After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 946:

Chapter 946:

The martial world is a place where people eat people!

Experienced individuals can devour the fresh newcomers.

With the package containing Xuanyuan Black Iron in her arms, Shisu couldnt help but shed tears. Master, masters wife, now that Qiantang Sect is no more, I am the only one left, a wandering soul. Holding a piece of Xuanyuan Black Iron that I dont know how to use, how can I avenge your blood and fulfill your unfinished ideals?

She had just finished crying when suddenly a person appeared in front of her. Startled, she couldnt even see who the newcomer was and swiftly drew her sword, slashing towards the figure.

The person took a step back to avoid the blade and smiled, Miss, dont be alarmed, its me.

Only now did Shisu recognize that it was Robb in front of her. However, seeing him did not ease her tension. She tightly gripped her longsword and asked, How did you follow me? I distinctly saw no one tracking me.

Miss, your experience in the martial world is still a bit lacking, Robb chuckled. There are countless ways to track someone. Its really not that simple to elude pursuit.

Shisu held her sword in her right hand, pointing it at Robb cautiously without moving. With her left hand, she slowly moved the cloth-wrapped package on her back, her movements deliberate and slow. Her attention was entirely focused on Robb. When defending against a firearm attack, it was essential to observe the opponents movements closely. Any tiny detail should not be missed. The moment the enemy made a move to raise their hand, she needed to dodge immediately.

In a stern voice, she said, I admit that your tracking skills are impressive. If you want the Xuanyuan Black Iron, go ahead and try. But dont blame me for not warning you. Although I am a disciple of a reputable sect and do not easily harm others, if you attempt to steal my belongings, I wont show any mercy.

Robb shook his head with a smile, Dont be nervous. As Ive said before, I dont intend to steal. Im only interested in doing business. Right now, I just want to discuss buying this piece of Xuanyuan Black Iron from you.

Shisus rabbit-like face contorted slightly, possibly expressing disdain, but rabbit expressions were truly hard to interpret. She spoke in a low voice, You should know that this is a priceless treasure, not something that can be measured with money.

If it cant be measured in money, what about in life? Robb said, Dont blame me for not reminding you. Besides me, theres another group of people tracking you, and theyre about to arrive. From my analysis, their combat power is roughly ten times higher than yours. They are more powerful than your master, masters wife, and all your fellow disciples combined. Thats how they were able to destroy Qiantang Sect. Now, they are coming to kill you and take the Xuanyuan Black Iron. If you dont want to die, give me the Xuanyuan Black Iron, and Ill ensure your safety.

Upon hearing these words, Shisus heart tightened. However, she quickly glanced left and right, then focused her rabbit-like ears intently. Her excellent hearing allowed her to pick up the sound of a group of peoples footsteps rapidly approaching from about a mile away.

She was taken aback and quickly used her light-footed technique to run in the opposite direction of the newcomers, completely ignoring Robb.

Annoyed, Robb followed her, Hey, I said, youre quite unpredictable. Why did you turn and run? I kindly informed you that someone was coming. Even if you dont want to do business with me, at the very least, you should thank me.

While sprinting, Shisu turned her head and replied, It was my negligence just now. Thank you for the reminder, but I must escape quickly now. I dont have time to talk with you. The favor of this reminder will be repaid another day.

Robb muttered to himself,

After that, Shisu increased her speed, pushing her cultivation to its limit. Her footsteps seemed to create wind, allowing her to glide several meters forward with a gentle tap on the ground. Her movements were graceful, and combined with her excellent physique and the stylish attire of a martial artist, the scene would have been extremely beautiful if not for the rabbit head.

Robb could only sigh, What a pity she has that rabbit head.

Upon hearing his voice, Shisu turned to look and was surprised to see Robb running behind her. She was shocked because she had already pushed her Breeze Footwork to the extreme. Her current speed could be described as fast as the wind. How could this Westerner keep up with me? What kind of speed is he using?

Robb smiled at her, Surprised? Im using Western magic.'

Shisu asked, They have this kind of thing in the West?

Robb chuckled, The West has many good things. You mustnt have the idea that the Celestial Empire, with its vast land and abundant resources, is invincible. If you think that way, its easy to be overtaken, surpassed, and eventually beaten to the ground by outsiders. You wont be able to raise your head for centuries.

Shisu responded, Im trying to escape for my life right now. I dont have time for idle chatter.

In that case, you shouldnt talk, Robb smiled. The few sentences you just spoke disrupted your true energy flow, slowing you down by 2.5%. Tsk tsk. Even if you dont slow down, youre still slower than the pursuers behind you. Based on our current relative speed, I estimate you have about three minutes before they catch up.

Shisu didnt understand the concept of three minutes because clocks were not yet widespread in the East. People used various measures of time, such as the time it takes to burn one stick of incense or the time it takes for a cup of hot tea to cool. It was all quite chaotic, without any standard.

She pricked up her long ears and listened. Sure enough, the pursuers behind her had drawn much closer. When she turned her head, she could already see the fastest figures among them.

Shisu couldnt help but feel a bit panicked. She didnt need to think too hard to guess that the pursuers behind her were the enemies who had destroyed the Qiantang Sect. Their cultivation levels were certainly higher than those of her master and masters wife. She had no chance against them, and being pursued by them likely meant facing a life-and-death situation.

With these thoughts in mind, she couldnt help but panic.

At this moment, Robb chimed in again, You still have time to make a decision. As long as you give me the stone, Ill ensure your safety.

Shisu responded irritably, Only a fool would accept such a condition. I could just toss the stone back to them and still preserve my life. Why should I give it to you?

Robb smiled, Thats not possible. Even if they obtain the stone, theyll still kill you because, by killing you, they can protect the secret of the stone falling into their hands. Xuanyuan Black Iron is too precious, and whoever possesses it will attract aggression. They are probably afraid they wont be able to fend off even more formidable sects. So, they must eliminate you to feel secure. Whether you give them the stone or not, youll still die.

Shisus face paled

Robb continued, I understand your attachment to the treasure your sect guarded so fiercely. However, if you die, what use is there in keeping this stone? Its better to hand it over to me and let me use it in a more worthy manner. Dont you think so?

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