After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 909

Chapter 909: I’m Going

It didn’t take long before the battle came to a halt because more and more people noticed that time had been paused. The humans always found that the demons around them suddenly fell after a short time, and after this happened several times, anyone would feel that something was amiss.

Moreover, the heroes, kings, magicians, and priests outside the temporal barrier also witnessed this scene with their own eyes. They felt an incredible shock and couldn’t help but stop their actions.

As more and more people stopped their actions, they watched helplessly as Robb dealt with the demons, one after another, killing them without any resistance.

There’s an old saying in the East, “Chop the chicken to show the monkeys.” Now, Robb was killing demons to show the people.

When all the demons were killed and lying on the ground, the humans present all lowered their noble heads because they truly felt the terror of being dominated by a supreme power.

“Norma is finished!”

“The Church of Light is finished too.”

“We’re all doomed.”

A sense of sorrow pervaded their hearts. The Hero King gritted his teeth, forcibly overcoming his fear. He raised his great sword with both hands and declared, “I, the hero, have never retreated or feared in the face of the strongest enemies. The spirit of the Norma Kingdom does not allow me to back down. I am willing to die to protect my kingdom and people, but I will never retreat.”

Having said that, he intended to charge forward and strike a blow at Robb.

“Forget it.” Robb halted his motion, shaking his head at him. “I didn’t plan to destroy your kingdom or harm your people. Why get worked up here? If I really wanted to overthrow your kingdom, I would have wiped out the order of knights you brought earlier. That way, even if I didn’t do anything else, your kingdom would fall into chaos on its own. With the main force of the knights dissolved, ambitious individuals seeking power and profit would tear your kingdom apart, and the people would suffer in the midst of the conflict.”

The Hero King’s movement suddenly ceased. “You… causing chaos all over the world, what exactly do you want?”

“Am I causing chaos?” Robb raised his hands. “You tell me, have I caused any chaos?”

The Hero King said, “You maliciously altered the teachings of the Church of Light, established heretical doctrines, and sowed discord.”

Robb chuckled. “Which is more chaotic, the Church of Light itself or the New Church of Light I’m supporting? Don’t you have any insight? Look at what kind of person the Pope of the Church of Light is.”

The Hero King: “…”

He couldn’t argue with Robb’s logic. The Hero King had to say, “You’ve taken control of Westwind City, established your own kingdom…”

“It seems this matter doesn’t concern you,” the Queen calmly stated from a distance. “The affairs of my Kingdom of Gran, when did they become the concern of the King of Norma? Furthermore, Westwind City is an inseparable part of my Kingdom of Gran’s sacred territory. It’s managed by the governor I’ve dispatched. How did it become a nation within a nation? If you continue with this nonsense, I will strongly protest to your kingdom and might even consider implementing measures to cut off the supply of chocolate. I hope you’ll think twice before you speak.”

The Hero King responded, “I’m not afraid of a chocolate embargo. You’re using this kind of small snack to threaten me? Are you kidding? I’m going to keep talking nonsense!”

The Queen was delighted. She finally seized an opportunity to legitimately keep some chocolate for herself. She didn’t want to miss this chance. “Very well, starting from today, my kingdom will stop exporting chocolate to the Norma Kingdom.” She added quietly, “All of it is for me to enjoy, hahaha.”

With the Queen of Kingdom of Gran making her stance clear, the Hero King couldn’t bring up this matter again. He had no choice but to say, “You’re implementing strange policies on the New Continent. Instead of siding with us white people, you’re helping those brown-skinned natives! You don’t even consider us your own people.”

Robb chuckled, “I’m actually helping you. Don’t act like you don’t know. Your plan is facing difficulties now. The natives are resisting strongly. The colonists of Norma Kingdom are too afraid to venture out alone. On the other hand, the Norma people who listened to me are living well on the New Continent.”

The Hero King: “…”

In truth, the Hero King also knew that the Norma settlements on the New Continent were starting to become uncontrollable. Some of the colonial governors were developing their own agendas, wanting to break free from the control of their home kingdom. The Hero King couldn’t do much about it; he couldn’t just send fleets for expeditions to suppress them.

Moreover, those governors who had thoughts of independence had begun emulating the governance of Westwind City. They treated the Maya people kindly and gently. Although this approach yielded less profit, the city-states’ population grew rapidly, laying a solid foundation for future development. These governors gained more respect and popularity, forming a stark contrast with the areas enforcing harsh colonial policies.

Who was right and who was wrong? Was there even a need to argue?

The Hero King was momentarily speechless. After several seconds, he said indignantly, “Then you invaded the Desert Kingdom, intending to turn it into your puppet and use it as a springboard to invade my Norma.”

Robb raised his hands, “Look at which side the Sphinx is on. It’s the guardian beast of the desert. It knows better than anyone who benefits the desert.”

The Hero King: “…”

Robb suddenly put on a face that begged for a beating, chuckling, “Besides, if I really wanted to invade your Norma, do you think I’d use the Desert Kingdom as a springboard? It only takes one person, myself. I could march from your border all the way to your capital. No matter how many Knights you send, they wouldn’t be able to stop me. Do you believe it or not?”

The Hero King: “…”

He pondered seriously for a moment, then sighed, “You’re right. So, if you’re doing all these things, what exactly do you want?”

Robb shrugged, “If I told you I’m doing all this just to have a comfortable living environment, delicious food, warm clothing, rich entertainment, tidy streets, cheerful neighbors, without wars bothering me, and without a black dragon wrecking my life every four years, would you believe me?”

The Hero King was about to say he didn’t believe it, but after a moment’s thought, he realized that this dream didn’t sound unreasonable! The problem lay with the world, this mad world that couldn’t even provide such simple things to anyone.

Robb extended a hand to the Hero King, “I didn’t kill you in the Capital of Kings, and I don’t intend to kill you here. I also have no plans to overthrow your Norma Kingdom. What I want is for everyone to unite, gather all our strength together, just like how you all gathered to face me. We should unite to confront the Black Dragon, that’s all! Are you in?”

The Hero King hesitated for three seconds, then extended his hand and shook Robb’s hand, “I’m in!”

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