After the Full-Level Boss Entered the Infinite Game By Mistake

Chapter 10.2 - Bride of the River God

Chapter 10.2 - Bride of the River God

Almost all the clothes hanging in the wardrobe were women’s clothes. There were cheongsams and long skirts, all made of good fabrics, and only a little to the right were two buttoned mandarin jackets and men’s long robes.

The wardrobe was presumably moth-proof as, after thirty years, the clothes had retained their good shape and color.

At the bottom of the wardrobe were two cheongsams stacked randomly.

Bai Lixin picked up one of the cheongsams. He looked at it and saw some stains at the bottom.

The three other players finally cleared the dust in their eyes.

The skinny man’s eyes lit up at the sight of the arrangement inside, “Wow, boss, this table, chairs, and jewelry are worth a lot of money! We’ll be rich if we get one out!”

Blacksmith, “The game points are the money! Even if you take these jewels out, they won’t be worth a penny. And don’t you even care about taking dead people’s things? It’s unlucky!”

Bai Lixin stepped out of the bedroom and turned to the other rooms.

Probably because the place was not always occupied, the other room was a guest room, and the remaining rooms were empty and not furnished.

Bai Lixin went around to the back yard. There were three rooms at the back of the yard: a kitchen, a utility room, and an unused room.

The kitchen was crawling with cobwebs and there was some mildew at the bottom of the pots and pans.

There were several shelves with scattered miscellaneous items in the utility room and a wooden barrel on the far side of the shelf.

Bai Lixin walked slowly through the room, bending over to take in every detail.

Dijia, who was standing on high, looked down at what was before him, the curiosity and greed in his eyes hidden in the air.

The wide sacrificial robes were simply not enough to completely wrap the young man’s body. At his high position, Dijia could see the white back of the neck hidden under the robe when he lowered his head slightly.

He had been here for countless years. The winter snows melted and the spring buds sprouted. As time went by, he had seen many wonderful things and met many of these otherworldly visitors, but none had caught his eye like the youth before him.

He watched indifferently as those people fled in a hurry and looked down from on high as they died in despair. Their faces always had a fear and trepidation of the unknown.

Only this young man was a little different.

He looked like a wiry mountain elf when being chased by the red spiders.

He looked weak and delicate, but he was able to play the red spiders that were several times stronger than him.

Sweat dripped from Bai Lixin’s forehead, and he took advantage of the drop of sweat to land on the corner of the youth’s lips.

The blazing temperature and the beating heart, every bit of it tickled his sanity. It made him want to take the youth for himself and integrate it into his blood and bones.

So much so that he did not push the young man away when he saw him get into the hot spring where he usually lived. He instead helped clean his entire body, hunted a red spider for him, and spread its fur for the young man to rest on.

Bai Lixin bent slightly, and a wide expanse of honey was faintly discernible.

The water on his neck suddenly churned twice, slowly stretching out into two streams of water.

The soft streams of water turned into sharp needles when they met the clothes and went straight through them, tightening the wide neckline and hiding the points with honey color within.

Then Dijia, in the air, tilted his head to the sky and narrowed his eyes slightly.

No one is allowed to snoop on his collection.

Bai Lixin searched the utility room and soon saw a slightly wider gap in the floor where the sundries were hidden.

When the three players came to the room, they happened to see Bai Lixin open a hidden passage.

In the live broadcast room.

[Damn, what’s with this shot? I almost saw Bai Lixin’s collarbone.]

[These sacrificial robes look quite elegant and wide, but I didn’t expect them to be so private.]

[I admit I just *LSP’d.]

*Focusing on the sexy side of things.*

[I didn’t expect that the blacksmith had some brains. No wonder he is treated like a boss.]

[He’s a bit, but God Shen is very big. Can you compare?]

[Big? What’s big?]


[How did the car suddenly speed up?]

[That…it was a joke. Anyway, he has found another hidden passage.]

[First tell me about this secret passage, old player.]

[I don’t know anymore, we didn’t reach this point… it was already time when we got the clue to 70% from the village head’s mouth.]

Huang Mao walked at the end of the dark secret passage, while the thin man walked at the beginning.

The Blacksmith was second, and Bai Lixin came third.

As the thin man walked slowly with a torch in hand, the blacksmith looked back at Bai Lixin.

The dim light shone distinctly on Bai Lixin’s face, making his already handsome face even more delicate and moving.

The deer in the blacksmith’s heart bumped against it several times, and he gulped hard in his throat.

“That… Bai Lixin, are you scared? You can hide in my arms if you are.”

The slightly frivolous voice was amplified several times in the empty stone pathway, and Huang Mao laughed.

Bai Lixin’s expression was indifferent and he ignored him.

The blacksmith thought he had him.

