After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 30.1

Chapter 30.1

—I don’t need time to calm down, I’m already calm.

Qi Mingxuan wanted to say this, but facing the young man’s dark and bright eyes, he couldn’t say a word. Also, he had pushed for this in the first place, and the fact that the young man didn’t directly turn him down was already a good outcome.

“Okay, let’s not talk about that matter. Zi Shu, what did that woman mean?” When Li Shu entered the prison cell, he had someone follow him, not for surveillance but out of concern.

From the interrogation process, it was evident that the woman harbored great malice towards Li Shu. He was worried she might have some tricks up her sleeve. Li Shu went in alone, and if something happened, it would be a problem.

Initially concerned that the young man might be unhappy, Qi Mingxuan was now relieved he had someone follow him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have known about such a thing.

Considering what that woman did to Li Shu, a hundred deaths would be too few for her. If he had not suddenly found out that something might happen to Li Shu, he would have made sure that she died in the utmost agony, repaying the young man’s suffering a thousandfold.

“What happened?” Li Shu was confused. Besides trying to provoke him, did that woman say anything else?

“Why don’t you care about your own matters at all?” Qi Mingxuan sighed, “When will you start caring about your own affairs?”

Li Shu was always like this. If it weren’t for investigating the young man’s past, based on his usual behavior, one could never tell he was suffering from a severe illness. He seemed like the healthiest person, yet who knew that his body was riddled with holes, beyond the reach of any medicine.

Upon learning about Li Shu’s illness, Qi Mingxuan went to the doctor who had examined the young man. The results weren’t very optimistic. The doctor said that the young man had carried this illness from the womb. With proper care, he could lead a healthy life like an ordinary person.

The implication was clear – the illness could only be managed, not cured. Qi Mingxuan found this result unacceptable. He had already sent people to find famous doctors worldwide; he refused to believe that the young man’s illness couldn’t be cured.

However, in moments like these, he couldn’t help but think of his own injuries. They say those who suffer from illness become good doctors. The young man’s medical skills were extraordinary, which means he had put in a lot of effort. Healing others but unable to heal himself must have been hard on him.

“That woman said that if she died, you wouldn’t live much longer. What’s going on?” Seeing Li Shu still looking puzzled, Qi Mingxuan brought up the matter directly.

“That woman was talking nonsense. Your Highness, there’s no need to care about something she casually said.”

“You can’t be careless about a matter of life and death.” Qi Mingxuan disagreed. If it was something the woman just said casually, that would be fine. But what if it was true? He couldn’t afford to bet on this possibility.

“The famous doctor I found will soon arrive in the capital. Zi Shu, let him take a look when the time comes, okay?” Qi Mingxuan kept an eye on the young man’s expression while saying this, fearing that his decision might upset him.

Fortunately, Li Shu didn’t react much to this matter. He nodded, “Let’s see then.”

He also wanted to know if what Concubine Luo said was true. After all, the poison on the original owner’s mother was administered by Concubine Luo back then. Even though Concubine Luo hated the original owner’s mother and the original owner, it wasn’t enough for her to do such a thing.

Upon hearing the young man’s response, most of the seriousness on Qi Mingxuan’s face disappeared. The young man didn’t care about his own health, it was okay. He would pay close attention from now on, keeping an eye on him to prevent any harm.

As for the woman in the cell, he temporarily couldn’t do anything to her until Li Shu’s safety was guaranteed. But it was fine; when the results came out, she would repay what was due. As Li Shu said, sometimes death could be a kind of relief.

Concubine Luo was still unaware of the impending disaster. After Li Shu left, she huddled alone in a corner. Suddenly, she started laughing nervously, as if recalling something.

However, before she could laugh for long, two men dressed as jailers opened the cell and dragged her away by her hair.

“What are you doing? Let go of me!”

No matter how much Concubine Luo kicked and resisted, those two were like stones, showing no reaction.

After passing through the cells, the two handed Concubine Luo over to a man in black standing outside. The man in black took the crying and hysterical woman, knocked her unconscious with a palm, and silently left the prison.

Taking Concubine Luo away was, of course, Qi Mingxuan’s doing. Knowing that this woman might be related to Li Shu’s life and death, he couldn’t rest easy leaving her in the prison. He could never forgive himself in case of an accident.

Until the results were obtained, it was better to keep the woman in isolation.

The news of Li Shu openly accusing his father’s concubine in the Grand Court quickly spread in the capital. This incident was a signal that Li Shu cut off relations with the Li family. Simultaneously, Li Shu’s past experiences in the Left Prime Minister’s residence were disclosed by someone, creating quite a stir in the capital.

Hearing this news, Rong Xiao couldn’t be happier. Now that the Emperor was sick, the mountain behind Li Shu had collapsed. He had initially been hesitant to make a move because of the Left Prime Minister, but who would have thought that Li Shu would do him a favor and sever his own support.

It was truly heaven helping him; he wanted to see how Li Shu would escape this time without these people.

