After Mistakenly Binding The Matchmaker System

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Seeing this scene, 1314 was nearly driven mad. It didn’t know what went wrong when entering the small world, but it couldn’t directly contact the host. Normally, it wouldn’t be this anxious, but wasn’t the situation urgent now?

As soon as they entered the small world, 1314 noticed that something was off. Now, with the problems had increased. Not to mention that the contact between it and the host was severed, the host looked off. Taking a closer look at the current situation, 1314 felt like passing out.

It might need a quick heart-saving pill!

The person who was about to do something improper to the host in this world was the male protagonist. 1314 was worried about the host’s integrity and at the same time, it was worried about what would happen if the male protagonist succeeded and the host woke up in a fit of anger. He might directly kill the male protagonist!

Just thinking about this scenario made 1314 shudder.

Unwilling to give up, it sent another message to the host, and naturally didn’t receive a response. It was like a faint consciousness in this small world, unable to do anything but worry.

It was really a desperate situation.

The two on the bed were oblivious to 1314’s despair. The man kept his head lowered, carefully examining the person beneath him.

He was a young man, with fair skin and delicate features. His hair was dyed a light chestnut color, making him look even younger. His gaze swept across the face, eventually settling on those slightly widened eyes.

These were a pair of extremely beautiful eyes, clear and innocent, diminishing the seductive charm of the peach blossom eyes. At this moment, the owner of these eyes was staring blankly at him, with his reflection filling those eyes, as if his world was filled with nothing but him.

Suddenly, the anger in the man’s heart began to dissipate, and the dissatisfaction of being plotted gradually disappeared, replaced by a growing interest.

Although he didn’t know this person’s identity, it didn’t matter. Since he had voluntarily come to him, he would graciously accept.

Seeing that a mosaic was about to appear in front of him, 1314 spun around anxiously, desperately calling the host’s name. If the host didn’t wake up soon, it would see a murder scene tomorrow.

Li Shu completely woke up in confusion. The first thing he heard was 1314’s cries. He blinked, realized his situation, and fell silent.

He stretched out a hand to stop the man’s actions. He looked thin and weak, so the man didn’t think he had the strength to push him away. With a light smile, he looked up and said in an unclear tone, “You were so obedient just now. What’s wrong now, baby?”

The man’s voice was deep and hoarse, especially when he said “baby”, the last sound was drawn out and lingering, it inexplicably had an affectionate and seductive flavor.

The man had almost lost his rationality due to arousal, and didn’t realize that the confusion in the person beneath him had long disappeared, leaving only a chill.

[Host, calm down! Calm down! This is the male protagonist!] Having finally contacted the host before things completely got out of control, 1314 was overjoyed. Seeing the host’s wrong expression, it quickly explained, [The male protagonist didn’t mean it. He was drugged by someone. Host, please don’t act impulsively.]

Li Shu paused for a moment, then looked up at the man. The man’s breath was unstable, his eyes were red, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his muscles were tensed. He clearly looked like he was enduring to the extreme.

[What’s going on?] Li Shu asked.

[It’s the setting of this world,] 1314 felt the need to explain. [I don’t know what happened, but it seems we entered the wrong time point…]

1314 was also frustrated. This was the first time it encountered such a situation, and now the entire system was confused.

1314 wasn’t making excuses for the male protagonist, the male protagonist had indeed been drugged before. Enduring for so long without getting to the point was all thanks to his strong willpower.

With his patience reaching its limit, the man leaned forward to get to the point but was stopped by a soft hand on his shoulder. He grabbed the slender wrist and said in a coaxing tone, “Give it to me, baby, be good.”

Li Shu had a weird look on his face. He had never been called “baby” before.

Early the next morning.

Li Shu leaned against the head of the bed, his eyes half closed. 1314 kept apologizing in his mind. It didn’t expect yesterday’s unexpected event. After being confined in the “dark room” all night, now the whole system was in confusion.

To protect the host’s privacy, when the host is engaged in certain private activities, all the scenes before the system will turn into a mosaic, commonly known as “a small dark room”. Therefore, 1314 was clear about what happened last night.

Moreover, there were too many traces left on the host’s body, making it impossible to pretend not to have seen them.

1314 was actually very confused. It finally woke up the host last night. It expected him to prevent anything from happening and had been waiting for the host to deal with the male protagonist before talking to him about the situation in this world. But who would have thought that he would not let it wait long before getting thrown into the “dark room.”

How could this happen? The male protagonist from the previous world was so careful, circling around the host like a big wolf dog every day. It rarely even entered the “dark room”. How come this time…

Could it be that the host liked this world’s male protagonist? And went straight to the point?

