After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 831

Chapter 831: Titan Giants

The People of Norma are actually very brave!

Although most of the People of Norma Robb had encountered before appeared as enemies, it doesn't mean they are all fools.

The Kingdom of Norma is nicknamed the "Kingdom of Knights" and is home to heroic figures of warriors, knights, berserkers, and other professions. These professions share a common trait: they dare to fight, to give their all, and to die if necessary!

Brave and resolute, unyielding in their determination, that is the creed of the Kingdom of Knights.

Just two Titan Giants couldn't scare away the People of Norma. Instead, it ignited their fighting spirit.

A knight shouted loudly, "What's there to fear about giants? When have we ever feared strong opponents?"

Another knight joined in, shouting, "For Norma!"

"Norma forever!"

"Norma forever!"

The group of warriors and knights shouted together!

One of the Titan Giants swung its enormous palm from above the cliff, aiming to crush the People of Norma below who looked like ants. Before the palm reached them, the gust of wind generated by the swing swept through the canyon, making it impossible to keep their eyes open.

However, the People of Norma didn't back down. Several warriors raised their shields and pushed upward, forming a shield barrier. The giant's palm slammed onto the shield barrier, causing the warriors to lean back slightly, but they didn't fall. They actually managed to withstand the giant's blow.

Then, a berserker roared loudly, the sound reverberating throughout the valley. Even the group of Maya Eagle Warriors behind Robb took a half-step back in fear upon hearing the roar from such a distance.

It wasn't until Robb created a barrier that separated the sound that the Maya Eagle Warriors finally stabilized. They couldn't help but exclaim, "What kind of roar is that? It's so terrifying!"

Robb smiled and explained, "That's a high-level berserker's skill, Intimidating Roar. He's trying to intimidate the Titan Giant, but with such a level difference, I doubt it will be effective."

Then, another berserker also roared, and a red light appeared, rejuvenating all the People of Norma in the canyon.

Robb chuckled as he explained to everyone, "That's the berserker's group buff, War Cry. It increases the attack power of all teammates. Looks like they're initiating an assault."

Disciplined Norma individuals immediately began to act. Someone shouted, "Divide the shield wall into two teams and block the two giants separately."

The front-line shield warriors instantly split into two teams, raising two shield barriers simultaneously with synchronized and impressive movements.

The paladins activated their auras, while the magicians cast defensive spells. The berserkers were roaring.

Robb and his companions were fine, but the Maya people traveling with them felt overwhelmed. The Maya Eagle Warriors couldn't help but discuss, "These white people are so powerful!"

"No wonder we are no match for them. They look strong when they fight together."

The two Titan Giants swung their enormous palms once again. The size of their palms was almost enough to cover half of the canyon, extremely intimidating. However, the People of Norma were not afraid at all. The magicians raised their hands together, launching ice arrows and fireballs at the Titan Giants' palms. Bang! A series of magical explosions occurred, causing the giant's palm to feel pain, and its movements slowed down slightly.

Several berserkers simultaneously roared and leaped high in the air, shouting, "Unrivaled Domination!"

Several giant axes chopped onto the Titan Giants' hands, leaving deep and gruesome bloodstains. Although they appeared deep to humans, for the Titan Giants, it was like a scratch caused by an accidental fruit knife.

The Titan Giant only felt some pain in its palm but didn't suffer any real damage. It fiercely slapped its palm downward, hitting the berserkers who had just jumped to attack. The berserkers were sent flying.

The berserkers were simultaneously sent flying a long distance, blood trickling from the corners of their mouths. However, when they flipped over and got up, their faces were calm, as if they felt no pain at all.

Robb explained to the people around him, "These high-level berserkers have activated a skill called 'Pain Ignorance.' They don't feel pain, only fatal wounds can bring them down. Even with severe injuries, they completely ignore them and continue fighting. Moreover, the more severely injured they are, the higher their fury and the stronger their combat effectiveness."

Kante couldn't help but click his tongue, saying, "The berserkers of the Kingdom of Norma are terrifying indeed."

Robb laughed and said, "I don't recommend you play like this. It's like dancing on the edge of a knife. One small mistake, and you're really dead."

A group of priests from the Church of Light desperately healed the berserkers. Golden light enveloped the berserkers' bodies. These berserkers were actually severely injured, but as long as they activated "Pain Ignorance," it didn't matter. After the priests treated them a few times, the berserkers once again let out a battle roar and charged towards the Titan Giants.

The Titan Giants continuously slammed their palms down. Fireballs, ice arrows, holy light hammers, and arrows were flying through the air. The berserkers kept leaping, fighting against the giant palms in mid-air. The People of Norma confronted the two giants fearlessly, never backing down.

Those two Titan Giants realized that just swinging their palms from the cliff couldn't handle these people. So, they planted their hands on the top of the cliff and flipped their entire bodies from behind the mountain. They had such tall and massive figures, towering like a mountain. When they lifted their feet and stomped down, it was as if a giant spear was pressing down on everyone's heads.

For these two giants, the canyon was like two small ditches, and they were mice treading in the gutters.

The Maya people traveling with them turned pale. Although they were originally brown-skinned, when their faces turned pale, they somewhat resembled yellow-skinned individuals.

The Fugitive Knight and his subordinates were dumbfounded, but the Westwind Warriors were casually discussing, "Wow, these giants are huge!"

"Was Godfather as big as these giants when he transformed?"

"I don't know. We didn't compare them side by side. Based on memory alone, I think Godfather was bigger."

"Godfather once held a whole city and put it down."

"The People of Norma are quite fierce. Instead of running away, they choose to fight head-on. I really admire them."

"They truly live up to being people from the Kingdom of Knights. If it were our magicians from the City of Gran, encountering such a situation, we would probably say, “Let's retreat first and come back prepared.” But the Kingdom of Norma is like, |Damn it, We’ll fight you.]

"By the way, if this giant appeared in our Westwind City, how would we deal with it?"

"That's easy. Steam tanks, Katyushas, rocket launchers..."

"I think you're overthinking. There's no need to make it so complicated. In Godfather's words, all of you step back and don't cause me trouble. I'll handle this..."

At this point, all the Westwind Warriors burst into laughter.

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