After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

Inside the palace, where eyes and ears were everywhere, what happened on Li Shu’s side was reported to the emperor in less than a quarter of an hour.

The Emperor stared at the paper in his hand, his eyes with complex emotions. Eunuch An lowered his head and ground ink on the side, not daring to disturb him.

After a while, Eunuch An heard the emperor’s cryptic tone.

“When did Prince Qin have a connection with the eldest son of the Li family? I have no knowledge of this matter at all! Eunuch An, what’s your take on this?”

After saying this, the paper filled with text was handed to Eunuch An, who took it, read it, and then neatly folded it.

“Your Majesty, forgive my bluntness. This matter isn’t as complicated as it seems. It’s simply that Young Master Rong Xiao disrespected imperial power and questioned Your Majesty’s decision. Prince Qin happened to pass by and helped Young Master Li out of a predicament.”

“So, you’re saying they have no prior connection?”

“Your Majesty, think about it. Prince Qin only returned to the capital six months ago, and has been stationed at the border. It’s well-known that Young Master Li has been unwell and rarely left his residence. With such a considerable distance between them, how could they possibly have any interaction? Moreover, after Prince Qin returned to the capital, Young Master Li has been diligently studying at the mansion; it’s even less likely for them to have any connection.”

Eunuch An bowed slightly and slowly shared his thoughts, “If there is a place where the two might have crossed paths, it would be during the time when Young Master Li was falsely accused.”

“You’re right. Xuan’er has always harbored resentment towards the Left Prime Minister due to what happened back then. Li Shu is the eldest son whom the Left Prime Minister values. How can Xuan’er not have any grudges and also be on good terms with him?”

The Emperor massaged his temples; he had just dealt with a large batch of memorials and felt a bit fatigued. Eunuch An made the right timing and served the pre-prepared hot tea

The Emperor took a sip from the teacup and said, “The Lu Ming Banquet should be starting. We’ll go and take a look.”

The Emperor had informed in advance about his participation in the Lu Ming Banquet. To ensure the emperor’s safety, Qi Mingxuan had stationed the Imperial Army at the venue, and everyone entering and exiting was thoroughly checked.

Some ministers were displeased, but they did not dare to show any dissatisfaction on their faces. Nonsense, if something happened to the emperor, who could bear the responsibility?

After resolving Rong Xiao’s matter, Qi Mingxuan didn’t leave immediately. If he didn’t leave, Li Shu naturally couldn’t leave first.

The two stood in a secluded corner, not saying a word.

[Lord Host, the male protagonist is looking at you.] 1314 couldn’t resist reminding.

[I know.] How could Li Shu not feel the obvious gaze on him? He was just a bit puzzled. In the plot provided by the system, the male protagonist was portrayed as cold and ruthless. However, in the few encounters they had, he didn’t see any of that.

[Please don’t question the plot given by the system. The male protagonist just hasn’t shown that side in front of the host.]

[Don’t you find it strange? In the original plot, the male protagonist didn’t show any restraint in front of the female protagonist. Why only in my case…?]

[Maybe because the host saved him?] 1314’s voice became smaller. It also knew that was a far fetched conclusion. In the original plot, the female protagonist also saved the male protagonist, but things unfolded differently.

“You have to be careful in the future.” Various thoughts rolled in Qi Mingxuan’s mind, and he had many questions, but in the end, he only said this sentence.

“I know. Thanks for the reminder, Your Highness.” Li Shu turned around and smiled generously once again. Regardless of what Qi Mingxuan was thinking, he felt the goodwill.

Seeing Li Shu’s smiling face, Qi Mingxuan’s lips moved as if he had something to say. Li Shu waited for a while but only heard, “The Lu Ming Banquet is about to start. You should go to the front hall.”

Since the male protagonist said so, Li Shu didn’t linger and left first.

Qi Mingxuan stood in place, watching Li Shu step out of his sight. It was just like last time, only that it wasn’t because he was unable to chase after him, it was because he couldn’t.

A deep sense of powerlessness swept over him, just like when he was a child and he couldn’t protect the things he cherished. He could only safeguard them by keeping a distance and pretending not to care. But now, was he still going to do that?

No, it was different now. He had the ability to protect what he liked. He would get whatever he liked and desired!

