After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 27.1

Chapter 27.1

“It’s me.” Qi Mingxuan’s throat rolled. This moment resembled their first meeting so much, only back then, he was lying in bed, and the young man was sitting by the bedside. Now, it was the opposite—the one lying in bed was the young man.

“Did I disturb you?” It was already late at the hour of the Haishi. He originally intended to return earlier, but the emperor hinted at arranging a marriage for him. Many ministers had thoughts about it, which caused a delay.

“It’s okay.” Li Shu propped himself up.

“It’s better for you to lie down,” Qi Mingxuan pressed Li Shu’s shoulder, stopping him from getting up. “Would you like some water?”

Li Shu licked his lips, and the pale pink was now tinted a deep red, matching the flush on his face due to the fever. His eyes were slightly watery. Strands of hair, damp with sweat, clung to his cheeks and neck. The midsection of his inner robe was open due to movement, revealing delicate collarbones. Qi Mingxuan’s hand rested on the young man’s shoulder, and he felt the warm body temperature from the young man’s body.

The person he liked was within arm’s reach. As long as he took a step forward, he could touch him. As long as he stretched his hand out, he could pull him into his embrace, as long as…

“Your Highness?” Why did he seem lost? Seeing him in a daze, Li Shu had no choice but to ask.

As if suddenly awakened, Qi Mingxuan quickly withdrew his hand and turned around. In the darkness, the man’s slightly hoarse voice came over, “I’ll pour you some water.”

In the concealment of the night, a crimson hue climbed from the neck, reaching the ear, and it gradually deepened in color.

Li Shu was left alone lying on the bed, looking confused.

[System, what’s wrong with Qi Mingxuan?] He suddenly appeared at his bedside in the dead of night, and was acting strangely.

Summoned in the middle of the night, 1314 also looked puzzled: [Host, did something happen? What’s wrong with the male protagonist? Huh?] Checking the mission panel, 1314 was shocked.

[Host, the mission progress is unexpectedly at 65%, and the happiness values of the male and female protagonists have increased by 15% each. This… this…]

1314 was almost unable to express its astonishment. It had prepared for the mission to fail, and now there was such significant progress. Why did it feel so unreal?

[It seems there’s a way to complete this mission.] Li Shu pondered. The male and female protagonists were currently on separate paths, with no intention of intersecting. Despite this, there was progress in the mission. What did this mean?

[Do the male and female protagonists have to be together to complete the mission?]

[Does the host mean…] 1314 swallowed hard, responding hesitantly, [There’s no precedent in the records. All successful cases end with the male and female protagonists together, without exception.]

It wasn’t that no one tried to complete the mission in other ways, but none of these people succeeded. Over time, everyone acquiesced that if they want to complete the mission, the male and female protagonists must be together.

Li Shu was so hot that he was sweating and his back was sticky. He really wanted to bathe. He had slept early and now, after several hours of rest, he was awake and had no desire to sleep.

Qi Mingxuan didn’t stay outside for long. He quickly drank a glass of cool water to cool down and adjusted his state before reentering the room.

“Is there hot water? I want to take a bath.” Feeling more comfortable after drinking a glass of warm water, Li Shu still found his sweaty state quite uncomfortable.

Qi Mingxuan reached out and touched Li Shu’s forehead. This time, Li Shu didn’t dodge, allowing him to do as he pleased.

“You still have a fever, it’s not suitable to bathe now.” Qi Mingxuan couldn’t refuse Li Shu’s request, but considering the young man’s ongoing fever, he had to be firm.

Hearing this, Li Shu felt a bit disappointed and muttered softly, “But I feel so uncomfortable.”

Qi Mingxuan couldn’t bear to see him distressed. He put the empty cup on the table and comforted softly, “If Zi Shu is really uncomfortable, you can use a cloth to wipe yourself and change into a clean inner robe.”


Perhaps due to being ill, Li Shu was significantly different from his usual self. Normally, he looked strong and indifferent, but now, he seemed to have shed that layer of cold exterior, revealing a softer interior.

This version of Li Shu evoked a sense of pity from Qi Mingxuan. Instructing the servant to prepare hot water, Qi Mingxuan personally wrung a cloth and wiped Li Shu’s face.

