After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 92

Chapter 92: Let’s start with third gear

In ordinary villages and towns, after a war, a period of time to lick the wounds usually comes, but Westwind Town does not have this period. Apart from the 32 hoarse people, the war did not cause any loss to the town, so Westwind Town returned to usual instantly.

The mayor arranged for several armed men to keep watch to let the other townspeople do what they had to do, and then he hurried to the chapel.

At this time, the chapel is very lively.

White Birch Town's refugees and dozens of refugees from the Stone Canyon have made the chapel as lively as a vegetable market.

Robb obviously didn't like the hustle and bustle much. Sitting on the stone stool he usually sat lazily on daily, he directed several townspeople to tie up the necromancer with a rope to hang him on the ceiling fan.

When the mayor saw this picture, he seemed confused, "Father, what are you doing?"

Robb spread his hand and said, "I promised him that he would enjoy 5th gear of the ceiling fan."

The mayor didn’t understand, but he's used to it. Words he often doesn't understand pop out of father’s mouth. At these times, don’t ask. Even if you ask, you won’t understand. Just smile.

The necromancer was hung up, but the ceiling fan hadn't been turned on yet.

Robb smiled and sat down with Little Yi, the three adventurers and two mayors, and countless townspeople forming a circle craned their necks to watch the scene. Everyone wanted to see what Father meant by the 5th gear of the ceiling fan.

Only Lillian did not come to watch. She stood sadly beside the pile of refugees from the Stone Canyon. She was obviously worried about her aunt.

Robb waved to her, "Lillian, come here!"

Lillian came over obediently, trying to show Robb a smile, but she couldn't.

Robb said, "Don't worry, we have found that the army of the undead does not kill indiscriminately. They want to occupy and dominate, not to destroy and kill. Your aunt may still be alive."

"Ah?" Lillian's spirit was immediately lifted.

But Robb immediately added, "but it's no use if she's still alive. I saw that the aunt who sold the maid would be beaten to death."

“Huh?” The expression on Lillian's face immediately darkened again.

"All right, I'm just teasing you." Robb sighed a long sigh, "the poor do everything they can to eat in order to live, and it's not that I haven't heard of such a thing. I won't forgive your aunt. I won't take care of her either. Let's first interrogate the necromancer about the Stone Canyon. "

"Oh, right, ask the villain if my aunt is still alive." Lillian looked left and right and suddenly found the thin bamboo strip that Robb used to draw the spider before. She quickly picked it up and stood under the ceiling fan.

Gorda brought a bowl of cold water and threw it in the necromancer's face.

The latter woke up and turned around…

There was almost no meat on his thin face, and his hollow eyes looked around and found himself hanging from a strange thing, with Robb sitting next to him and a large crowd of onlookers.

When he was about to chant, he heard Robb laugh and say, "Wow, the first thing you do when you wake up is chant? Can you continue chanting? Do you trust that I’d cut you into seventeen or eighteen pieces when you are a second away from finishing?”

The necromancer immediately stopped chanting. He still had to adapt to the circumstances, which is really stupid.

Robb said with a smile, "Now, answer. One wrong answer is third gear, two wrong answers is fourth, and three wrong answers is fifth. Do you understand?"

The necromancer said sadly, "I understand your mom!”

“First question, wrong answer!” Robb expressed deep regret for his answer, "all right, I'll let you try third gear first."

He put his hand on the magic container and gently pressed the button. The magic container is very interesting, and the speed of releasing the magic inside it can be determined by the force of pressing the button, so Robb can release the magic at half the speed with just a touch.

Wind magic stored inside immediately gushed out and blew on the leaves under the tree, which rotated to drive the gears, and finally, the ceiling fan hanging from the tree rotated.

The necromancer felt power from the rope from which he was hanging, and then he rotated along with the ceiling fan. The scenery around him began to spin rapidly, and the faces of the townspeople around him changed in an instant.

Robb smiled and said, "Lillian, whip him!"

Lillian had long since wanted to thrash this guy. Her aunt's life or death still fell on this guy. She used the bamboo strip in her hand and whipped the necromancer because the latter was spinning so fast. Lillian didn't know where she hit his body, anyway.

The whipping continued…

Meanwhile, the townspeople finally understood what was meant by the third gear of the ceiling fan and immediately turned black, thinking, [Father, this move is so scary. We must not make Father angry in the future. It will be really miserable if Father comes with a set of third gear ceiling fans.

Twenty seconds later, Robb stopped the ceiling fan.

Although it was only going on for 20 seconds, the necromancer did not know how many circles he had turned. He only felt that the sky was spinning and that he did not know where he was. He vomited on his chest, disgusting.

Lillian was so frightened that she stepped back quickly for fear of getting the vomit on her body.

Robb frowned in disgust: "He stinks. Someone, wash him.”

Several refugees from Stone Canyon ran over, splashed buckets on the necromancer, then took a long brush to brush him, and in a blink of an eye, the vomit disappeared, but his black robe was all wet and sticky, looking very uncomfortable.

Moreover, these refugees from the Stone Canyon hated him very much because their homes were taken over by the necromancer, so it was inevitable that they hit him with the long brush and so on while washing him.

Robb smiled and said, "what do you think? Was it fun?”

The necromancer felt his brain tremble. His entirety was still spinning, confused about north, south, east, and west, and he said in an uncomfortable tone, "I… give up… Stop turning…."

Robb said, "Okay, I'll continue to ask you questions then. If you give the wrong answer, fourth gear.”

The necromancer obediently said, “Please ask.”

Robb said, "Did you first go to Stone Canyon before coming here?


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