After Maxing out all Classes

Chapter 96

Chapter 96: Casually making arrangements

Johnny didn't believe Robb at all.

Although he dared not be rude to a priest, he could not help saying, "My father! If you unfold the map like this and use your finger to say that there is a gemstone mine in an area, isn't it a little, that.…"

Robb, “Wow! You want to say that I am talking nonsense and fooling around, but you are embarrassed to say it, so you had to say the word 'that'…."

Johnny looked embarrassed and didn't know how to answer that.

At this time, Lillian stood up and said, "Uncle Johnny, my master is very good. He is blessed by the gods. If he said that there is a gemstone mine there. I think there must be one."

The little maid's expression looked firm!

However, this is not enough to make a group of old miners believe Robb's "nonsense" Johnny had to say with a wry smile, "Fine, fine. I believe it."

His brief oppressive moment calmed down.

Johnny and the dozens of refugees from Stone Canyon have been living off of potatoes from Robb's chapel, and they have no right to object at all. Robb told him to dig, so he had no choice but to dig. It was not a question of whether he agreed or not but that whether he agreed or not, he had to do it.

Even though he was doubted, Robb was not angry and asked Lillian to prepare some tools and give them to Johnny and the miners from the Stone Canyon to dig tomorrow.

The miners and masons now have something to do. But the half who are farmers have something to ask.

The farmers gathered around Robb and said pitifully, "Father, we are very grateful to you for arranging for us to live in Westwind Town and grow beetroot for a living. However, it is only late August, and it will take until the beginning of spring next year to grow beets. We need to sow the beets in spring. It blooms from May to June and bears fruit in July. How will we survive till spring? We can’t eat from you all the time. Do you have any other task for us to do to keep us steady?”

“Oh? That’s a problem. I also don't like dozens of people living in my house from summer to next spring.” Robb put his chin in one hand and said, "well, before next spring comes, you will plant potatoes for the time being. The end of August is the season for planting potatoes. I'll give you a batch of potatoes to sow. Before the potatoes ripen, work for me. The content of your work is to help me harvest beets and process them. By next spring, you will grow your own beets. "

“What?” The farmers were a little confused, "We understand the part about growing potatoes. But to help you harvest and process beets, I don't understand. Where can the beets be harvested?"

Robb smiled and said, "Isn’t it easy to get beets? I’ll just start planting now!"

A farmer immediately stood up and said, "Father, we just told you that it is not appropriate to plant beets in this season. The beet seeds in your hands should have been harvested only last month, and it is not appropriate to sow them until next spring. If we could grow beets now, we wouldn't have to ask you for help.”

In a low voice, Lillian hurried over and explained, "my master doesn't grow crops in normal ways, but by divine grace."

The farmer looked confused and said, "what the heck?"

"Well, you wouldn't understand even if I told you now." Lillian said, “in short, you'll understand soon.”

Robb took out the beetroot seeds that the three adventurers brought back last time.

These beetroot seeds have been here for several days now, but Robb has been too lazy to sow them. On one hand, the desire to eat sugar finally defeated the lazy cells in his body, so he had to get up and grow beets.

The other is that he really doesn't like a group of people staying in his own home. If he doesn't find something for these people to do and let them settle down, he’ll feel depressed.

That is to say, what goes around, comes around. it is a false proposition that you can be lazy forever unless you are willing to cut off all troubles in the world, not be moved by external things, not be trapped by any human feelings, and be selfish only for yourself. However, that is tantamount to cutting off all social relations.

Humans are creatures that like living in groups. You'll live like a chicken feather if you cut off your social life.

Only the protagonists in Xiuzhen's novels can achieve such abstinence, but those protagonists are not living people at all. They are all immortals. Don't the immortals often say, "Don't interfere with Laozi's immortal cultivation, regardless of what happens?"

Robb doesn't want to live like an immortal.

The farmers watched helplessly as Robb came to the edge of the field and planted the beet seeds one by one.

These two fields have been used to grow a batch of potatoes and have been harvested for tens of thousands of jin. Robb, a lazy guy, has only collected enough to eat, so he is too lazy to plant another batch, leaving the two fields empty.

The farmers saw him plant the seeds in the field badly, then symbolically watered the field with a kettle, placed his buttocks back on the stone stool, collapsed, and complained, "I'm exhausted." farming is really hard. "

The farmers did not know how to complain for a moment, so they had to stare at him awkwardly.

"What are you looking at?" Robb said, "Go to the hillside and find a place to build a house. If you can't build a house, go to the carpenters from White Birch Town and ask them for help. As for payment, put it on my head. When you help me harvest the beets tomorrow, I will pay you the wages, so you can pay the people in White Birch Town. In addition, you should reclaim some land for cultivation, plant potatoes, hurry up and work, and don't waste precious time here. Also, at this time tomorrow, remember to come to me and help me harvest beets, and then I will teach you how to make sugar. "

"What? Harvest… tomorrow?”

"Making sugar?"

The farmers looked confused, but Robb didn't bother to explain. "These are your fellow villagers," Robb said to Lillian. "You are responsible for explaining. I’m exhausted. I’m going to take a good rest."

He reclined on the stone stool and wanted to open the ceiling fan but suddenly found that the ceiling fan had fallen apart, so he had to point the magic container at him and let the magic out. The wind blown by magic is really soulless and makes people feel uncomfortable. It seems that we still have to call the blacksmith back and reassemble the fan.

For now, forget it. I can barely make do with the magic container for now.

When he closes his eyes, he can hear the cicadas crying in the mountains, and you can hear Lillian whispering to the farmers about the miracle of harvesting crops overnight, and the miners whispering to each other about whether they can really dig up a gemstone mine tomorrow. These noises are not annoying. They have the feelings of life.

Life in Westwind Town is actually wonderful. It was worth Robb's efforts to defend it!

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