Li Shu tilted his head slightly and closed his eyes gently. Qi Mingxuan gently wiped the sweat stains from his body as if he were a precious treasure.

There were no onlookers in the room, and no one reminded them that such actions were inappropriate given their respective roles—one was the sovereign and the other a subject. In this world, how could there be a principle where the sovereign served the subject?


The atmosphere between the two was off, especially for Qi Mingxuan. He looked at the host with fiery eyes, even an inexperienced system like it knew this wasn’t the look one gives to a friend.

Could it be that this time, because of the host’s intervention, the male protagonist didn’t fall for the female protagonist but developed feelings for the host? It wasn’t impossible. The more 1314 thought about it, the more anxious it became. It really wanted to ask the host what to do in the current situation.

However, Li Shu had no time to answer the system’s questions now. He had also noticed the difference in Qi Mingxuan’s attitude towards him. Initially, he didn’t consider this possibility, so ignorance was bliss. But now, he realized something was wrong. Recalling Qi Mingxuan’s past actions, he could see many differences.

Of course, he couldn’t make a conclusion based on mere conjecture, he needed to verify it.

After wiping Li Shu’s face, Qi Mingxuan moved on to his neck. Li Shu maintained his previous posture. He was languid, like a big cat taking a nap. Seeing this, Qi Mingxuan was fascinated. He couldn’t think of anything else and instinctively continued wiping down.

The neck area could be wiped, but going further down would require undoing clothing.

With a slight hesitation in his movements, Qi Mingxuan’s hand holding the cloth paused in the air. His eyes flickered, and he didn’t dare to proceed. He was a young adult full of vitality, assisting someone in undressing in the quiet of the night, especially when the person seemed so defenseless, he feared he might lose control and do something regrettable.

Having been with Li Shu for so long, he knew very clearly that Li Shu had no interest in him at all. It was precisely because of this that he did not dare to act rashly. At least he had to deal with all external troubles first.

Now was definitely not the time to talk about this.

Having waited for a while without any movement, Li Shu opened his eyes, looking at the man by the bedside with puzzlement. His eyes still carried a misty moisture, lacking the cold and aloof demeanor from the daytime. The whole person had an incredible softness, and Qi Mingxuan was almost bewitched, involuntarily leaning forward, wanting to embrace this person.

They were so close, just a little more…Right before they touched, he suddenly heard Li Shu’s voice tinged with confusion, “Your Highness?”

His movement abruptly halted. Qi Mingxuan straightened up stiffly, his mind going blank. What had he done? What did he intend to do? Did Li Shu notice his inappropriate intentions?

Damn it, how could he suddenly lose control like this? Qi Mingxuan fell into a frenzy of self-blame, not noticing the fleeting understanding in Li Shu’s eyes.

There was no need for further probing; Qi Mingxuan’s actions already revealed much. Li Shu pulled the cloth from his hands, “I’ll take care of the rest.”

Qi Mingxuan’s heart was a mess. He was afraid of the young man discovering something, but he also hoped the young man could know. He observed the young man’s face carefully, but couldn’t tell anything. He couldn’t tell whether he should be disappointed or relieved, and stepped back upon hearing the young man’s casual words.

“I’ll be outside. If Zi Shu needs anything, just call me directly.” After saying this, he didn’t wait for a response, pushed the door open and walked out.

Looking at the door that was carefully closed, Li Shu revealed a mysterious smile.

[Host, what should we do now?] After watching the drama, 1314 was somewhat confused. It just wanted to shake the male protagonist awake. Falling in love is one thing, but why did he have to fall for the host?

Even though the host looked compassionate and caring, 1314 knew that deep down, he was cold-hearted. In his eyes, everyone in this world, whether a beggar on the street or the emperor on a high throne, was like an ordinary pebble by the roadside—he wouldn’t care and certainly wouldn’t hold them in high regard.

He treated the male and female protagonists differently, but it was just because of the mission requirements. If you really want to know how much thought the host put into these two people, it was probably not much.

Liking a host like this, one could easily imagine Prince Qin’s future.

[What should we do?] After changing into clean clothes, Li Shu felt refreshed and started to joke, [We are here to complete the mission, so everything should revolve around completing the mission.]

