After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 801

Chapter 801: Why are you fighting?

Robb's set of movements was as fast as lightning. In an instant, he stabbed the giant mammoth with a barrage of spear shadows that were too fast to see. He seemed to transform into multiple individuals, appearing on the left side of the mammoth to stab it twice, then suddenly appearing on the right side to stab it twice more. He leaped and moved in an instant, as if teleporting.

This kind of scene is common in games, especially in the special moves of agile characters. Many games have similar animation effects where the player becomes a blur of images, attacking the target from all directions in a seemingly incomprehensible manner.

Similarly, when a true Eagle Warrior uses "Tropical Jungle’s Rampage," it is impossible to achieve such speed and visually pleasing attacks. But Robb, the cheater who relied on game animations, managed to unleash the Eagle Warrior's ultimate move in a way that captivated the onlookers.

In that moment, it felt like there were multiple Robbs attacking the mammoth from all sides, creating an incredible visual spectacle!

After a few seconds, all of Robb's shadowy figures converged into one, instantly becoming a single person. With a swift motion, he planted his spear into the ground, turned his back to the target, and struck a stylish finishing pose.

The giant mammoth froze in place, motionless. After a few more seconds, it collapsed with a loud crash, kicking up a cloud of dust.

The crowd forgot to cheer and stood frozen in awe.

After a few more seconds, Robb sarcastically commented with an odd tone, "What kind of class is this? The victory pose for a kill looks so lame..."

As he struck his victory pose, he criticized the game's art designers. Then he turned around, faced the bewildered Maya people beside him, and said, "What are you staring at? Clean up the battlefield!"

The Maya people responded, "Oh! Uh?"

With the fall of the mammoth, the mammoth herd lost its leader, and the smaller woolly mammoths panicked. Many of them started to flee. Although the Maya people wanted to pursue, they had suffered many casualties during the battle with the mammoth and were too exhausted to give chase.

The battlefield was now left with the corpse of the giant mammoth, five dead ordinary mammoths, and injured Maya warriors lying on the ground.

The two chiefs, who were "sorcerers" by profession, had both offensive and restorative magic abilities. They began to cast spells to heal the wounded warriors.

As a result, the injured Eagle Warriors began to gradually stand up one by one.

After the warriors stood up, their first action was to salute Robb because his spectacular "Tropical Jungle’s Rampage" was perfect. There couldn't possibly be a better Eagle Warrior in the world.

For the Maya people, who had relatively primitive cultural forms, it was an instinctual response to worship the strong. It was only natural for them.

Countless Eagle Warriors knelt before the enormous mammoth corpse, muttering incomprehensible prayers mixed with the slightly mispronounced words "Godfather, Godfather, Godfather..."

Even though Robb didn't understand Maya language, he knew they were praising Godfather for being great and defeating such a formidable mammoth. Their admiration overflowed, and their expressions of worship seemed never-ending.

The two chiefs walked side by side towards Robb and performed an extremely solemn gesture of respect. "Great white Eagle Warrior! Your strength has opened our eyes."

"Well, thank you," Robb casually replied. He had been worshipped too much, and now he was becoming immune to it, feeling nothing.

The two chiefs thanked him and then glanced at each other, their brows furrowing. "It's your fault, it's all because of you. It was you who attracted the mammoth. If it weren't for Godfather here, both of our tribes would be doomed."

Almost simultaneously, they pointed at each other's noses and started arguing.

The Polar Chief said, "You sneaked into our territory to hunt woolly mammoths, which provoked the revenge of the Mammoth King."

The Gada Chief retorted, "It was you who sneaked through my territory to trade mammoth skins with Godfather. You broke the rules first, and that's why we sneaked into your territory."

The Polar Chief argued, "Godfather is not exclusive to your tribe. What's the problem with us trading with him? You just want to monopolize the trade."

The Gada Chief responded, "When Godfather arrived on the Maya mainland, he was to the south of our tribe. It's not like I intentionally moved my village to be in the middle of your path. If you want to trade with him, go around. Why sneak through the middle of my territory?"

"What a load of nonsense!" the Polar Chief angrily retorted. "The east is the sea, and the west is a great cliff. How am I supposed to go around? Should I fly instead of passing through your territory?"

"That's none of my business!" said the Gada Chief.

The two individuals argued fiercely. As their argument escalated, they were about to start a fight. Gada Chief said, "If you have the guts, stop yelling and come on, summon your Eagle Warriors. Let's fight again, and the losing tribe will merge with the other."

The Polar Chief responded, "Who's afraid? Bring it on."

They began rolling up their sleeves, preparing to brawl.

The translator kept relaying their argument to Robb, who found it both amusing and exasperating. When the two were about to engage in a fight, Robb reached out his hand and placed it on the shoulder of each person, saying with a smile, "Stop arguing and listen to me."

As soon as his hand touched them, the two chiefs felt as if a thousand-pound boulder was pressing down on their shoulders, rendering them unable to move. Naturally, they couldn't continue arguing. They both turned their heads to face Robb and said together, "Speak, speak! But before you do, please remove your hand. Ouch, my old bones are about to scatter."

Robb asked, "Is there any unresolved conflict between your two tribes?"

"Yes!" the Polar Chief pointed at the Gada Chief's nose and said, "This guy stole my wife when we were young."

The Gada Chief also pointed at the Polar Chief's nose and said, "It was this guy who stole my wife when we were young. I didn't steal his."

Robb asked, "What on earth?"

The two of them continued arguing in a chaotic manner, and the translator sweated profusely while translating. After a while, Robb finally understood that these two guys had fought over a woman in their youth. In a primitive tribe, primitive plotlines were expected. Since women liked strong men, when these two fought, the woman would choose the winner and be with him.

Unexpectedly, a couple of days later, the loser of the previous fight would win the next one. The woman would see that and think, "Oh, I chose the wrong person last time, but it's okay. I'll correct it immediately" and be with the new winner.

Then, the two would fight again when they had nothing to do. The woman would switch between the two, sleeping with one for a while and then with the other, taking turns with the two chiefs...

In truth, the woman wasn't wrong. That's how the rules of the tribe worked, and the culture of primitive society didn't require women to adhere to strict codes of conduct. Sleeping with the stronger men aligned with tribal customs, and there was nothing wrong with it. No one could criticize her.

However, these two chiefs carried this burden indefinitely.

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