After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 784

Chapter 784: Want to catch a big fish, meow

The people on both boats were all exclaiming in shock, but the people on the old and worn-out boat only exclaimed without any action.

However, a warship was still a warship, and its movements were very fast. Although the warship itself was in a stationary state and didn't have time to raise the sail, it was a three-masted sailing ship, and the sailors immediately worked hard to row the ship away from the collision. Then, the old and worn-out boat twisted and turned towards the cement wharf of the military pier and collided with it.

There was a dull sound of impact, and the already broken boat seemed even more broken now. The sailors on the boat screamed, "Quick, pull in the sail!"

"Huh? How do we do that?"

"The same way you open it."

"If we do it that way, won't it open the sail even more?"

There was chaos on the boat!

The sailors on the warship that had just avoided the collision had wanted to curse, but after hearing these words, they lost interest and came closer. A group of sailors threw grappling hooks and grabbed the boat's gunwale, then jumped over and helped to stabilize the boat.

Then they escorted the crew off the boat, "You scum, you are not allowed to touch any boats again."

Robb and the queen felt curious and couldn't help but walk over to see.

They saw that the group of people being escorted off the boat were actually cat people, each with their heads drooping, their ears bent, and they looked very depressed. Robb immediately spotted Huahua and quickly reached out to grab her, "What are you cat people up to?"

Huahua said, "We wanted to go out to sea to catch fish, so we rented an old boat and set out happily. Who knew this boat was so difficult to handle, especially this sail...we can't go out to catch big fish anymore, meow."

Robb: "..."

The queen next to him couldn't help but wipe a cold sweat, "You don't know anything, and you dare to sail out to sea? Fortunately, the wind blew you back. If you really sailed out, the consequences would be unimaginable. You wouldn't be able to come back alive. "

"What? Is it that serious?" Huahua said, "We thought we could make it back alive."

"You must be joking!" The queen almost flipped the table, "You stupid cats, tell me, if you really sailed out to sea and couldn't control the sail, what would happen if the ship drifted with the sea breeze? Could you come back? If you drift to the Kingdom of Norma, I wonder how you will die! You are cat people, and the Church of Light will never tolerate you."

"We did think about that, meow." Huahua said.

She reached into her pocket and rummaged around, finally pulling out a transmission scroll. She smiled and said, "If things get too tough, just come back through the portal."

The Queen: "..."

She turned around and glared at Robb.

Robb sweated and asked, "Why are you glaring at me?"

The Queen said, "Don't give these cute but clueless battle-oriented races powerful magical items like this. They'll just end up breaking them."

Robb scratched his head and said, "Yeah...I kind of feel like it's going to get broken."

The cat people sat on the pier, looking pitiful and disappointed. Their plan to go fishing in the open sea had just been dashed.

Robb smiled and patted Huahua's head. "You guys can't give up like this. Going out to sea is a big deal, but you need to learn how to do it properly."

Huahua's tone was resolute. "We want to catch big fish, meow!"

Robb turned to the Queen and shrugged. "Looks like we need to establish a specialized school in the port city too."

The Queen asked, "Oh?"

Robb said, "Relying on the people to learn sailing skills on their own won't keep up with the times. You should establish a school that specifically trains naval talent for the kingdom. Otherwise, with more and more ships being built, soon there will be a situation where there are ships, but no one to drive them."

The Queen nodded. She had already begun preparing to learn from the Westwind Technical School. This school had trained countless outstanding craftsmen in the recent construction of the Kingdom of Gran and had already begun to radiate towards the entire kingdom from Westwind City.

As the two were talking, a purple transmission gate suddenly appeared behind the newly built cemetery behind the New Church of Light by the pier. Although the city and the church were both new, there were not many graves, but this did not hinder the effectiveness of the "waypoint".

After the transmission gate opened, a person in miner's clothing ran out and shouted, "The mithril Mine in the New Continent has been attacked. Requesting support."

This was a unique way of asking for help in Westwind City!

Only the crazy people of Westwind City would suddenly throw a transmission gate out for help, which other places couldn't do at all.

Robert exclaimed "Yo!" and turned his attention to the commotion. However, he didn't move from his spot. The cat people sitting by the dock immediately jumped up and were quick to react to any word related to attack or call for help. Cat people were a warrior race, and apart from survival skills like fishing and hunting, they only knew how to fight.

They said to Robb, "Godfather, we’ll go take a look first!"

With that, he rushed towards the transmission gate at the church cemetery. The large group of cat people followed, each moving with lightning speed.

Huahua also wanted to go, but was caught by Robb. "Hey, you're still a child. Leave the fighting to the adults."

"I'm already grown up meow! I'm 20 years old."

"What?" Robb was shocked. "When did you turn 20?"

After thinking carefully, he realized that he had only been in this world since the year 1344, but it was already 1350 now. Time flew by so fast, and even the little cat girl had grown into a big cat girl.

Since she was such a big cat girl now, it wasn't convenient for him to carry her around anymore, so Robb had to let go.

With quick movement, Huahua followed the cat people into the transmission gate.

Robb shook his head with a smile and said to the queen, "How about we go take a look too? You should be interested in the New World, right?"

"Of course, I'm very interested," the queen said. "But I'm a little afraid that you'll take me to some strange place and I won't be able to find my way home. I'm not like your cat girl who can pull out a transmission scroll anytime."

Robb said, "Pfft! Who would want to abduct a woman who isn't cute at all? So, are you coming or not?"

"Of course, I'm coming!"

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