[But…] Hearing this answer, 1314 was dumbfounded, [but now the male protagonist likes you, and the female protagonist has no feelings for the male protagonist. What should we do?]

[It depends on the rules of completing the mission on your side. If it’s necessary for the male and female protagonists to be together for the mission to be completed, then I’ll have to figure out how to make them come together.] Li Shu’s tone was casual.

[However, they have no emotional connection, and can a marriage without love be happy?] In the original plot, there was at least love between the male and female protagonists, yet even with love, their marriage was tormenting. Not to mention this situation where there was no emotional foundation and one party already had feelings for someone else.

[But Host, the male protagonist has fallen for you.. ] After saying this, 1314 cautiously observed the host’s expression. Seeing no anger, it continued, [How does the host plan to handle the male protagonist?]

[Have others ever encountered this situation?] Li Shu was good looking, and his appearance was the best even among the fox clan that was known for its beauties. He never lacked admirers, but he had never been interested in romantic matters. That’s why, despite living for so long, he remained a single fox.

[Of course it has happened before. Many seniors failed their missions due to this reason. Later, some seniors summarized their experiences, detailing how to handle such situations. Of course, some people fall in love with the protagonist in the world and voluntarily give up the mission, seeking only one lifetime.]

[Can one voluntarily give up the mission?] The system never mentioned this before.

[Yes, it’s possible, but you have to pay a hefty amount of points, reset all previous achievements, and become an ordinary person. You can only stay in the small world forever. That’s why very few choose to give up, as the astronomical penalty points deter ninety percent of them.]

The requirements were quite strict, considering how easy it would be for most to give up the mission. For being in control of everything, such losses would be too significant.

As agreed, Qi Mingxuan sent Li Shu back to the capital the next morning. After worrying all night, Qi Mingxuan only slightly relaxed when he saw that Li Shu’s attitude towards him was still normal.

The capital was in turmoil, and hidden beneath the calm surface was an impending storm.

Li Shu usually kept to himself, having little interaction with the major officials in the capital. Even if there were any, they were mostly enemies. This storm wouldn’t touch him for the time being.

Qi Mingxuan arranged everything thoughtfully. The carriage Li Shu rode in had an inconspicuous appearance and wouldn’t draw attention. His mansion had been notified in advance, and Qinghe, accompanied by two trustworthy servants, awaited at the gate.

Knowing that Li Shu had an injury on his leg, Qinghe immediately ordered the two boys to help him after the carriage stopped.

Seeing this scene, 1314 exclaimed, [The male protagonist is really attentive.]

With too many eyes and ears in the capital, the male protagonist got off the carriage before it entered the city. Though he didn’t continue escorting Li Shu, all necessary arrangements had been made. Even the Li Mansion had got an advance notice, aiming to ensure the host returned comfortably to the mansion.

[If he used this level of care on the female protagonist, we wouldn’t have to worry about completing the mission.]

1314: [……]

A single sentence successfully halted the system’s various thoughts.

Ignoring the system, Li Shu asked Qinghe, “Have there been any visitors at the mansion these past few days?”

“Master Yu from the Hanlin Academy came for a visit. He entrusted this letter to be delivered to you.”

In the study, Qinghe handed the securely sealed letter to Li Shu, and stood respectfully by the side.

Opening the envelope, there was only a thin sheet of paper inside. The words were few, but they listed all significant actions in the court over the recent period.

Yu Rongxiu was indeed a capable person as mentioned in the original plot. He had no shortage of abilities, means, and vision—all he lacked was a chance to showcase his talents. In the original plot, Yu Rongxiu was appointed the top scholar by the emperor, received various honors, and was sought after by the imperial princes.

He was destined to shine brightly in the court. Even if Yu Rongxiu wasted some time in the Hanlin Academy due to his (Li Shu) interference, the opportunity he had been waiting for had arrived.

Since he had robbed him of part of the opportunity, he naturally had to find a way to give it back.

The court was in chaos and a new emperor was about to be established. Now was the perfect time for Yu Rongxiu to show off his skills.

A hurricane was brewing, some would be swept away with no trace, others would watch from the sidelines, risking falling into the abyss if they were not careful. Some stayed far away, watching the storm unfold with indifference.