Wait, there was still Prince Qin standing behind Li Shu. Last time, he stumbled because of Prince Qin. No, he had to wait a bit longer. After everything was done, what was there to fear from the Prince Qin? By then, Li Shu would be at his mercy.

Just thinking about that scene, Rong Xiao was excited. He hugged the beauty in his arms and kissed her: “Come, pour me some wine.”

After this incident spread, people talked about it everywhere.

“I was wondering why Master Li couldn’t wait to leave the Left Prime Minister’s Mansion. It turns out there was still such a thing hidden inside!”

“Indeed. Minister Li seemed honest and upright in official matters. Who would have thought that in private, he was a man who would condone harming the legitimate son for the sake of a concubine? Isn’t Minister Li known for his sharpness and competence in politics? How could he be so unclear about family matters?”

The Great Zhou Dynasty placed great importance on the distinction between legitimate and illegitimate offspring, especially among noble families. After all, throughout history, many families and dynasties had been destroyed due to disputes over legitimacy.

For a family to prosper in the long term, it had to cut off such matters at the root. Wasn’t the Li Family a good example now? Those who had once envied Li Cheng for having a good son were now rejoicing. No matter how outstanding the son was, he only brought trouble.

Compared to the struggle for the throne in the court, what happened in the Left Prime Minister’s family was not that significant. After some officials lamented, they plunged back into the fierce struggle for power.

The change of power often involved some people rising while others fell. No one wanted to be among the fallen. During this time, they used all their tricks to avoid being on the losing side.

With the Emperor seriously ill and Li Shu not participating in the struggle for the throne, he unexpectedly found some rare moments of leisure.

After getting some information out of Concubine Luo, Qi Mingxuan brought the news to Doctor Lin, who had been treating Li Shu, and asked if Doctor Lin had any solutions.

This was the first time Doctor Lin had heard of such a thing, and he didn’t know what to do for a while. “I’ll have to go and see first.”

Concubine Luo was kept in solitary confinement. After a period of torture, she was mentally weakened. When she saw someone enter, she just sat there blankly, staring straight ahead, seemingly looking through space.

Doctor Lin carefully examined her pulse and used a special method to draw blood.

“How is it?”

After Doctor Lin finished, Qi Mingxuan asked.

“It’s indeed somewhat unusual. Oh, wait a moment. You two, stand aside. I’ll tidy up these things myself. Don’t mess things up for me.”

The two who were packing up immediately stopped their movements and stepped back. They were assistants Qi Mingxuan had brought over to help Doctor Lin. This matter was of great importance, and the fewer people who knew about it, the better. It was inconvenient to bring Doctor Lin’s other apprentices over.

As he was packing up, Doctor Lin said, “This woman does indeed have some issues. What she said is highly likely to be true. Before the results come out, I’ll trouble Your Highness to keep an eye on her.”

“Your Highness, don’t worry too much. As long as the mother body is alive, this poison can still be partially cured. When I go back and study it, even if I can’t completely cure it, as long as this woman is alive, I can ensure the safety of Li Shu.”

“Thank you, Doctor Lin.” Qi Mingxuan raised both hands and bowed to the old man.

“How can Your Highness show such a grand gesture?” Doctor Lin quickly reciprocated, “Rest assured, Your Highness, Zi Shu grew up under this old man’s care. With all my lifelong knowledge, I will resolve these hidden dangers.”

Wasn’t it a huge hidden danger that one’s life unilaterally depends on another person? That woman was so much older than Li Shu; even if she lived to a ripe old age, she would surely die before Li Shu.

During that long period, there were too many uncertainties inside, and when it came to Li Shu, Qi Mingxuan couldn’t afford any “what ifs.”

After dealing with this matter, Doctor Lin went to the Li mansion.

Qinghe personally welcomed him, casting a few more glances at the two unfamiliar men behind Doctor Lin.

The delicate eyebrows slightly furrowed; no matter how you looked at these two men, they didn’t seem like ordinary medicine boys. Why did Doctor Lin bring such people here?

It wasn’t that Qinghe doubted Doctor Lin, she wouldn’t doubt Doctor Lin. Over these many years, if it weren’t for Doctor Lin’s careful care, her master wouldn’t have grown up safely in the Left Prime Minister’s residence. But the two unfamiliar men might not be the same. Qinghe lowered her eyes, feeling a bit wary.

“Master, Doctor Lin is here.” Qinghe lightly knocked on the study door.

“Come in.” A lazy voice came from inside the room.

“The humble servant pays respects to Master Li.”

“Greetings, Master Li.”

The two men behind Doctor Lin followed suit in bowing.

‘Huh?’ Li Shu looked up and glanced behind Doctor Lin, chuckling softly, “No need for excessive courtesy. Why did Doctor Lin come to my house today, and with…”

Hearing Li Shu’s unfinished words, Doctor Lin stroked his beard and smiled, “I’m worried about Master Li’s health, so I took the time to come and check. How has Master Li been these days?”

Doctor Lin wouldn’t come here without a reason. Judging from the situation, he was probably here to “seek justice”.

“Qinghe, you first take these two young masters down and treat them well. Don’t let anyone approach this place.” Li Shu instructed.

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