After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 888

Chapter 888: Something Doesn’t Seem Right

Seeing Robb stomping down, the Dark Devourer was completely indifferent. In its long life, it had dealt with adventurers many times before, including some agile ones who would jump onto its massive body, stomping, slashing, and chopping at it, but it never seemed to have any effect.

Their attacks were like scratching an itch for the Dark Devourer!

With a light flick, it would shake off the pests from its body, then follow up with a couple of strikes, and the opponent would be dead beyond death.

This time shouldn’t be any different.

However, just as the Dark Devourer was thinking this, it felt an immense force coming from above, a truly overwhelming force that surged into its consciousness. In an instant, its mind was scattered, and its thoughts ceased.

The tremendous force traveled from head to toe, vibrating downward, coursing through its nerves and veins, leaving instant numbness in its wake.

The Dark Devourer felt overwhelmed, as if a mountain-sized burden had been placed upon it.

With a “thud,” it collapsed to the ground, unable to move.

Robb looked down at his feet and said, “Huh? This big monster is quite resilient. I stomped on it, but it’s still alive. What kind of creature is this? I’ve never seen anything like it.”

He then added a bit more force and stomped again…


The Dark Devourer turned into a pile of minced meat, scattered all over the ground, without even a chance to give any last words or boast.

Robb landed on the ground, preparing to use a dispel spell, but before he could, the bone cages that had trapped Chris and the others automatically dissolved. The bones turned into magical particles, disappearing without a trace.

“Oh? It seems the big monster I just stomped to death set up this bone cage,” Robb chuckled and waved at everyone. “Did you find the Demon King? Where is it?”

Chris and the others: “…”

Robb asked, puzzled, “Why is no one saying anything?”

Chris pointed at the scattered remains near Robb’s feet and said, “That’s the Demon King.”

“What?” Robb exclaimed, “This weak Demon King?”

Chris: “…”

Among their group of five, there was a moment of hesitation on the fire magician’s face as to whether or not to say it out loud. After a while, the Fire Magician awkwardly tugged at the sleeve of Chris and whispered, “I think I might know who he is.”

Chris asked, “Who?”

The Fire Magician whispered, “He seems to be… the Godfather from Westwind City. He told me he’s Godfather last night, but I didn’t believe him. But now….”

Chris: “…”

The nearby Priest, Hunter, and Assassin suddenly realized, yes, who else could it be besides the hero from Westwind City who can stand against a black dragon?

Chris grabbed the Fire Magician’s shoulder and shook her vigorously. “He told you clearly, why didn’t you believe him?”

The Fire Magician replied, “If I told you this two days ago, would you have believed me?”

Chris: “…”

So, it was an awkward situation.

While some were still in shock and confusion, Xuelu felt aggrieved. “My dear, you’re being unreasonable.”

Robb asked, “How am I being unreasonable?”

Xuelu cried, “You said you wouldn’t interfere, that you’d let me deal with the Demon King. Now you’ve stomped it to death, and my adventure has ended like this. How can I make it into the epic tales now?”

“Well, that’s a rather specific concern,” Robb said. “Upon reflection, I should have denounced it before attacking. Otherwise, its death wouldn’t have been clear, which wouldn’t feel right. Fine, I’ll revive it for you to kill. Is that acceptable?”

“That works, that works!” Xuelu clapped her hands. “This is perfect.”

Robb cast a resurrection spell on the Dark Devourer’s remains.

The body parts assembled, and the Dark Devourer sat up with a bewildered expression. “What’s going on? Who am I? Where am I? What was I doing?”

Robb turned to it and said, “You’re the Demon King, right?”

The Dark Devourer was a bit hazy about recent events because Robb’s earlier stomp on its head had left it mentally scrambled. It only remembered Robb’s foot stomping on its head, but now it was alive and unharmed, which indicated that Robb’s stomp had been utterly useless.

The Dark Devourer arrogantly said, “Yes, I am the Demon King. Weren’t you just arrogantly jumping on my head a moment ago? You’ll pay for your insolence.”

Chris muttered from behind, “I feel like I’ve heard this before.”

Xuelu chimed in, “Me too.”

“Me too, it sounds familiar…”

Robb said sarcastically, “Since you’re the Demon King, then it’s fine. I came here specifically to beat you up. You dared to collude with the Church of Light and the Kingdom of Norma to pick a fight with me. Let’s not waste time with chit-chat. I’m going to pummel you. Stand firm, brace yourself, and prepare to take a beating.”

The Dark Devourer burst into laughter. “Where did this trashy adventurer come from? Speaking so arrogantly. Wait a minute, what did you say? I colluded with the Church of Light and the Kingdom of Norma to pick a fight with you? You… could it be…”


Robb’s fist struck the Dark Devourer’s chest.

The Dark Devourer collapsed with a thud, dead.

Xuelu protested, “Hey, why did you kill it again? I wanted to be the great adventurer who killed the Demon King, and now my adventure is ruined. How will I be remembered in the epic tales?”

Robb said, “Oh, right, evidence. We still need evidence. Let’s try reviving it again.”

The Dark Devourer said, “Human, you will pay for your arrogance… Wait, something doesn’t seem right.”

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