Perhaps Qi Mingxuan secretly played a role, but these undercurrents didn’t affect Li Shu. Even if some people wished to harm him, they had to put away their claws under the pressure of some force.

“Dad, must your son endure this injustice?” Rong Xiao stared at the confidential report in his hands, his face filled with gloom. He had intended to teach Li Shu a lesson at the Lu Ming Banquet, but unexpectedly, he provoked Prince Qin halfway and was forced to kneel in public. Not only did he lose face, but he also had to take a stroll in prison.

After finally being fished out by his family, he was informed that due to this incident, the prestigious position they had arranged for him had fallen through. After the shock, Rong Xiao’s heart was filled with anger. From childhood to now, he had never encountered such a situation. He had sailed smoothly through life. After his elder sister entered the palace, he had become accustomed to constant praise. How could he endure this humiliation?

He Immediately wanted to trouble Li Shu. In his opinion, if it weren’t for Li Shu, he wouldn’t have suffered so much. The cause of all these troubles was Li Shu. If he hadn’t wanted to teach Li Shu a lesson, he wouldn’t have led people to confront him at the banquet. Without confronting him, he wouldn’t have encountered Prince Qin, and without encountering Prince Qin, the subsequent chain of events wouldn’t have happened. Therefore, all of this was Li Shu’s fault.

After getting locked up for over a month, instead of realizing his mistake, Rong Xiao’s actions became even more unruly. On the first day out of prison, a maid died in his room. His father was so furious he scolded him. After the scolding, he could only hold his nose and deal with the aftermath. His son had just come from prison, he couldn’t go back again.

Rong Xiao wanted to cause trouble for Li Shu, thinking that Li Shu had been in office for just over a month, so what authority could he have? As long as he acted carefully, he could definitely teach him a lesson without leaving a trace. However, before he could act, he was taught a lesson by his father.

The whip with thorns struck his body, causing a burning pain. Father Rong swung the whip and scolded him, “How did I end up with a son like you? Have you forgotten how much you’ve suffered before? Why do you still want to cause trouble for that person? It’s not enough that you’ve landed yourself in trouble, do you want the entire Rong family to suffer with you?”

Even his usually pampering mother held him and cried, “Son, listen to your mother, don’t provoke him. He’s someone we can’t afford to provoke.”

From that day on, he was confined at home, his actions restricted. It wasn’t until he couldn’t bear it himself, actively softened towards his family, and repeatedly promised not to cause trouble for Li Shu that he gained a bit of freedom.

Some news, even if he didn’t actively inquire, would find its way to him in various ways, like information about Li Shu. Unlike his expectations, Li Shu surprisingly stabilized his position in the court within a very short time and gained favor from the emperor.

As days passed, all he received were updates on what Li Shu had done, and how he received praise from the emperor for various reasons. At this point, he broke out in a cold sweat on his back, recalling his own actions from a few months ago.

Would Li Shu retaliate against him?

This question hung over him like a giant sword, ready to fall at any moment. Days passed with anxious anticipation, but he never got Li Shu’s retaliation.

Was he relieved? No, he wasn’t relieved at all. He didn’t want to live in this fearful and suspenseful state. Since Li Shu didn’t make a move, he wouldn’t hesitate to take the initiative.

Facing a golden opportunity, how could he let it slip away?

However, he didn’t expect his actions to be blocked by his father once again.

“Dad, am I your son, or is he your son? Why do you always protect an outsider?” This was the aspect Rong Xiao found most confusing. He had done many absurd things before, why, out of all things, did his father adamantly stop him from doing this?

People tend to have a rebellious mindset. The more you stop them from doing something, the more they want to do it. Rong Xiao couldn’t understand why, out of all his ridiculous actions, his father vehemently prevented him from dealing with Li Shu.

“You… you unfilial son,” Father Rong was so enraged that his eyes turned black. “Why must you insist on troubling him? I thought you understood these past few months. Do you think Li Shu is easy to deal with? Yes, he doesn’t belong to a specific faction and in case something happens, there might not be anyone to back him up. But have you ever thought about how he reached this position? The one standing behind him is the emperor, the current Holy One!”

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