. Now, I can ask you clearly. Are you really a heretic judger sent by the higher-ups?”

Robb spread his hand, "do not ask, I can only tell you otherwise if you do, but even if I told you, the archbishop would not believe me."

"That is to say, I can only rely on my own eyes to confirm it?"

"Your eyes can't confirm it. You think lightly of yourself, so you won’t believe whatever you see nor think. You'd better wait for the pope to reply to your archbishop. What he says will be more useful."

Robb was a little upset when he finished saying this. He knew that once he exposed his strength, he would have a lot of problems to deal with. After the archbishop receives a reply from the pope, he might have to start playing tower defense. He feels bored just thinking about it. Can't the world give people time to be lazy?

Robb said weakly, "from now on, what I'm going to do is exactly the same as when you came here before. Keep an eye on my actions, and don't look away. Remember to record my actions in detail and send them back to the archbishop. After deep research and analysis, he’ll have a basic understanding of my personality.”

With that, he collapsed on his stone stool and continued to be lazy.

Little Yi is a very obedient nun, and of course, to properly complete the task assigned to her, she took a sip of the Coca-Cola handed by Lillian. She sighed and thought that the drink was delicious, picked up a pen, and began to record in detail.

Year 1344, the Black Dragon’s Flight

On August 16th, Father Robb was lazy all day.

On August 17th, Father Robb was lazy for another whole day.

On August 18th, Father Robb was lazy for another whole day.

On August 19th, Father Robb was lazy for another whole day.

On August 20th, Father Robb was lazy again… and again... and again…

Little Yi:(╯‘ - ’)╯︵ ┻━┻

"Father Robb, you are not a priest at all. Oh, no, you aren’t even human.” Little Yi dropped the record, pulled out her pair of firearms, and fired at it. She then jumped and screamed, "Just turn me into a slug!"

“Nonsense, slugs can’t touch salt, but I often eat it,” Robb said.

Little Yi said, “That’s not the point.”

"All right, get to the point. Isn't it hot when you jump, scream, lift the table, and use firearms?" Robb said lazily, "it's really hot in August."

Little Yi was sweating, but the sweat didn’t feel hot at all. It was cooled by Robb's laziness. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "can't you do anything?"

"No! There's nothing worth doing," Robb said.

Little Yi, “……”

It’s pointless to talk to such an insane and lazy person. Little Yi used to say that Robb's laziness only weakens him and that he has to practice hard to become strong, but after knowing how good Robb is, she can't even say that anymore.

She shook her head at Robb and sighed, "I don't understand. It's unreasonable. What is the use of the archbishop sending me to spy on you? I shouldn't spend my precious time with such a lazy guy."

"That's none of my business. I didn't ask you to spy on me," Robb said.

Just as they were talking about this, a knight appeared at the gate of the courtyard. He rode a tall horse and was dressed in light armor. as soon as he arrived at the chapel door, he dismounted and said respectfully, "Father Robb, Sister Ishir, I am John. I don't know if you remember me well enough in the Black Pine Mountain Range."

"Oh!" Robb immediately remembered, "come on in, don't just stand at the entrance of the courtyard. It's too far away. It's too hard for me to talk to you while shouting. Come here, so it's easier."

Little Yi, “You’re too lazy to talk? Oh, my God!”

John tied the horse to the stud at the gate of the courtyard, put his helmet around his waist, strode over to Robb, and saluted deeply in front of Robb, "Dear Father, I came here on the order of Baron Perseus. In the last reconnaissance, you helped the Baron to accomplish his mission beyond all expectations. When he went back, the Baron was rewarded by the Great Duke. He is very grateful to you. So he let me hurry and send you a small gift.”

"Oh? Gifts?” Robb happily said, “I like gifts.”

John took out a small box from his arms and handed it to him with both hands, "it's not a great treasure, but a little magic item newly developed by the Magic Research Institute of the White Lion Cavalry. The Baron said to give it to you so you could have fun. "

“Magic item?” Robb jumped out of his stool with a swoosh. He had never tried these. There was no such thing as a magic item in the game. “Great, let me see what it is.”

Lifting the lid of the box, Robb saw a small metal jar that looked like a small teapot. It was empty. He couldn't help wondering, "What on Earth does this thing do?"

John said respectfully, "It’s called a magic container! This is an item that can store magic. It’s similar to a magic scroll, except that scrolls are used to store specific magic, and once that magic is cast, it is gone, but this magic container can slowly release the magic in it. "

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