The darkness in his eyes was surging, like a bottomless sea hiding various dangers beneath its seemingly calm surface, unnoticed by anyone.

He didn’t know why he cared so much about Li Shu. He wanted to see him smile and couldn’t stand seeing him harmed. He wanted to build a strong fortress, hide the person inside and shield him from any external harm.

Of course, he knew his thoughts were absurd. He and Li Shu had only met a few times, and nothing significant happened during those encounters. These feelings were unexplainable, yet he didn’t dislike them at all.

Not long after Li Shu left, he was grabbed by Yu Rongxiu who was waiting not far away. “His Highness Prince Qin suddenly came out to speak up for you, it scared me.”

“I don’t remember you being so timid?” Li Shu smiled and retorted.

“My courage isn’t small, but His Highness Prince Qin is quite scary.” Yu Rongxiu muttered softly, well aware of Prince Qin Mingxuan’s reputation. He was someone used to frighten disobedient children. It was normal for him to be frightened by what just happened.

“By the way, are you okay? Did His Highness Prince Qin trouble you?” Yu Rongxiu asked with concern, finding it hard to believe that Prince Qin would kindly resolve the situation for his friend.

Li Shu replied helplessly: “What can happen to me? His Highness just had the Imperial Army take those few people away. Aren’t I standing in front of you now?”

“That’s good. But why would those people come to bother you at this time? Do you have old grudges?” What kind of event was the Lu Ming Banquet? Why would someone pick this moment to cause trouble?

“I haven’t even met those people, let alone have any grudges with them.” Li Shu also wanted to know what was going on. As the eldest son of Left Prime Minister Li Cheng and the emperor’s appointed top scholar, why would those people come to trouble him at such a crucial juncture?

“The leader is from the Rong family, right? I heard that a junior from the Rong family is about to enter officialdom. Could it be that they think you’re blocking his path?” Thinking of certain rumors, Yu Rongxiu’s expression changed slightly. The Rong family member had quite a bad reputation, but due to his influential background, all the troubles he caused were suppressed.

“Our paths don’t conflict. We scholars who enter officialdom through imperial examinations are different from those who directly enter officialdom.” If he didn’t follow the path of imperial examinations, there might have been some resentment from Rong Xiao, but it was unlikely.

While they were talking, the two had already arrived in the front yard. More people were gradually gathering around and the two didn’t continue the topic.

Compared to where they were earlier, this place finally had the appearance of a real banquet. Bright lights, clinking glasses, and lively atmosphere.

This Lu Ming Banquet was the first official appearance for their group of exam candidates. Li Shu and Yu Rongxiu, the top scholar and the second-ranked scholar, appeared together, and soon, officials who recognized them approached.

Li Shu and Yu Rongxiu exchanged glances, then walked in different directions.

Honestly, Li Shu didn’t like these official social events. Sometimes, he felt he couldn’t understand humans. Even though you hate someone in his heart, you can still put on a friendly face. Fortunately, the path he would take in the future didn’t require him to deal much with these officials.

Unfortunately, there were many people who wanted to approach Li Shu. First, it was because of the emperor’s attitude toward him. Who doesn’t know the rewards he received as this year’s top scholar during his first audience with the emperor. Secondly, it was due to his identity. Unlike other scholars from ordinary families, Li Shu was the eldest son of Left Prime Minister Li Cheng. This status alone was enough to attract certain individuals like moths to a flame.

Although Li Shu didn’t like these social interactions, he couldn’t directly ignore these people now. His behavior and manners couldn’t be faulted, at most, he gave people the impression that he had a somewhat cold personality.

Li Shu raised his wine glass, clinked it with another official who came up to say congratulations, and drank it all in one gulp.

“The top scholar has good drinking capacity!” A middle-aged man in official robes walked over from not far away, laughing. “This is better than your father.”

It was a widely known secret in the capital that Left Prime Minister Li Cheng was not good at drinking.

“Why, just because I can’t drink doesn’t mean my son can’t. Don’t bother calling me when you drink in the future, lest you find me distasteful.” Li Cheng’s voice came from the other side, faintly carrying a hint of amusement.

“I haven’t said anything.” The middle-aged man waved his hands repeatedly.

“Father.” Li Shu set down his wine glass and bowed.

[Host, the plot point has started.]

Before the system’s prompt could fully fade, a servant hurriedly ran over, “It’s not good—”

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