After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 840

Chapter 840: The steel warships have arrived

The sailors fought bravely!

However, the disparity in strength was too great. While there were five warships on the opposing side, there were only three armed merchant ships here, and the firepower was simply not on the same level. The sailors' combat abilities also couldn't match those of real soldiers. Before long, the three armed merchant ships were heavily damaged.

Several crew members fell, and although the two little girls desperately tried to heal the sailors, their efforts were in vain. The number of injured quickly exceeded the limit that the two young nuns could treat. Exhausted and drained of their magical powers, they sat down in the cabin, unable to muster the strength to cast spells any longer.

The five Norma warships continued to approach...

A sense of despair filled the people on the ship!

Just then, amidst the ongoing battle, both sides suddenly heard a very loud steam whistle. The sound came from the distant sea, but it was familiar to the two little girls. It was the kind of sound that the steam train would make every time it entered the train station in Westwind City. However, the sound they heard now was deeper and heavier, indicating a larger scale steam engine.

The two little girls immediately became alert. They jumped up and leaned against the window, gazing in the direction from which the steam whistle sounded. On the far horizon, two huge steel warships appeared, proudly flying the flag of the Kingdom of Gran.

The two little girls recognized them instantly. These were the two steel warships that were originally docked in the harbor city. They were built by the dwarven craftsmen of Westwind Town and sold to the queen.

As soon as they saw these two ships, all the sailors on the ship cheered at the same time.

At the same time, the Norma people were terrified. They were happily besieging the merchant ships, planning to seize the cargo from the three ships and enrich themselves. But to their surprise, when they turned their heads, they saw the renowned steel warships of the Kingdom of Gran.

These two warships had a reputation among the Norma people, even louder than among the Gran people. The Norma people affectionately called them the "Demon Warships."

The Norma sailors cried out in fear, "How did the Demon Warships come here?"

"This is impossible. Weren't these two warships always cruising near the mainland of the Kingdom of Gran?"

"The spies said that these things don't run on wind power or magic but on coal. They need a large amount of coal to operate. How dare they come to the New Continent?"

"This is impossible! They can't be here on the New Continent."

"It must be an illusion!"

"Is it a mirage?"

Amidst the terrified screams of the Norma sailors, the two steel warships accelerated at full speed and closed the distance in an instant. Then, with a thunderous boom, the main cannon, known as the "Thor’s Roar," on the bow of the ship fired.

A thunderous beam of light, thicker than a water bucket, sliced through the sky and accurately struck the side of one of the Norma warships. The magic defensive barrier painted on the ship's hull was utterly useless, instantly pierced by the Thor’s Roar, leaving a large hole in the side. Countless sparks of electricity crackled around the breach.

"Damn, it's not a mirage."

"It's the real deal!"

"Run, we can't defeat this thing."

The Norma people panicked and quickly changed course. They didn't even dare to head straight for their own port because that would mean sailing along the established route, which would undoubtedly make them an easy target for pursuit. Instead, they fled southward, deviating from the established route, zigzagging in an attempt to lose their pursuers. This was the best method to shake off enemy ship pursuit. Typically, a rational enemy wouldn't recklessly venture outside the established shipping lanes as it would be too dangerous.

The two steel warships indeed had no intention of deviating from the shipping lanes. They fired a few random shots and watched as the five warships fled in disarray. They then set course towards the three armed merchant ships, followed by a large number of wooden sailing warships from the Kingdom of Gran, as well as some protected merchant ships, forming a mighty fleet.

The people on the merchant ships finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Before long, the merchant ships docked beside the steel warships, and the sailors from the warships came over. They brought supplies to repair the damaged hulls of the three merchant ships and a group of military priests arrived to tend to the injured sailors.

A dwarf engineer who had come along with the warships recognized the two little girls and excitedly approached them. "Ah, it's the two nuns!"

The two little girls carefully looked and recognized him. The dwarf engineer was originally from Westwind City, but he had later gone to the harbor city to participate in the construction of the new port. He never returned to Westwind City but instead moved his entire family to the harbor city and became a senior technician there. Now, unexpectedly, he had joined the military's steel warship maintenance team.

The dwarf craftsman showed great respect to the two nuns because he was well aware of their good relationship with Godfather. They often enjoyed free meals and drinks at Godfather's house, and the dark nuns had even had a memorable playful argument with the light nuns over the sweetness and saltiness of tofu pudding. These two dark nuns were also famous in Westwind City.

Unable to contain his curiosity, he asked, "Ladies, how did you end up here?"

The two little girls quickly responded, "We are no longer nuns. We have already left the Church of Darkness and are just ordinary girls now. We joined our father's merchant fleet to engage in trade and unexpectedly encountered the Norma people here."

The dwarf engineer finally understood.

The two little girls quickly asked, "How did the steel warships come here? Wasn't it impossible to refuel in the New Continent?"

The dwarf engineer happily replied, "Godfather found a coal mine in the New Continent, so the fuel problem for the steel warships has been solved. From now on, these two steel warships can operate between the Fengmo Continent and the Maya Continent. This time, we came here with the intention of sailing along the New Continent's coastline, passing through all the Norma people's ports, and letting them know that we have arrived."

The two little girls were overjoyed, saying, "So that's how it is!"

Although they didn't understand much about politics, economics, or strategy, even the simplest person could grasp the fact that once these two steel warships could travel between the two continents, the Kingdom of Gran's merchant ships would no longer need to fear the Kingdom of Norma's warships.

Instead, in the future, the Norma people's ships would have to be more cautious and avoid encountering the steel warships at sea.

"In the future, it will be much safer for us to engage in maritime trade," the two little girls smiled.

"That's for sure!"

The craftsmen repaired the three merchant ships, only charging the most basic fees, and then continued their journey towards the New Continent. The two little girls followed the merchant ships, heading eastward back to the Fengmo Continent. The world's political landscape was about to undergo new changes.

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