After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 3

Li Cheng stood up from his seat, paced in the study for a few steps, and pondered, “After the beginning of spring is the Spring Examinations that come every three years. Are you going to participate directly or wait for another three years?”

“I plan to give it a try this time.”

“That’s good. But don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Entering the court as an official is not the only path. Take care of your health and don’t exhaust yourself.”

The examination system in this world was similar to the one in Li Shu’s previous world, held every three years. The first round, known as the local examination or provincial exam (Xiangshi), took place in the autumn and was organized by local authorities. Those who pass are called Juren.

The second round, held in the following year during spring, was the national examination or metropolitan exam (Huishi), also known as the Spring Examinations. The successful Juren from across the country gather in the capital, and those who pass become Gongshi.

The third and final round, the palace examination or palace exam (Dianshi), was held later that year and overseen by the Emperor. It consisted of one essay question on current affairs, and the top three scorers become Zhuangyuan, Bangyan, and Tanhua, respectively.

However, there are differences. In the current Great Zhou Dynasty, most officials are recommended by influential families rather than through the imperial examinations. For aristocratic descendants, being recommended by their elders into officialdom is much easier than taking the imperial examinations, which was why Li Cheng told Li Shu to preserve to the end.

The original owner had passed the provincial exam three years ago, but missed the national exam that year due to health reasons, and now had the status of Juren. Because of this status, he could directly participate in the upcoming Spring Examinations. In the plot provided by the system, the original owner would successfully pass the national exam this time, and in the palace exam, he would be appointed as Tanhua (third place) by the Emperor, mirroring Li Cheng’s experience years ago.

As the year-end approached, the household, led by Li Cheng, went to Xian Guo Temple for blessings, a tradition in the Li family.

The morning before the departure, the steward specifically came to remind Li Shu, who was on the travel list this time, to pack his belongings and prepare for the journey tomorrow.

In the previous years, due to health issues, the original owner couldn’t participate in such family activities. Upon hearing the steward’s words, several maidservants were delighted. Even Qinghe, who usually looked composed, showed an unusual excitement.

“That’s great.” After seeing off the steward, Qinghe stood on the veranda and looked at Li Shu reading in the courtyard. She silently thought, ‘The young master’s health has finally improved, and the Lord, who has been indifferent to the young master, is now paying attention again. I hope everything gets better from now on.’

Sensing Qinghe’s gaze, Li Shu’s eyes didn’t look away and he calmly said, “Qinghe, go pack your things. You’ll accompany me tomorrow.”

“Yes, young master.” Qinghe bowed and withdrew.

Qinghe was left by the original owner’s mother and, grateful for the favor, remained wholeheartedly loyal. A useful subordinate, she was intelligent, cautious, loyal, and obedient. Unfortunately, she served a master who opposed the protagonist, and her ending was very tragic.

Qinghe went to her room to prepare for the journey. Xiao Tao came over, took her arm, and asked affectionately, “Sister Qinghe, did the young master mention who will accompany him on this visit to Xian Guo Temple?”

Quietly avoiding Xiao Tao’s stretched out hand, Qinghe continued her movements. “The young master has his own plans. We servants have no right to comment. Just wait for orders, and don’t harbor inappropriate thoughts.”

“What is Sister Qinghe saying?” The smile on Xiao Tao’s face froze for a moment but quickly recovered and pretended to be sad, “We’ve served the young master together for many years. How is my heart different from Sister’s? Have I done something to upset Sister and cause this misunderstanding?”

“Xiao Tao,” Qinghe put down what she was holding and turned to face the pink-dressed maid, “there are no outsiders here. You don’t need to pretend. You know what you’ve done. Do you want me to explicitly point it out now?”

She wasn’t blind. Xiao Tao’s little tricks in private were full of loopholes. How could she not be aware? The reason for not confronting Xiao Tao directly was that these actions were minor and harmless. After all, they had worked together for many years. She left her some face due to the bond they shared.

Fear surged from the depths of Xiao Tao’s heart. ‘Did she know?! How much did she know? Does she know that I was involved in that incident? But I didn’t mean to! No, this must not be exposed.’

‘No, wait, considering Qinghe’s temperament, if she knew about that incident and connected it to me, she wouldn’t be talking like this now. Stay calm, don’t panic.’

Suppressing the emerging panic, Xiao Tao grabbed Qinghe’s arm. “Sister Qinghe, if I’ve done something wrong, just tell me directly. I promise to change.”

Qinghe shook her head, broke free from Xiao Tao’s grip and remained silent. She lowered her head and continued organizing things.

Li Shu passed by the window and happened to see this scene.

1314 complained to the host in his mind: [People like Xiao Tao are commonly known as “white lotus”. They like to appear weak, making others think they are bullied, but actually, they are the ones causing trouble. Host, don’t trust such people.]

[Do I look stupid?] Li Shu raised an eyebrow, his tone mocking.

[Not at all,] 1314 shrunk its neck and changed the subject, [This Xiao Tao, she’s playing both sides. She is clearly the original owner’s maid but helps others harm the original owner. She is the direct culprit in the original owner’s death this time.]

[So, it’s her.] Li Shu knew that one of the maids betrayed the original owner, but with the recent preparations for the Spring Examinations, he hadn’t found time to address this matter. After some thought, he added Xiao Tao’s name to the travel list. Since she was the direct culprit in the original owner’s death, she had to be dealt with. However, with too many eyes in the mansion, it wasn’t convenient to take action. Tomorrow’s visit to Xian Guo Temple would provide an opportunity to settle both old and new scores.

