After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 842

Chapter 842: This Black Dragon is a No-Show

The New Year Bell is about to ring. The bell ringer stood atop the bell tower, holding a large hammer in his hands. He nervously gazed at the giant bell before him, then turnd his head to look at the pitch-black Blackpine Mountains behind him.

Four years ago, he struck the bell with this very hammer, and the Black Dragon appeared. At that time, he was scared out of his wits and dropped the hammer, fleeing for his life. But this time, he felt no fear at all; instead, excitement filled his heart. What is there to fear about the Black Dragon? If it dares to come again, Godfather will simply drive it away, or even possibly defeat it.

"Yes, there's nothing to fear," the bell ringer swung his hammer.

Meanwhile, countless people in Westwind City awaited this moment in silence. Everyone stretched their necks, waiting quietly.

Only one person, Elsie, remained busy. He checked the piles of Katyusha and mines placed behind the chapel, ensuring they are ready for use at any moment.

All of them were personally charged by Godfather, their power terrifying to ordinary people. However, Godfather himself remained dissatisfied, muttering about the limited magical capacity of these tools and how they cannot hold truly powerful magic.

In the end, Elsie only grasped one point: these magic tools are not enough to defeat the Black Dragon.

He turned his head to look at a large groups of tanks not far away. Although Westwind City already has dozens of tanks, Godfather shook his head at them a few days ago, sighing that the rocket launchers were of low level and weak power.

In short, only Elsie knew that even Godfather treats the encounter with the Black Dragon with great caution. As Godfather's top commander and loyal defender, he must be even more cautious.

"Dong! Dong! Dong!"

The New Year Bell rung...

At the moment this beautiful sound resounds, everyone should be cheering and exulting together. However, this time, everyone remained quiet, their gaze turning towards the Blackpine Mountains behind them, as if waiting to see if a gigantic Black Dragon will emerge as it did four years ago.

Even the queen on the crystal ball felt the brief moment of tension.

However, everyone was disappointed. The Black Dragon did not appear. On that mountain, nothing emerged.

It's just an ordinary New Year!


"What the hell!"

"Damn it!"

"We've been stood up!"

"The Black Dragon is a No-Show!"

Various curses echoed together, and even the queen on the crystal ball couldn't help but pause, slamming her hand on the table. "Is it really not coming? The grand army I prepared was wasted."

Robb sneered at the crystal ball, saying, "See, did you run out of Black Dragon milk? Let me tell you, last year the reason the Black Dragon appeared instantly was because I made a flag, but this year, I cleverly didn't make that flag. If you try to give it another sip of milk, it would be strange if it shows up."

"Can you really blame me for this?" The queen angrily slapped the table. "Since you claim that raising a flag can make it appear, then go ahead and raise one."

Robb shook his head. "Honestly, I'm relieved that it didn't come. Although we made extensive preparations this year, I don't believe it guarantees victory. On the contrary, being overly prepared might lead to heavy casualties."

The queen was puzzled. "Why? Last year, we fought without any preparation and managed to drive it away. Why would being well-prepared this year lead to heavy casualties?"

Robb explained, "You don't understand how mischievous the game designers of this type of boss are. Ultimate bosses like this often have multiple stages. At a certain percentage of health, they enter one stage, and at another percentage, they enter a second stage. And just when you think they're about to die, they enter a third stage... With each stage transition, they become stronger, their skills become more insane, and harder to avoid."

As Robb went on, the queen couldn't comprehend any of it and looked completely confused.

Robb sighed and stopped explaining further.

Last time, rather than saying they drove away the Black Dragon, it was more like they bought time until its next return. They didn't cause much damage to it at all. But this time, a well-prepared army would definitely inflict some damage on the Black Dragon, triggering its second stage. Then it would unleash a slew of hard-to-dodge skills while their side's equipment level remained stuck in the 80s. It would be strange if they could defeat it.

Entering the second stage would pose extreme danger. With one area-of-effect attack from the Black Dragon, a large number of people could die.

"Let it be for this year," Robb said. "In the coming days, don't be overly vigilant against it. Whenever it appears in Westwind City, people here will immediately call me, and no matter where I am, I can come back right away. And all of you will know immediately through the phone that the Black Dragon is here, so everyone can rush over to support."

The queen felt somewhat regretful, hoping to avenge her parents this time. Madeline beside her also sighed and shook her head, saying, "What a pity..."

Just then, Number 1 suddenly walked quickly to the front of the queen and handed her a crystal ball. "Your Majesty, our scouts stationed in the Desert Kingdom have urgent military information to report."

"Oh?" The queen was greatly surprised and reached out to hold the crystal ball.

The crystal ball lit up, and the queen was about to ask, "What happened?"

However, before she could utter those words, she heard a scream from the other side of the crystal ball, followed by a "thud" sound. A splatter of fresh blood landed on the crystal ball, covering the transmitted image with a layer of red mist.

The queen's heart tightened, thinking that her scout had died.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, she saw the scout's face appearing on the screen, albeit with a layer of blood-red covering it. The color of his entire face looked strange. He spoke with a trembling voice, "Your Majesty, it wasn't me who died just now. It was just a passerby, person A, who happened to be next to me... The Black Dragon... The Black Dragon is here... It just threw a rock and killed a passerby next to me... I... I'm really scared now... I would like to request temporary leave from the Oasis City. Please grant your approval..."

He finished speaking with a stuttering voice, and then another "boom" sound came from the side. The queen saw a charred corpse flying past behind the scout. It seemed to have been blasted away by a fireball spat out by the Black Dragon.

On the street behind the scout, countless people were running frantically... The Black Dragon appeared in the crystal ball's image, stomping on the chaotic crowd on the ground.

Then, a violent sandstorm swept through the desert, and the guardian beast of the desert, the Sphinx, leaped out of the wind and charged at the Black Dragon...

With a gentle flap of its wings, the Black Dragon sent the Sphinx flying hundreds of meters away.

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