“Bai Lixin, don’t be shameless. With such a seductive face, you still don’t know what you used to do before? Why are you pretending?”

“A beauty like you must always put on pretty clothes and lay down…”

A loud whipping sound resounded throughout the tunnel.

The blacksmith covered his head and exclaimed, “Bai Lixin, how dare you hit me?!”

Bai Lixin held up his hands to show his innocence, “I didn’t, my hands have been down.”

Huang Mao, behind Bai Lixin, suddenly gulped, “Boss. I saw it clearly; Bai Lixin really didn’t make a move.”

The blacksmith’s face suddenly changed, and his eyes looked around in horror.

Suddenly, there was another loud sound.

This time it was a slap across the blacksmith’s face.

The blacksmith’s face went pale, not knowing whether it was from the blow or the shock.

Just as he was looking around warily, a sneer suddenly reached his ears, “Heh!”

The voice was husky and sinister, different from the other three in the passage.

The blacksmith’s hair stood up as he suddenly snatched the skinny man’s torch and ran forward while frantically screaming, “Ghost, ghost!”


Five more loud whipping sounds resounded through the secret passage.

The thin man and Huang Mao only felt their faces being whipped and then their faces burning with pain.

But as far as they could see, there was nothing but air in the dim, dark passage.

The two men looked at each other and followed the blacksmith in running away and screaming.

“Shit, there’s a real ghost! Run!”

In the darkness, fireflies lit up around Bai Lixin.

If one looked closely, one would see that they were tiny droplets of water, each one tinged with a bit of fluorescence, wrapping Bai Lixin’s surroundings in a hazy white light.

It was just enough to illuminate Bai Lixin’s immediate vision, yet not enough to be captured by night vision.

Dijia, “Do you see the stupid look of that bunch of mole crickets fleeing in a hurry?”

Bai Lixin replied in a thin, mosquito-like voice, “Yes, and then what?”

Dijia, “Don’t you have anything to say?”

Like, thank you or something?

Bai Lixin, “Oh… no.”

Dijia, “….”

Because of the light Dijia provided, Bai Lixin was able to walk fast in the dark passage. He strode through the tunnel, and he saw the end within a few minutes.

The three frightened and foolish men were pushing hard against the wooden board above their heads. It was as if there was something against it. They were sweating profusely as they pushed with all their strength, and their eyes kept wandering around.

Bai Lixin reached out and placed his hand on the board. With a slight push, the board revealed a glimmer of light.

Huang Mao, “Boss, the door is open!”

Blacksmith, “Well done, but not quite. You two need to use more force!”

Bai Lixin lifted his other hand and placed it on the wooden board, pushing it as hard as he could until it was pushed all the way open.

The blacksmith laughed happily, “Push it open, brothers, let’s get out of this hell…”

An object rolled off the board and landed in front of him, and a pale face suddenly fell in front of the blacksmith.

The eyes were tightly closed, the face was tangled up with pain, and the skin was a ghastly white and bloodless.

It was an old acquaintance of the blacksmith.

The female player who died from a fever.


The three men were so frightened that their souls flew away. Their eyes rolled white and they simply passed out.

Bai Lixin remained, supporting the wooden board alone. He looked at the body and pushed it away, stepping on the three unconscious men and climbing.

The passage was just under the bed of the female player’s corpse. The corpse bed was a little heavy, which was why they couldn’t push it open before.

Bai Lixin placed the female player on the other unused bed, his gaze thoughtful.

It was surprising that there was a secret passage connecting Huang Youcheng’s utility room to Sang Bao’er’s home.

The room was mostly filled with white corpses. The bodies of several players who had died earlier were parked here, their gnawed and torn skin meticulously sewn up, and the parts lacking flesh were filled with grass and stuffed into their clothes as if the carcasses were still there.

Bai Lixin walked around the morgue, pushed the door and went out. In the courtyard, Grandma Sang was leaning in a rocking chair and basking in the sun. She was sewing a lady’s red cloth with her dry, waxy hands while her mouth was chanting.

“Bao’er, Ah-Ma will sew you the best looking wedding dress to ensure you are the most beautiful bride.”

“My Bao’er, why are you so miserable?”

“Bao’er, for the sake of great justice, you have suffered.”

Bai Lixin slowly walked behind Grandma Sang, “How exactly did Bao’er die?”

Grandma Sang’s needle dug into her flesh.

Like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, the nimble little old lady rolled over and stood up from her rocking chair, staring up at Bai Lixin in shock.

“You…You, where did you come from?!”

“Are you planning to scare me, a damned old woman, to death?!”

Bai Lixin looked at the strange old woman in front of him. She was pale, and her facial skin was hanging on her bones; the whites of her eyes were almost gone.


Be reasonable. Shouldn’t you scare me?

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