But looking at the host’s current appearance, it didn’t seem like it. Shaking its head to dispel all sorts of unrealistic thoughts from its mind, 1314 cautiously called out:


It wanted to ask the host what to do in the current situation, but was afraid that such a question would hit the host’s sore spot, and then both it and the male protagonist would be in trouble.

Li Shu didn’t respond to 1314. He was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment. Soreness and numbness lingered incessantly, coupled with the effects of the drug he took last night.

He didn’t know who drugged the original owner. Perhaps it was to prevent the original owner from waking up halfway and resisting, ruining the plan of the person behind the scenes. The drug was heavy, far beyond the tolerance of an ordinary person. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been affected when he just entered this body last night.

1314 wanted to ask the host if he wanted to understand the plot of this world. Just as it was about to speak, the door of the bathroom suddenly opened, and a man in a black bathrobe walked out with residual moisture.

The man was tall and slender, with sword shaped eyebrows, sharp facial features and eyes like cold stars. He had just taken a shower. He had just the right amount of muscles on his body and was strong and powerful. Li Shu had experienced this firsthand last night.


The man’s voice was low and magnetic, tinged with satisfaction. He looked at the young man who leaning on the bed and chuckled softly.

He threw the towel in his hand aside and took a few steps to the bed, bending down and touching the young man’s smooth face.

The young man’s skin was soft and delicate, and it felt like touching the finest silk, as if it was a magnet that made his hand unwilling to leave.

He was very satisfied with last night’s experience, so satisfied that he didn’t want to investigate those who plotted against him. If it weren’t for those people, he might not have met the young man.

Embracing the young man was like embracing the world he had lost, filling the empty space in his heart instantly. He sighed and wondered whether the satisfaction came from his body or his soul.

He would definitely not let go of the young man who could give him such a wonderful feeling. No matter who sent the young man, for what his purpose was in getting close to him, since he became his person, he should never think of escaping from him for the rest of his life.

The exposed shoulder was covered with scattered marks. The man’s gaze lingered on them for a moment. Those were the marks he left last night. His gaze then moved downward and was blocked by the quilt. The man knew that compared to outside, the marks inside were only more, not less.

He remembered the wonderful taste of last night, and the man’s eyes slightly darkened. He reached out and gently lifted the young man’s chin, completely exposing that beautiful face in his sight.

Describing this face as beautiful was not inappropriate at all. Last night, he was confused and vaguely remembered that the person lying under him was a very good looking young man. It wasn’t until this morning that he had the opportunity to carefully examine this face.

With his current status, he had seen countless beauties and had encounters with those who offered themselves, but he lacked interest in all of them. However, the young man in front of him was different. He couldn’t say why, but no one had ever given him the same feeling as the young man.

To him, the young man was different.

Since that was the case, keeping the young man by his side was a foregone conclusion.

The man had already begun to consider what conditions he could use to keep the young man.

“What’s your name?”

The man’s hand had already slipped under the covers, lowering his head to kiss the young man.

Only to be blocked by a fair and slender hand, and the kiss landed on the palm.

He raised his eyes, only to find the young man looking at him coldly.

The man was stunned, and his eyes narrowed slightly. “What, you’re not willing now? You weren’t like this last night.”

“Let go.”

Li Shu’s voice lacked any emotion and didn’t have any fluctuation, but it was as chilling as ice, freezing the heart.

“You’re telling me to let go?” The man asked in a cold tone. The expression on his face became gloomy, the air pressure around him dropped, as if a storm was brewing. If anyone else were in front of him at this moment, they would wisely shut their mouths and not dare to say another word of dissent.

Unfortunately, the person in front of him was Li Shu.

“I said, let go.”

He repeated, and the man couldn’t contain his anger. He had never been so defiantly opposed before. Rage surged from the depths of his heart and he spoke without restraint:

“What if I refuse to let go? Not only will I not let go, but I also want to keep you by my side forever…”

As he spoke, the man’s fiery gaze swept over the young man one by one, as if he wanted to devour him whole.

“What do you want, just ask. I will satisfy it as long as I can. Whatever those people promised you, I can double it for you. I won’t pursue what you did, as long as you stay obediently by my side.”

The man deliberately emphasized the last sentence, staring at the young man without blinking. He thought his words would move the young man, but unexpectedly, the young man’s expression remained unchanged.

“Tell me, what’s your name?” Suppressing the sudden panic rising in his heart, the man leaned down, bringing his face close to the young man’s and rubbed against him intimately.

“Li Shu.”

“Li Shu, Li Shu.” The man murmured the name, feeling that the name was particularly familiar, as if he had heard it somewhere.

Where was it?

He frowned and thought for a while, but to no avail, he set it aside. Looking at the gentle young man lying beneath him, he turned his head and kissed his cheek.

Li Shu closed his eyes. He hadn’t recovered his strength yet and was unable to do anything. He couldn’t figure out how he had ended up in this situation. Feeling a bit dizzy, he reached out and rubbed his head.

