After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 952:

Chapter 952:

Robb chuckled, Why are you so distrustful of people?

Shisu replied, The martial world is full of deception; how can one easily trust an unrelated person?

Ha! scoffed Robb. Thats why I said rabbits are such difficult folks.

He then changed the subject, saying, Actually, it wont matter whether you help me find the ore or not. I have a way to make the ores come to my door. Do you believe that?

Shisu clearly didnt believe it. Only a fool would believe such a thing.

Suddenly, Robb darted to the bank of the Qiantang River. Shisu wondered what he was up to when she saw Robb reach into a pile of water grass by the riverbank. With a splash, he pulled out a rabbit-headed person.

Shisu was astonished, There was someone lurking there? I had no idea!

Robb smiled, I guessed it was you, but I cant easily distinguish rabbit peoples appearances, so I had to ask. Now, lets get to the main point. What were you doing here?

The rabbit-headed person was visibly embarrassed and stammered, Uh, well, you see

Robb interrupted, You dont have to say it; I already know. You were waiting here for me and my enemies to be both wounded, so you could come out and reap the benefits. You were probably hoping to find the Xuanyuan Iron, werent you?

Sweat dripped from the rabbit-headed persons forehead.

Dont worry; I already said I wouldnt kill you, reassured Robb. But if you dont follow my instructions from now on, I will kill you.

The rabbit-headed person quickly agreed, Yes, whatever you command, I will obey.

Robb chuckled, You can spread rumors in the martial world; no need to make things up. Just tell them what you saw, how I hand-refined the ore.

The rabbit-headed person hesitated.

Shisu, who was nearby, couldnt help but be surprised, Spreading this information, wont it cause you trouble? Who knows how many formidable cultivators will come looking for you.

Robb grinned, Thats the point! After people know that I can refine this ore, only those who have it will come looking for trouble. If they dont have the ore, why would they bother with me? This way, its convenient for me.

Shisu shook her head, thinking, Is this guy exceptionally skilled and bold, or is he just insane? No matter how strong you are, can you really handle the collective assault of all the cultivators in the martial world? Those who possess the ore arent to be trifled with, and tricks and schemes abound in the martial world. Well see how you deal with it when the time comes.

She couldnt help but kindly advise, Maybe you shouldnt do this. Youre in the light, and your enemies are in the dark. No matter how skilled you are, you should be wary of plots and schemes.

Youre quite a kind-hearted rabbit, Robb remarked. You were just doubting my intentions a moment ago, but now youre helping me plan. Well done, well done. I didnt rescue you in vain. Now, let me ask you again, will you join me? You see, as long as you follow me, the ores will automatically come to us. You might be able to take advantage, just like this Eighteen Divinations Hall Master did. You could skim the cream, and who knows, all the ores might end up in your hands.

Shisu sighed, I wont take advantage, and besides, my Qiantang Sect has been destroyed. With my abilities, even if I collect all the ores and forge the Xuanyuan Sword, I wouldnt be able to use it to slay the Black Dragon. So, Id rather find someone virtuous and capable to give this ore to.

Robb pointed at himself, saying, I am virtuous and capable.

Shisu shook her head, You are capable; Ive seen that. But whether youre virtuous or not, that remains to be observed.

Then, you can observe me at your leisure, Robb turned to the Eighteenth Divinations Hall Master, Did you understand what I said earlier?

The hall master quickly nodded. Robb released his grip, and the hall master plunged back into the Qiantang River, swimming away without a trace.

Shisu asked, You seem very trusting. By letting him go like that, what if he doesnt follow your instructions? How will you find him then?

Robb chuckled, Why would I look for him? If he dares not to follow my instructions, Ill go to the Eighteenth Divinations Halls main headquarters and hang their leader up for a beating. After the beating, Ill tell him the reason I beat him was because their hall master offended me. Do you think that hall master will survive?

Shisu remained speechless.

Not far away, the hall masters head suddenly popped out of the water, shouting, Sir, my lord, please dont do this. Ill immediately spread the message, right away. Please dont cause trouble.

Robb shrugged.

Shisu was at a loss for words.

All right, we should get moving, Robb said, News of the ore in your possession will quickly spread among the formidable fighters, and news of my ore-refining abilities will spread among the Eighteenth Divinations Hall. Many people will come after both of us next. Are you prepared?

Shisu bit her lip, For martial world folks, dying and being buried is common. Ive long stopped treating life and death as unimportant matters.

Thats good! Robb said, Then, we wont run around aimlessly. Well stay in East Hangzhou and wait for the enemies to come. Running all over the place is quite tiring; sitting still and waiting for the enemy is more my style.

Shisu retorted, Walking the martial world means you have to move; how can you just sit still and wait for others to come?

Robb stated, The martial world is composed of people, which means that wherever I am, thats the martial world. By simply standing still, Im standing above the martial world, equivalent to traveling through it.


Suddenly, she covered her head with both hands, vigorously tugging her long ears, and screamed, Ah, why does this Westerner always speak in such a confusing manner? At first, it sounds logical, but upon closer inspection, its all nonsense. Its maddening because its hard to refute. I cant take it anymore.

While Shisu expressed her frustration, she ultimately agreed with Robbs suggestion and returned to East Hangzhou.

For someone of her skill level, the martial world was too dangerous. Staying in the city felt safer. Of course, the most important reason was that she was born and raised in this city, making her intimately familiar with its streets and alleys. She had a better chance of dealing with the incoming enemies here.

As for Robbs choice to stay, it was quite simple. Jiaxing City, known for its pastries, was nearby East Hanzhou. So, there was an abundance of delicious snacks in the area. Only a fool would leave such a good place.

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