After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 84

Chapter 84: Are you really a priest?

That night, when it got dark, the potatoes in the yard matured.

The people from White Birch Town came early in the morning, so Robb also planted in the day. More than 10 hours later, the potatoes grew. And in the eyes of the people of White Birch, everything became green.

Of course, the ones planted on the hillside are still very young. They were planted towards evening and are still quite small. However, there are much more potatoes planted there than in the small field in the chapel, and by tomorrow evening, the harvest will be absolutely amazing.

Looking at the miraculously grown potatoes, the people from White Birch Town were relieved as they realized that they didn't need to worry about a food shortage. As long as they had these miraculous potatoes, they didn't have to worry about being hungry.

They calmed down, but Robb was unhappy.

Usually, he’d put a big wooden tub in the yard, soaking in the warm water, looking at the stars all over the sky, and feeling the comfortable night breeze, with his little maid talking to him from time to time and a cold-faced nun retorts him. A feeling that makes him feel as happy as an immortal.

Occasionally he would deliberately make a move to jump out of the bathtub so as to frighten Little Yi to the point her face turned pale, and then she’ll call him a rascal and so on.

But not today. The chapel hall was full of old and weak women from White Birch, and the courtyard was littered with men lying on the floor.

In this case, Robb is definitely willing to take a bath in the yard!

It doesn't matter if the women from White Birch see him. He's thick-skinned, so he can bear it.

But donkeys will yell "Gay! Gay!" if those men see him. Who can stand that?

In desperation, Robb had to move the bathtub into his room, where it was boring. He can only see the ceiling if he looks up, and only through a small window can he see the stars.

The most outrageous thing was that Lillian could not be with him because there were many old and weak women outside, Lillian was eager to help take care of them, and there was no way for her to stand beside Robb all the time.

Robb is very unhappy!

Soaking in the bath, the water was a little cold. He patted the bathtub's edge and shouted, "Lillian, the water is getting cold. Please add some hot water for me."

After several calls, the door opened, but it was not Lillian who came in but Little Yi. She walked to the bathtub with a pot of hot water and slowly added it to the bathtub's edge.

Robb asked, “Little Yi, how come it’s you? Where’s Lillian?”

Little Yi said, "Lillian is helping a mother with her child, so she can't leave for a while. I’ll heat the water for you."


Little Yi seemed to want to say something, but she couldn't say it. It took a long time for her to whisper, "Is it really because of the grace of the God of Light that you have the miracle of one-day harvest?"

Robb was stunned by the question, then smiled and asked, "what do you think?"

Little Yi shook her head and said, "I don't know! At first, I was so shocked that I almost got down on my knees to praise the God of Light, but I thought about it for a while and felt something was wrong. Does the God of Light really take care of anything related to agriculture? This, from a reasonable point of view… should be handled by Sif, the Goddess of Grain and Fertility.”

Robb couldn't help rejoicing that there was such a goddess. I've never heard of her! I don't know if she is beautiful or not.

However, it doesn't matter whether she’s beautiful or not. He can’t see her anyway. He smiled and said, "what on earth are you trying to say?"

“I… I just want to say that the longer I spend with you, the more I find that you don't seem to be a true believer in the God of Light. The archbishop said he didn't know there was a heretic judger like you. He wrote to the pope asking about you. I believe it won't be long before the Pope's reply will be sent to Bright Road… At that time…."

Seeing her hesitating, Robb smiled and said, "what will happen then? The archbishop will send someone to kill me?"

Little Yi sighed, "I hope it will not end up like that, but seeing that you are less and less like a real priest, I am worried that things will go on in this direction."

Robb's face smiled even happier. "Thank you very much for telling me about it. Why are you helping me like this? Now that you disobeyed the order of the archbishop. If I am really a fake priest and run away now, the people sent by the archbishop will not be able to catch me. Won't he just take it out on you? You might get another demotion."

Little Yi once agian put on a cold face, "How are you still in the mood to joke when it's like this? If you were really a fake priest, you would run away when you heard what I said, yet you dared to joke with me about demotion.”

"I'm not running now. I'm still in the mood to joke, which means I'm a little real."

Robb didn't lie. Didn't he really practice the priest class in the game? It's just that he was a priest who didn't belong to the Church of Light.

Little Yi was confused by his strange attitude. At first, the guy looked like a priest, and then he looked less and less like one. Yet he was so calm even after she revealed that the archbishop was investigating him. He has the "I'm not afraid of the archbishop's investigation" expression, which makes him look like a real priest again.

Can’t see through! I can’t see through him at all!

Robb smiled and said, "Little Yi, I want to ask you a question. From the bottom of your heart, do you want me to be a real priest or a fake priest?"

"I hope you are real!" Without thinking about it, Little Yi replied, "so you don't have to run, and so you can continue to be a priest here. Because, although you have all kinds of problems, I can see that you have a kind heart. You are kind to the townspeople of Westwind Town, to the soldiers of the Baron, to the refugees from White Birch Town. Although you occasionally show an impatient and unwilling expression, you are still doing the right thing. "

She sighed, "You're obviously lazy to death and don't even want to move, but today you sow potatoes one after another. That action has been repeated hundreds of times, sowing all the fields on the hillside just so that the refugees and the townspeople of Westwind Town will not go hungry when surrounded by the undead. In fact, even if you do not do this, no one will blame you because no one knows that you are carrying God's miracle. You just need to say nothing to avoid such trouble! But you did it anyway, and you were willing to put aside your laziness in order to help others. You are a really kind person. I hope I can do something for the world with people like you. I sincerely hope that you are a real priest.”

"Is that so? Is that what you think?" There was a sunny smile on Robb's face, "All right! I’ve decided! I must become a real priest. Even if I'm fake, I'm going to force myself to show you that."

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