1314 watched in horror. The male protagonist of this world was too bold. Once was not enough, and he wanted to do it again?! Did he want to die quickly?

But why wasn’t the host resisting? Did the host really like this “if you disagree, just do it” type? 1314 was full of doubts but didn’t dare to ask a single word.

Did Li Shu not want to resist? How could that be possible? It’s just that he was still weak now, unable to exert any force, and he didn’t know when the effect of the drug on him would wear off. He was waiting, waiting for his strength to slowly recover, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

“Isn’t this nice?” The young man’s attitude greatly pleased the man. The corners of the man’s lips curled up, and the frown between his brows smoothed out. The displeasure of being disobeyed gradually disappeared , and he slowly smiled.

He really liked the young man and wanted to keep him by his side. Such a person who suited him should stay by his side, right?

The man was used to having his way, and his status meant he didn’t need to accommodate to others in his life. What he wanted, someone would go to great lengths to get it for him. Just as with material things, so it was with people.

The man was not in a hurry, but he didn’t expect Li Shu to suddenly exert force, flipping him over and pressing him down.

With their positions reversed, Li Shu sat on the man’s waist, looking down at the man from above.

The man had an extremely outstanding face, with sharp features and narrow eyes. The man’s pupils were extremely dark, the whites and blacks of his eyes distinct. His eyelashes were curved and trembling slightly, like butterflies fluttering against each other.

As expected of the favored son of destiny, every aspect of the man’s body reflected the favor of the world’s consciousness towards him.

Li Shu silently looked at the man, and the man also silently looked at him.

1314 was wailing in his mind: [Host, this is the male protagonist, if he dies, we will also be punished. Host, please think twice before acting, think about the rewards after completing the mission, think about the person you’re looking for. Host, please control yourself…]

1314 exhausted all its vocabulary to bombard Li Shu’s mind. Seeing that it had no intention of stopping, Li Shu had to speak up: [Shut up.]

[I’ll shut up,] 1314 covered its mouth, [I’ll shut up, but host, the male protagonist, he…]

[I know, I won’t do anything to him.] Li Shu assured it helplessly, and his anger diminished a lot after 1314’s fuss.

Lowering his head, he saw the man staring blankly at him, as if he had lost his mind. If it weren’t for something showing it’s presence somewhere, he would have doubted whether the man had suddenly been frightened silly.

Of course, the man hadn’t gone crazy. He was just stunned. With the young man looking down at him, alluring in his features, yet cold in his gaze, he felt like a fierce beast willingly captured by its captor, and the young man was that hunter who subdued him.

He looked at him with obsession in his eyes.

Every move and action of this person was a silent temptation to him. He didn’t know where this feeling came from but strangely, he didn’t feel repulsed by it.

[Host! Host! Host! Calm down! You must stay calm!] 1314 shouted desperately. This world was already on the brink of collapse. If the male protagonist died and caused the small world to collapse, the blame would fall on the host’s shoulders. Destroying a world was a serious offense.

[I know.] Li Shu sighed helplessly. He didn’t really intend to do anything to the male protagonist of this world, he was just annoyed at being treated like this. If it weren’t for the special circumstances last night, how could he have let the male protagonist go ahead?

He patted the male protagonist’s face, leaned close to his ear, and threatened in a low voice, “What happened last night was an accident. In the future, don’t provoke me.”

“Also, I don’t know who those people you mentioned are, and I don’t want your things either. Remember to stay away from me in the future, otherwise, I don’t know if what just happened will happen again.”

Li Shu had no intention of getting entangled with the male protagonist of the world again. He had originally planned to keep his distance from the male protagonist in this world, but who would have thought that such an accident would happen as soon as he arrived?

“Impossible!” The man suddenly grabbed Li Shu’s hand. Li Shu was caught off guard and pulled back to the bed. Soon, he was restrained in the man’s embrace.

The man’s eyes became even redder as he repeated, “Impossible!”

“You’re not allowed to leave me!”

It’s impossible to let you leave, impossible for our lives to have no connection in the future.

“Isn’t it better to stay obediently by my side? Why do you want to leave? I can give you anything you want, as long as you stay obediently by my side.” The man held Li Shu tightly in his arms, murmuring softly.

His eyes were filled with cruelty and destruction. If the young man really wanted to leave, he could only break his wings, create an exquisite cage, and lock him by his side forever.

“I originally wanted you to rest today, but since you still have the strength to resist…”

1314 really admired of the male protagonist in this world. He could repeatedly cause the host to fail. It decided not to worry about this side anymore and took the opportunity to organize the chaotic plot of this world. It would talk to the host later.

Li Shu was awakened by a ringing phone. He tried to sit up, but found himself unable to move. He was firmly trapped in the man’s embrace. The man’s head was on his shoulder, his steady breath brushing against the skin on his back.