The next day.

The winter morning was filled with a biting cold chill. As soon as they stepped out, the wind made Li Shu shiver. Qinghe quickly approached with a cloak, “Young master, quickly put this on. Be careful not to catch a cold.”

“Hmph, don’t go out if you’re afraid of the cold.” A sneer came from not far away. Looking in that direction, it was from none other than Li Yang, whom Li Shu had met on the day he came here.

Meeting Li Shu’s gaze, Li Yang involuntarily recalled the fear he experienced when completely suppressed that day. He awkwardly avoided eye contact, and looked away in embarrassment, not daring to casually say anything again.

Soon, the Left Prime Minister arrived with a few others and briefly said a few words before boarding the carriages. The Prime Minister’s mansion had three carriages in total. One carried Li Cheng, Li Shu, and Li Yang; another carried the Prime Minister’s wife, Concubine Zhao, and the female protagonist, Li Xinuo. The last carriage held luggage.

Li Yang felt uneasy about sharing a carriage with Li Shu, and hesitated before getting on the carriage. Eventually, he chose to ride a horse outside.

Seeing this, Li Cheng frowned and said, “Since you’ve chosen to ride a horse, don’t make noise about getting on midway.”, and then closed the carriage curtain.

It was the middle of winter and Li Yang actually didn’t want to endure the cold outside. Just then, a cold wind blew, lifting the small curtain at the carriage window and revealing Li Shu’s face partially hidden in the shadows. Li Yang shivered, silently walked to the side and mounted his horse. It was better to endure the cold wind outside.

The wind ceased, and the small window was covered again, and along with it, Li Shu’s slightly upturned lips were blocked. Letting Li Yang endure the cold wind outside was also a way to give the original owner, who had been bullied by him for years, a breath of relief.

It was half a day’s journey from the Prime Minister’s mansion to Xian Guo Temple. With the chilling wind blowing all the way, Li Yang was completely frozen. Concubine Zhao pitied him and handed him a hot water bottle to warm up. Seeing his pale face, she felt both heartache and anger, and scolded, “The wind outside is so strong. What are you trying to prove by being strong at this time? You could have stayed warm inside the carriage, saving yourself from freezing like this. Look at how frozen you are now.”

Facing his mother’s concern, Li Yang had nothing to say. He couldn’t admit that he didn’t ride the carriage because he was afraid of Li Shu. It was too embarrassing.

In the end, he was the child pampered in the palm of her hand, so the dominant feeling was heartache. “I’ll have someone prepare ginger soup for you. Drink more later to dispel the cold.”

Seeing Li Yang’s miserable state, 1314 had lingering fear. ‘Did the host do it intentionally? Just because Li Yang teased him about being afraid of the cold, he made Li Yang endure the freezing cold wind all day. I have to carefully think about whether I have done anything to upset the host.’

‘There shouldn’t be….’

The Li family visited Xian Guo Temple every year for blessings, and as honored guests, they had dedicated quarters for their stay. A familiar monk led them to the regular residence. Because Li Shu was visiting for the first time, he was guided by a clever little monk to his resting place.

Li Shu’s residence was a bit far from the others in the Prime Minister’s mansion. The little monk explained, “There are many benefactors coming to the temple for blessings near the year end. The rooms are a bit tight, and the accommodation is somewhat remote. I hope the benefactor understands.”

“No problem.”

Xian Guo Temple was the national temple of Great Zhou. It is said that the founding emperor of Great Zhou received kindness from the abbot of Xian Guo Temple. After Great Zhou was established, the Emperor designated Xian Guo Temple as the national temple, making it the most prosperous temple in the country.

Even in winter, Xian Guo Temple remained charming. Under the blanket of heavy snow, plum blossoms bloom vividly. The vibrant red contrasts with the pristine white snow, creating a unique beauty.

Back in the warm room, Li Shu held the warm ginger soup in his hands, took a sip and instantly felt revitalized. This body was more sensitive to cold than he had imagined. Ever since he started cultivating, it had been a long time since he experienced this bone-chilling cold.

[System, is the male protagonist in the temple now?]

Xian Guo Temple is the starting point of the plot, and the place where the male and female protagonists have their first encounter. The kind-hearted female protagonist, along with her parents, came to the temple for blessings and encountered the male protagonist who had been betrayed and seriously injured by his subordinates. Unable to bear seeing him freeze in the snow, the female protagonist brought the male protagonist to an unoccupied room and secretly arranged for a doctor to treat his injuries.

According to the plot timeline, this evening is the time when the female protagonist encountered the male protagonist.

It was too cold outside, and Li Shu was too lazy to go out, so he stayed in the room reading. The original owner had many notes and documents, a gift from a friend of Doctor Lin when he went to recuperate in another place. That person admired the original owner’s talent and took him as an official disciple. It was the happiest time in the original owner’s life. It was also during that time that the original owner participated in the township exam.

As the sky darkened, Li Shu got engrossed in his reading when he suddenly heard a rhythmic knocking at the door.

[It’s the female protagonist.] 1314 reminded.

[Shouldn’t the female protagonist be with the male protagonist now? Why is she here?] Despite the question, Li Shu put down the book and stood up to open the door.

Li Xinuo’s hair was disheveled, her skirt was damp from snow, and anxiety was clearly written on her face. “Big brother, I saw someone injured in the woods. He is seriously injured, can I bring him here to recover?”

Author’s Note: Three chapters already, and the gong is finally making an appearance.

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