After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 931:

Chapter 931:

Robb carefully appraised the rabbit hero before him. However, the rabbit hero didnt bother to glance at this Westerner, instead facing the sky with nostrils flaring, exuding an air of impressive arrogance.

Wan Jinyou hurriedly intervened, smiling at Robb, This is a great hero, and of course, a great hero should possess some dignity. Thats just his usual demeanor, not directed at you. Please dont be upset.

Robb smiled and said, Alright, a great hero should indeed carry some dignity.

The conversation between the two was in English, a language the rabbit hero couldnt understand or perhaps didnt care to. He stood with his hands behind his back, looking up at the sky, projecting an air of inscrutability.

Robb turned towards him and in standard Mandarin, he asked, How should I address this great hero?

Huh? The rabbit hero reacted, You, a blond foreigner, can actually speak our Celestial Empires language?

Robb responded, Cant I? Not only can I speak it, but I can also recite poetry.

The rabbit hero raised an eyebrow, Really? Recite a line for me to hear.

Robb chuckled and said, Then listen carefully

He mimicked the rabbit heros stance, turned his back, placed his hands behind him, and looked up at the sky as he recited, Bright moonlight before my bed, I suspect its frost on the ground. I lift my head to gaze at the bright moon, and lower it to think of my hometown.

The rabbit hero exclaimed, Wow, you really can? And thats quite a good poem. Whos this foreigner whos so impressive?

Robb grinned, I may look like a foreigner on the surface, but deep down, I have black hair and yellow skin uh I mean, Im a rabbit.


The rabbit hero didnt want to dwell on this matter any longer, as it would drive him crazy. He decided to focus on the main point. He turned around again, hands behind his back, portraying a lonely snow-like demeanor, and said, Lets skip the nonsense. Since you understand our Celestial Empires language, theres no need for translation. You called me here, what do you want to say?

Robb turned to Wan Jinyou in English and said, Didnt you tell him what I wanted to ask?

Wan Jinyou replied, I did tell him.

Robb sighed, Then why is he asking me?

Wan Jinyou explained, Great heroes theyre all like this

Robb muttered, Oh, come on!

Well, there was no reasoning with such an enigmatic hero. Robb turned to the rabbit hero and in standard Mandarin, he said, I brought you here because I wanted to inquire about the Xuanyuan Black Iron.

The rabbit hero burst into laughter and then said, You foreign barbarians want to ask about our Celestial Empires Xuanyuan Black Iron. Whats your intention? Could it be that you also want to compete for it?

Robb replied, Youve guessed it right. I do intend to compete for it.

The rabbit hero chuckled, Just based on your lot?

Robb asked, Do I look weak to you?

The rabbit hero fell silent, emanating a sense of solitude like snow, and he let out a sigh, Ah

Robb said, Can we have a proper conversation?

The rabbit hero said, Let me give you a piece of advice: dont meddle in matters that you shouldnt, and dont inquire about information you shouldnt. Wear a hat that fits your head. I came here specifically to tell you this much, up to this point, I bid you farewell

Having said that, he turned around to leave.

Robb was at a loss for words. Why did the rabbit hero have to be so awkward? If you dont want to speak, then why bother coming here?

Wan Jinyou was also extremely frustrated. How could he earn his intelligence fee now? He quickly grabbed the heros arm and said, Great hero, please dont leave!

As they were having a tug-of-war, creating a ruckus, suddenly a large group of rabbit people emerged from the side of the pier. These people had diverse appearances, some looking like vegetable sellers, some like butchers, and some resembling fortune-tellers a diverse mix of people, numbering in the hundreds in an instant.

Seeing these people, the rabbit officials and soldiers on the pier promptly stepped aside, pretending not to see.

It was evident that this group had come for Robb and the others. They blocked the area where the three ships had docked. Simultaneously, several ships in the harbor started moving. These were small ships with rigid sails, not large but numerous in number. They emerged from all directions, cutting off the passage for the three larger ships to set sail.

Robb and his companions were instantly surrounded!

Wan Jinyou, who was engaged in a tussle with the rabbit hero, was caught off guard by this sudden development. Both of them were momentarily stunned.

After five seconds, Wan Jinyou cried out in anguish, Oh no, its its the Eighteen Divinations! He turned to Robb and asked, Do you have any connection with the Eighteen Divinations?

Robb smiled and replied, Indeed, we refused to pay protection fees.

Wan Jinyou exclaimed, Damn it, you got us into trouble.

He rushed to the edge of the ship and shouted in Great Tang language to the people below, Good fellows on the path of righteousness, grievances have a cause, debts have an owner. You all know me, Wan Jinyou. Im just a small fry in this harbor. I have nothing to do with the people on these three ships. Please spare me.

Having said that, he leaped from the ships side and landed in the sea with a splash. Laughter from the Eighteen Divinations rabbit people on the pier followed, This guy sure knows how to distance himself quickly.

Forget it, I do know this Wan Jinyou. Hes the local bigwig in this harbor. He has no connection with the people on those three ships.

Lets ignore him!

A rabbit person who seemed to be the leader of the group stepped forward, separating from the crowd and loudly addressed Robb and his companions, You Western foreigners have quite the audacity. You dare to recklessly barge in on the territory of the Eighteen Divinations and not pay protection fees, and even dare to collide with our protection fee-collecting ships while we are at war with the Japanese pirates. Youre already as good as dead. Theres no room for negotiation. Ive come here to announce your deaths, not to negotiate with you.

Robb: Wow! Quite audacious, huh.

The two young girls stood by Robbs side, giggling, Godfather, give them a beating.

Robb nodded, about to step forward as the tough guy, when suddenly a proud voice rang out, Who do we have here causing a ruckus? Turns out its the Eighteen Divinations bunch. Truly a bunch of rats causing trouble.

Everyone: Huh?

Both sides, enemies and allies alike, were utterly confused. Following the sound, they turned to look, only to discover that the speaker was none other than the rabbit hero who had been brought onto the ship by Wan Jinyou earlier. He wore a blue heros attire that fluttered in the sea breeze. He had taken off his conical hat, revealing a gray and white-furred rabbit head. His expression was one that couldnt be deciphered, and his right hand rested on the hilt of the sword at his waist.

The members of the Eighteen Divinations gang on the pier all stared at him. After a moment, someone said, Is this rabbit crazy?

The rabbit hero snorted, When injustice is seen, draw the sword to help. How can you call that crazy?

Note: The translation is based on the provided text and may not capture all cultural nuances accurately.

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