The phone kept ringing. Li Shu received the memories of the original owner and knew that it was the original owner’s phone ringing.

He broke free from the man’s arm wrapped around his waist, but before he could get out of bed, the man pulled him back, and a low, pleasant voice came from behind his ear:

“Where do you want to go?”

Li Shu almost lost his temper and replied in a low voice: “The phone is ringing.”

The effects of the drug on him had worn off, but he strongly suspected that the man was still affected by the drugs on him, because there was still something hot pressing against him from behind.

“Let go of me, I’ll get the phone.” His voice was hoarse and dry.

“No, you’re not allowed to go anywhere.” The man said as he rubbed against Li Shu’s body.

Li Shu endured it for a while, but couldn’t hold it anymore. He kicked the man off the bed, then sat up holding the blanket, and said coldly, “Are you done?”

Obviously, he never expected to be kicked off the bed one day. The man sat blankly on the ground, with a look of confusion on his face. When he heard the young man’s question, he instinctively wanted to say “not yet,” but he held back.

He always felt that answering would lead to a very miserable end. He had already suffered a lot. Even now, his back still hurt. To be honest, his situation was no better than the young man’s. The difference was that the marks on his body were deliberately inflicted by the young man.

The young man looked like such a fragile person, but he really wasn’t weak at all.

Li Shu endured the discomfort and got out of bed, rummaging through a pile of messy clothes to find his phone and answered it.

“Li Shu, do you think your wings are so strong? I fought for last night’s wine party with great difficulty, but you actually stood everyone up and made people wait for you all night in vain. That’s not all, you didn’t come back all night. Where did you go?” A familiar roar came from the other end of the phone as soon as it was connected.

Li Shu held the phone to his ear and slowly put on his clothes without saying a word.

“You’re not speaking? Let me tell you, Li Shu, who do you think you are? What do you think this entertainment industry is? This time you stood up President Zhao, fortunately President Zhao is generous and won’t hold you accountable. Hurry up and come back, apologize to President Zhao with me tonight. Do you hear me?”

“Um, I got it.” Ignoring the man’s scolding on the other end of the phone, Li Shu hung up indifferently and threw it aside.

The caller was the original owner’s agent. This agent was not very capable, and all the resources in his hand were obtained by pimping out his artists. The original owner refused to sell himself and was not treated well by the agent. However, he was good-looking. Even in the entertainment industry where there were many beauties, he could crush several people with his appearance alone. Such a “good seedling” was something the original owner’s agent had always refused to let go of.

This time, the agent coaxed the original owner into going to a wine party. Before going, he made various promises to the original owner, saying that they would only eat and drink, and nothing else.

The original owner never expected that all this was actually a trap against him. His agent had already negotiated the price with the other party beforehand and sold him.

Unable to succeed once, they even wanted to sell a second time. Li Shu lowered his eyes, suppressing the sharpness in his eyes.

“Who made my little baby unhappy, huh?”

The warm breath accompanied the man’s voice as it spilled into Li Shu’s ear. Li Shu was thinking about the original owner’s affairs and didn’t even notice when the man stood behind him.

“Tell me, I’ll help you teach him a lesson, okay?” The man’s voice was gentle, but his eyes hid a hint of coldness, aimed at the person who had angered Li Shu on the other end of the phone.

Li Shu pushed away the man who had taken the opportunity to bite his neck and said indifferently, “I should go back.”

“I’ll take you.”

Li Shu lived in a company arranged dormitory. Before he could enter, he was stopped by Song Guxin, who happened to be here to do something.

Song Guxin was the original owner’s agent. He was slightly fat, wearing a pair of black-framed glasses, and dressed in a suit and leather shoes, looking quite respectable.

He first stood in front of Li Shu, looked him up and down for a while before clicking his tongue lightly.

“Li Shu, where have you been messing around? Just look at yourself, why are you still pretending to be lofty.”

No wonder Song Guxin would say that. The marks on Li Shu’s body were too obvious. Anyone with eyes could see what had happened to him, just look at his neck, the battle was quite intense.

“I’m like this now, all thanks to someone. I think Brother Song should be very clear about it.” Li Shu replied casually.

This struck a nerve with Song Guxin. “Li Shu, you explain clearly, what do you mean by ‘I should be very clear’? I warn you, if you mess with me, I’ll make sure you can’t take a single step in this entertainment circle!”

“Who are you saying won’t be able to take a step in this entertainment circle?” A man in a long black windbreaker strode over, stretched out his long arm and pulled Li Shu into his embrace. “I want to see who dares to touch my person?”

“It’s a misunderstanding, President Mo, it’s all a misunderstanding.”

‘If I had known earlier that Li Shu was yours, how could I dare to touch him!’

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