After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 849

Chapter 849: Alliance

The Kingdom of Norma, Capital of Kings!

The Capital of Kings was a magnificent and majestic city situated on a vast plain. It lacked natural defenses that could be used for fortification, yet in over a thousand years of Norma’s existence, the city had never been conquered by any enemy.

This was because no natural stronghold could be as reliable as a group of great warriors.

The Iron Horse Knights, Thousand Blades Knights, Thunder Knights Order, and Golden Leaf Knights Order stood guard over the Capital of Kings. No matter how formidable the enemy, they had never breached the walls protected by these four Knight orders.

In the palace of the Capital of Kings, the Heroic King of Norma sat side by side with the Pope of the Church of Light. Both wore grave expressions on their faces.

The Pope spoke in a low voice, “That man is conquering the desert.”

The Heroic King nodded, “He has finally transformed from a recluse who lived peacefully in Westwind City to an ambitious figure. My spies have reported that he intends to support Motra’s family of the Kali oasis, helping Motra Kali ascend to the throne as the new Pharaoh.”

The Pope asked, “What do you think we should do now?”

The Heroic King sighed, “This man’s sudden actions caught me off guard. I had already supported a nobleman from the northern desert as my puppet, providing him with funds and support to claim the throne. Once he succeeded in usurping power, the Desert Kingdom would have become mine. But I didn’t expect this man’s response to be so swift. Now the nobleman I supported will face a formidable opponent.”

The Pope’s expression turned sour, “This man truly disgusts me. When we sent our armies to aid Mondra in stabilizing the situation, he opened a Heaven’s Gate, releasing fallen angels that defeated our angel army. As a result, our best opportunity to control the Kingdom of Gran slipped away. And now, he is interfering with the Desert Kingdom.”

The Heroic King spoke, “On the other side of the New Continent, he continues to sabotage our efforts. His policy of appeasement towards the Mayan people starkly contrasts with our colonial policy, causing the once docile Mayan people to desperately resist us. Moreover, he provides support to the resistance forces, which is simply unacceptable. And those steel warships he created, sailing back and forth between the New Continent and the Fengmo Continent, flaunting their power, have disrupted our trade routes. It has become increasingly difficult for our naval vessels and merchant ships to navigate between the New Continent. At this rate, all our colonies will eventually spiral out of control.”

The Pope spoke in a low voice, “We must eliminate this man, no matter what.”

The Heroic King nodded, “If we don’t get rid of him, he will also take the Desert Kingdom and eventually attack Norma.”

As they reached this point, both fell silent. That man was a monster capable of opposing the Black Dragon. How could they possibly eliminate him? It seemed like an almost impossible task.

After a strange silence that lasted for a while, the two looked up almost simultaneously and said, “At this point, we can only contact more people and work together! The enemy’s enemy is our friend.”

The Pope of the Church of Light said, “I will write a letter to the Dark Pope. The current situation is not something the Church of Darkness would want to see either. By combining the forces of both light and darkness, our fighting power will greatly increase.”

The Heroic King added, “I will also try to contact the demon king. He has had a vendetta with that man ever since he killed over a dozen of their demon comrades in a battle a few years ago. I believe the demon clan will stand with us.”

The Pope spoke in a low voice, “By the way, what about Big Tang?”

The Heroic King shook his head, “Let’s forget about them! The rabbit people only care about their own territory and never get involved in Western affairs. Even if we tell them that this man may eventually conquer Big Tang, they won’t pay it any mind. They are only interested in internal conflicts.”

The Pope said, “Alright, then let’s only contact the Church of Darkness and the demon clan. This time, we must eliminate this man.”

Supplies from the Kingdom of Gran were continuously delivered to the Crystal Canyon through a large train, and then distributed to the hands of the refugees through the efforts of border guards.

Some of these supplies were provided by the queen, while others were contributed by Westwind City. However, international aid could only be done to a certain extent. Both Robb and the queen couldn’t indefinitely assist the refugees. The best way to truly help these refugees was to swiftly suppress the rebellion in the Desert Kingdom.

At this moment, Robb lazily followed the army and arrived in the northeastern part of the Desert Kingdom.

Out of the five noble families that instigated the rebellion, three had already been subdued. The leaders of the three rebel forces now obediently followed Motra, though there was still a hint of defiance in their eyes. However, fear of Robb dominated their emotions. When faced with a strong fist, one had no choice but to submit.

In reality, Robb hadn’t done much along the way. In the first battle, Motra, Suofa, and Elsie led the Westwind warriors to help the Kali family deal with the first rebel leader. Then, the Kali family and the rebel leader joined forces to handle the second rebel leader, making the task even easier. By the time they faced the third rebel leader, it was already a matter of overwhelming numbers.

Now, with the Kali family’s army leading the forces of the three rebel leaders, they have become a formidable and terrifying force. All the small oases they pass through surrender without a fight, not daring to oppose them.

Therefore, Robb didn’t need to take action at all. His purpose in coming along this time was mainly to observe the customs and culture of the Desert Kingdom, treating it as a journey of sorts.

“We only need to deal with two more rebel forces, and then we can unify the Desert Kingdom.”

Motra’s finger traced across the vast map of the Desert Kingdom, saying, “One of these noble families is in the Time Cave, and the other is in the northern Tomb of Kings…”

The three rebel leaders nodded beside him, “The Time Cave should be easy to handle. They are not strong, so if our combined forces attack, they will be on their knees in no time. However, dealing with the family in the northern Tomb of Kings won’t be so simple.”

Robb leaned in from the side, “Oh? What makes them difficult to deal with?”

The rebel leaders explained, “The Tomb of Kings is located at the northern edge of the desert, in the barren zone close to the Knight’s Kingdom of Norma. There have always been rumors that this family had the support of the Kingdom of Norma. The previous Pharaoh had attempted to deal with them several times, but if the rumors are true, Kingdom of Norma won’t sit back and watch us eliminate this family. They will definitely intervene.”

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