After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 895

Chapter 895: It seems your plan might not work.

When Xuelu pulled Robb over, he astonishingly held a pair of “Demon’s Horns” in his hands. Emerging from the transmission gate, he took a glance at the situation on this side and immediately quirkily exclaimed, “Wow!”

Chris, pinned down by a group of enemies not far away, shouted, “Gorda, did you hear that? How disgusting it sounds when someone else says ‘wow.’ Don’t start using it.”

Gorda, also trapped beneath a group of enemies, yelled, “Is this really the time to talk about this?” He strained his voice and cried out, “Help!”

Robb retorted, “Damn idiots. You cause trouble the moment I don’t pay attention to you.”

No sooner had he spoken than two Inquisitors of the Church of Light had already charged forward. They swung their staves, simultaneously striking his skull forcefully.

These Inquisitors of the Church of Light weren’t interested in conversing with Robb; they had no desire for dialogue. Their sole intent was to swiftly eliminate these individuals. In their eyes, it seemed unlikely that anyone else would emerge from the transmission gate. Judging by this group’s appearance, it seemed like two teams of adventurers, and all their members should have already arrived. With just ten people to contend with, they had no qualms about it.

The several who had arrived earlier had already been subdued. Now, all they needed to do was to take down this final newcomer, clad oddly, and they could declare victory. Then they could gradually figure out how to close the transmission gate.

Robb effortlessly sidestepped their attacks and then, with a swift motion, he reached out, pulled a Inquisitor of the Church of Light who was about to attack Xuelu, and swung them forward. Thuds sounded as they collided with the group ahead, knocking several individuals over.

Only then did he speak, “Why is your first greeting to us a fierce beating?”

The priest called out, “These are followers of the Church of Light, Inquisitors of the Church of Light.”

“Huh?” Robb’s brows furrowed. “So, a group of Inquisitors of the Church of Light came through the secret transmission array in the Demon King City’s secret chamber? Oh, oh, oh. Then I’m quite intrigued by what this place is all about.”

As he said this, several Inquisitors of the Church of Light attacked. Swords, staves, hammers – all sorts of chaotic weapons were brandished. Inquisitors of the Church of Light didn’t confine themselves to a single class. Among them were people of various types, as long as they could carry out the church’s secret missions. They could infiltrate anywhere. Hence, having diverse classes wasn’t that rare.

However, this hodgepodge of attacks meant nothing to Robb.

Robb raised his foot and stomped the ground, “Holy Nova!”

This was the first move Robb had used upon arriving in this world. It was also a familiar technique to Gorda, Jike, and Xuelu, conjuring up nostalgia. Seeing him employ this move, a sense of reminiscence surged within the three of them.

A golden light curtain radiated from the point where Robb stomped. It expanded in a spherical shape, encompassing a range of twenty yards. Within this range, teammates received healing, but as for enemies…

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!”

A series of dense collisions ensued, not caused by the sound of the Holy Nova hitting people, but by the sound of those struck by Divine Nova colliding with others. With Robb at the center, the Inquisitors of the Church of Light propelled outwards in a twenty-yard radius, resembling a blossoming flower as they spread out, heads outward and feet pointing towards Robb, forming a circle.

Chris, who had been pinned down by a group of enemies, had also been sent flying. He and Gorda, rising from their pitiful states, patted themselves, feeling their injuries being healed.

Gorda was fine, having experienced this before, but Chris couldn’t help but exclaim, “Wow!”

Gorda turned to Chris, “Didn’t you just tell me not to say ‘wow’? Now you’re saying it yourself?”

Chris retorted, “My ‘wow’ isn’t like your sarcastic ‘wow.’ Mine is a genuine exclamation, with a very serious tone of ‘wow,’ okay?”

Gorda hummed, “Yet, this is a novel. We can’t tell the tone from the words alone.”

Chris said, “Your criticism always feels off somehow.”

Oh well, best not to dwell on these nonsensical criticisms. Chris looked at the Inquisitors of the Church of Light struck down by Robb’s magic on the ground, and he suddenly realized that not a single one had died. They were all severely injured and immobilized, except for those who fell before Robb’s arrival.

Gorda picked up on Chris’s confusion and laughed, “You probably don’t know this, but Godfather doesn’t like killing. He has a strange theory that many bad people, in his eyes, aren’t deserving of death.”

Chris questioned, “So, what about these people? Are we just going to let them continue their wrongdoing?”

“That’s not possible,” Gorda chuckled. “the new city on the New Continent seems to be in need of a lot of labor. I reckon these people are about to become forced laborers.”

Before he finished speaking, Robb gestured and opened a portal to the city on the New Continent. Then, he grabbed the severely injured individuals from the ground and tossed them into the portal. After tossing a few in, a warrior from Westwind City appeared through the portal, looking bewildered, and said, “Who? Who’s randomly opening a portal and tossing people here?”

As he finished speaking, he realized it was Godfather who had thrown them. He quickly kneeled, “So it’s Godfather! May I ask, why are you throwing these people?”

Robb chuckled, “Lock them up in prison and sentence them to fifty years of forced labor.”

“Fifty years?” The Westwind warrior sweated. “Seems like they’ve done quite a bit of bad stuff.”

Robb said, “Indeed, let them spend the latter half of their lives atoning for the sins of their first half.”

The Westwind warrior nodded in acknowledgment and returned to the portal. There, he rallied a group of Maya Eagle Warriors and Westwind Warriors. They secured the individuals Robb had sent over, one by one, and escorted them to the prison. Of course, tending to their injuries was necessary, but before that, they also applied some debuff magic to control their abilities. The prison now had a well-established procedure for managing inmates, so Robb didn’t need to worry about it anymore.

Robb swung his hand and kicked, tossing the Inquisitors of the Church of Light in the room one by one into the portal. When it came to the leading inquisitor of the Church of Light, this person still had the strength to speak. In a weak voice, he questioned, “You… who are you exactly?”

Robb chuckled, “I’m the person you have to deal with, even if you colluded with the Demon King.”

“Ah? It’s you!” The man’s eyes displayed a frightened expression. “Why… why did you come from the Demon King City?”

Robb smiled, “Well, that’s a long story… oh, wait, maybe not that long. To put it simply, I defeated the Demon King. You see this in my hand? It’s the Demon King’s horn. Your plan to join forces with the Demon King to kill me probably won’t work anymore. Do you want to come up with some other scheme?”

Inquisitor of the Church of Light: “…”

Truly, there was no suitable response!

With a swift kick, Robb sent him into the portal.

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